Written by Amelia Quint

Moon Void of Course Times

Saturday, December 3, 5:16 am, Moon void in Capricorn

Saturday, December 3, 2:44 pm, Moon enters Aquarius

Monday, December 5, 6:23 am, Moon void in Aquarius

Monday, December 5, 11:31 pm, Moon enters Pisces

Wednesday, December 7, 9:05 am, Moon void in Pisces

Thursday, December 8, 5:16 am, Moon enters Aries

An illustration of lightening from planet Venus

An illustration of lightening from planet Venus

Moon Phase: Waxing

Under the waxing moon, work magick that grows and increases. Venusian magick, like glamour and money drawing, is especially potent now.

During these signs, the following Venus-inspired spells work most effectively:

Capricorn- money drawing, Attraction

Aquarius- healing, Clarity

Pisces- glamour, Come to Me

Aries- lodestone (magnet), Fire of Love

Photo by Bri Luna//The Haitian Tarot Deck featuring: The Empress, The Star, The 5 of Swords

Photo by Bri Luna//The Haitian Tarot Deck featuring: The Empress, The Star, The 5 of Swords

Venus in Aquarius in the Tarot

Venus in Aquarius corresponds to the Five of Swords. Most representations of this card show three figures, one of which is leaving the scene of a battle with an armful of swords and a smug look, the other two dejected and walking away towards uncertain weather. I like to call this the “tainted love” card. This card appears to alert you to dishonesty: In the pursuit of victory, either someone has been dishonest with you, or you haven’t told the whole truth to someone else.

When you look at Venus and Aquarius separately in the tarot, a path to healing begins to form. Venus is symbolized by The Empress, and Aquarius by the Star. Both represent nourishment: The Empress provides physical and emotional sustenance, while The Star pours out intellectual and spiritual refreshment.

All together, Venus in Aquarius represents a difficult experience that can open you up to healing you didn’t even know you needed. Details for how your sign can integrate that trauma are in the horoscopes below.


You’re not self-centered, you’re just clear on what you need out of life. That philosophy serves you well, especially on Wednesday, when the love goddess, Venus, slides into your eleventh house of groups. Venus in Aquarius is a double-edged sword: On one hand, you don’t want to become so emotionally detached that you can’t relate to people you want to get to know. On the other, keeping a level head comes in handy when you’re the darling of your social circle. Make sure people are who they say they are before letting them into your inner sanctum.


When it comes to guarding your territory, you dig in your heels, but could you benefit from a more aloof approach to securing your reputation? On Wednesday, the love goddess (and your ruling planet), Venus, slips into Aquarius, your tenth house of fame, giving your no-chill sign an air of cool as it relates to your career and public persona. Don’t loosen your grip too much and lose sight of the business practices that got you to where you are, but know that projecting less avaricious looks good on you. Transmit like the starseed you are, and you’ll be good to go.


You feel most alive when you’re chasing down your fantasies, but is there such a thing as too much adventure? You’ll know on Wednesday, when Venus dances into your ninth house of personal exploration. It’s exhilarating to have the love goddess lavishing you with attention in places you never knew existed, but Aquarius excels at the art of playing hard to get, or at the very least, being the observer. Survey the situation from an aerial viewpoint before you move forward, and once all the information is in place, stay curious.


Your sign feels things more strongly than most people do, but eventually, it gets exhausting. On Wednesday, Venus makes herself at home in Aquarius, your eighth house of boundaries, helping you restore any depleted energy reserves you’ve lost to drama, emotional entanglements, and complicated business arrangements. In the meantime, channel Aquarius and adopt a nonchalant attitude towards people who would attempt to rile you up. As winter approaches, picture yourself as a bear going into hibernation. Be slow and steady, warm and relaxed.


Leo gets a bad reputation for vanity, but it’s only because you want your performance to be top-notch. On Wednesday, Venus enters Aquarius, your seventh house of partnerships, shifting the focus onto your life’s supporting cast. There’s two ways this can play out: First, you detach from your own wants and needs to be closer to the people around you. Second, you stay neutral as your lovers, colleagues, and rivals finally show their hand. Don’t give into fits of passion in the name of artistic inspiration. The icier you can be, the better this will go.


Your service-oriented sign will go to the ends of the earth for others, but this week, you show yourself the same devotion. On Wednesday, Venus enters Aquarius, your sixth house of health and habits, reminding you that in order to achieve your full potential for intellectual athleticism, you must take care of yourself. Balance your base chakra with red food, stones, and clothing, while drawing on the Aquarian ability to plan ahead for months, years, even decades at a time. If there was to be a problem here, it would be hypochondria. Don’t use Doctor Google!


As a cerebral air sign ruled by Venus, your romantic options are limited only by your ability to imagine them. On Wednesday, when Venus enters Aquarius, your fifth house of pleasure, a little fantasy could be exactly what you need to lift your spirits. On the other hand, don’t let your ideal situation get so lofty that it’ll never be fulfilled. Your sign embodies the elevated, unavailable cool that admirers can’t resist, but what’s the point in having admirers if you can’t make a connection? For best results, visualize what you want, and let the cosmos do the rest.


The thing about being a Scorpio is that you’re never not digging. This Wednesday, Venus enters Aquarius, your fourth house of origins, tempting you to put the shovel down and live above ground for a while. You’d do well to accept her invitation. There’s only so much psyche excavation you can do before the sediment and debris starts to cloud your vision. Let the dust settle and allow your vision to clear. That’s where Venus in Aquarius really excels. After your short sabbatical, you’ll know more about the roots of your problems than you did when you left.


Sagittarius people are true citizens of the world and want to believe that every person they meet is a kindred spirit. It’s a pleasant notion, but the truth of the matter is that you won’t like everyone you meet, and not all people have your best interest at heart. On Wednesday, the love goddess, Venus enters Aquarius, your third house of community, to show you places where you can truly belong. The third house is also communication, and with Aquarius in play, don’t take anything too personally. The more logical you can be, the better this goes.


For a sign as supposedly traditional as yours, you thrive when you’re pursuing entrepreneurial ideas with a rebellious spirit. This is especially so on Wednesday, when the love goddess, Venus enters Aquarius, your wealth-building house. Lucrative ideas strike like lightning, and you’ll want to act on them as soon as you can, before Mercury retrograde begins in a couple weeks. Apply your sign’s sensible approach to your plan, you’ll be good to go. If there was to be a problem, it would be people trying to get in on your ventures without offering anything in return. Shut them down.


When the love goddess, Venus, enters your sign on Wednesday, she exposes your best and worst qualities for what they really are. Your natural insouciance, your distant sex appeal, your hyper-intelligent ideas, and cosmic soul are all magnified by a rose-colored lens, causing existing fans and followers to swoon even more than usual. Still, your biting sarcasm and ability to detach emotionally (and not in a good way) come out as defense mechanisms when things don’t go your way. If you feel yourself falling into one of those patterns, see if you can flip it into something more positive.


When the love goddess, Venus, enters Aquarius on Wednesday, she’ll take up residence in your twelfth house of secrets. The twelfth house corresponds to your sign, so this is familiar territory! With Venus here, two things always come to mind. The first is a clandestine romance, perhaps not an affair, but one that must be hidden away for some reason. Yes, it’s mentally stimulating, but Venus in Aquarius asks, “Is it worth it?” The second is sex magick, which can be done alone or with a partner. Again, you must choose your intention wisely.

New Moon In Scorpio~ October 30th, 2016

The Moon's transit through Scorpio on Halloween weekend  is a time of death and rebirth (not necessarily physical death) but certainly of.Intensity, extremes, and heightened sensitivity. Learn more about how you can connect to and work with this potent New Moon tonight! Read More...

The Hoodwitch: Weekly Horoscopes ~ October 28th, 2016

Astrology By Amelia Quint


Moon Void of Course Times
October 27, 9:51 AM Moon enters Libra
October 29, 6:09 AM Moon void in Libra
October 29, 10:01 PM Moon enters Scorpio
October 31, 6:09 AM Moon void in Scorpio
November 1, 10:43 AM Moon enters Sagittarius
November 3, 6:35 AM Moon void in Sagittarius
November 3, 11:05 PM Moon enters Capricorn


Moon Phase: New Moon

Under the new moon, work magick to grow, heal, and create. The Scorpio new moon will intensify your connection to the spirit world, So  Samhain rituals will be intense! Be careful what you wish for: attraction spells are powerful now!

During these signs, work magick around the following:
Scorpio- sexuality, investments, rebirth
Sagittarius- law, studies, wisdom
Capricorn- business, ambition, order


As an Aries, you adore straightforwardness―but not everything in life is that linear, especially when spirits get involved. Under the Scorpio new moon on Sunday night, you may begin to feel as someone is reading your thoughts, or watching your every move. Lady Luna will be on Mercury, supporting this sympatico vibe. She’ll also be in sync with Neptune in your spirituality zone, throwing a veil of mystery over the situation. It’s Samhain, so know that this feeling runs deep. Trust your instincts and don’t try to make sense of it.



Under Sunday night’s Scorpio new moon, expect things with a lover, business partner, or dear friend deathly serious. What I mean by that is that you may have an encounter that brings you close to a past life you shared together, or a thread in the fabric that’s tying you two together in this life. Lady Luna on Mercury sends a clear message about the purpose of your current incarnation. She’s also in sync with Neptune in your friendship sector, elevating the love between you to cosmic levels. If it sounds spooky, did you expect anything less from a new moon on Halloween?



Sometimes taking care of yourself, day by day, can be an act of spiritual service to your soul. The Scorpio new moon on Sunday night falls in your sixth house of self-care, where your daily habits and personal rituals dwell. If you’ve been feeling drained, this is an invitation from the heavens to start over. Lady Luna and Mercury will be entwined, so you may want to write your way out of this one (as is your sign’s custom). A sync to Neptune in your worldly wisdom sector opens up a portal between you and your most admired icons. Create an ancestor altar for them and see what happens.


Everyone else might think this weekend is unnecessarily macabre, but not you, Cancer. As Sunday night’s Scorpio new moon dances through your house of play, it’s time for you to party. You don’t have to turn up if that’s not your style―in fact, a sync from Neptune says that ingesting too many mind-altering substances might get weirder than you anticipated―but you should let yourself out of your shell. Should you need any more motivation, whatever diversion you choose will be potent inspiration for any creative projects you have in process.


Whatever inner ghosts and past hurts may be haunting you, this weekend will banish them once and for all. Sunday night’s Scorpio new moon lands at the base of your chart, where your deepest emotions reside. It’s like hitting the celestial reset button on your psyche. Lady Luna will be on Mercury, so expect a powerful message about this deep cleanse. She’ll also be in sync with Neptune in your transformation sector, so you’ll want to give yourself space for the waves of compassion to roll in and out. After this, you’ll be a new person. What will you do next?


Do you believe in fate, Virgo? Something very much like it is at work this weekend, working to bring you and a kindred spirit together for an important purpose. On Sunday night, the Scorpio new moon lands in your siblings zone, which can also extend to friends who feel more like family. It’s in sync to Neptune in your partnership sector, activating a soul mate connection between you and someone you’re in close proximity with, be it a lover or acquaintance. Have you met long before this? You decide. Mercury and Lady Luna conspire to send you a message that answers that question clearly.


They say “Money is the root of all evil,” but what are you to do when it’s a necessary one, Libra? Your diplomatic sign is forced to reckon with money, power, and value under the Scorpio new moon on Sunday night. Lady Luna will be on Mercury, implying that you’ll need all your strategic wiles to work this out in your favor. A sync to Neptune in your wellbeing zone means you’ll need to tend to your spiritual health before moving ahead on any major moves. This is Samhain, after all, so call on your deities, spirit guides, guardian angels, and ancestors for help.


It’s your personal new year, Scorpio! On Sunday night, the new moon in your sign lines up with Mercury to give you a message about what magick the next year holds. The question is: how will you use it? Lady Luna will be in sync to Neptune, your house of progeny―of blood or spirit. This year, consider what gifts you want to leave behind for the world when you join the ancestors on the other side. Yes, biological children are one option, but so are artistic creations, businesses, political legacies, and so many more. You stand at the crossroads, a powerful liminal space. Soak it in, Scorpio.


Your lighthearted sign may be feeling worn out from all this darkness, Sagittarius. First, Saturn in your sign since last September gave you a major reality check. Now the sun and Mercury in your shadow sector are shining a bright spotlight on your inner self, giving you the tea on where you need healing. Luckily, this Sunday night’s new moon in Scorpio is exactly what the witch ordered. It’s in sync with Neptune at the base of your chart, so you may feel as if you’re floating in an isolation tank. Enjoy being buoyed by the cosmos, even if just for a moment, and know the universe has your back.


As a Capricorn, you’re meant to lead, but who will follow? You can be an isolationist at times, but on Sunday night, the Scorpio new moon in your associations sector reveals a group where your soul can finally feel at home. Lady Luna will conspire with Mercury to give you silver-tongued wit with which to charm your new compatriots, and a sync from Neptune in your communication sector seals the deal. In fact, this group may be one that centers around writing, creativity, or technology. A new class or workshop could introduce you to people to which you’re psychically linked.


Forget Halloween’s dark and spooky connotations. This is your moment in the spotlight! Sunday night’s Scorpio new moon lands at the top of your chart, prompting you to make serious power moves in your career, whether you realize it or not. Lady Luna and Mercury will flirt with one another, giving you the perfect words, messages, and body language to see your plan through. Lady Luna will also be in sync with Neptune in your secrets zone, so what happens on Samhain doesn’t have to go anywhere else―the spirits know how to keep silent. Have fun, stay safe, and know your moon will be memorable.


If it told you this was a perfect time to study, would you be mad? Hear me out. Scorpio is your ninth house of worldly wisdom, including writing, philosophy, religions, and occult studies. Because this Sunday’s new moon in mysterious Scorpio falls on Samhain, there’s really no better moment to start a proper year-and-a-day commitment to magickal practice, or start exploring witchcraft for the first time. Lady Luna will be on Mercury―the zodiac’s eternal student―and in sync with Neptune in your sign, for added spiritual oomph. What you start now will resonate for years to come.





New Moon In Leo 2016

"More radiant than the Sun,

Purer than the snow,

Subtler than the ether,

Is the Self.

The Spirit within my heart.

I am that self.

That self am I."- Alice Bailey

With the new moon in Leo comes some dramatic happenings especially concerning emotions and being the center of attention. This is a moon of exuberance, vitality, and the best time to successfully work out issues with people who are in authoritative positions of power. Now is the time to take the direct approach and assert yourself. It is high drama with this moon, as she is going to step out onto the stage to entertain us once again. You may be tempted to act out the “drama queen” aspect of yourself, or you may simply just want to be romantic. Either way, this is a time of vital energy, affection, and again romance. A fiery Lion extravaganza! “Everybody is a star” and everyone will be recognized for his/her particular Goddess within.

You will want to spend money during this moon transit as it’s a bit hard to recognize limits when the moon is in Leo. This is also a time for power issues to ERUPT! Who will be the center of attention? Ambition + leadership can become very important issues as we are all well aware that Leo has great pride, which can become extremely evident right now. As our moon moves to Virgo, the ambitious energy of Leo will become unassuming. Try enjoying the warmth of kindness and generosity, excitement and exuberance with parties and celebrations. Renew & invigorate yourself this New moon.

Sun oil

Our beloved moon falls into the fiery sign of Leo, and Leo knows all about confidence so be ready to be the center of attention with this amazing "sun oil" potion.  Use this oil to bring out all of the benefits of the sun. This oil will have you feeling invigorated, powerful, sexy, and ready to take center stage!


  • 4 drops essential oil of Frankincense
  • 4 drops essential oil of Myrrh
  • 1 drop Essential oil of Chamomile
  • 1 Essential oil of cardamon

Add the oils to a full bath just prior to entering. *If you do not have a bath tub, you may use these oils blended into your favorite carrier oil (grape-seed, jojoba) and worn as a body oil, or infused with salts to make an invigorating scrub.

Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this New Moon article please share below or shop now>