WITCHTIPS & HOROSCOPES ~ 11.21-27.2018

“Illuminated” by Victoria Siemer

“Illuminated” by Victoria Siemer

Written By Jessica Lanyadoo

This week promises to be intense. Emotions are running high, and the restlessness that comes with fire and air is nothing short of combustible.

The Moon is Full at 0 Gemini on the 22nd at 9:39pmPST, and the Sun enters Sagittarius on the same day, marking an emo entry into Sagittarius Season. This may hasten a time of conflicts, as feelings are running high and mouths running faster.

Be careful not to speak every thought that comes into your head. Some things are better expressed when you’re not so activated. That said, in the words of Fox Mulder, the truth is out there, and this transit is likely to bring it to surface.

Be willing to change your mind, ask questions, and learn. If you’ve been holding back on being honest with loved ones, this is likely to be a really hard time to keep up charades. Because Jupiter, Mercury Retrograde, and the Sun are all in Sagittarius, the chances that you put your foot in your mouth (or that someone else is ungracefully blunt) are high. On the downside, this Mercury Retrograde can make miscommunications a serious risk, while on the upside, you may finally get something off your chest that has needed to be said for a long time.


On the 25th the Sun and Jupiter will meet in the sky, and on the 26th Mercury will retrograde into a square with Mars. These overlapping transits will bring up irritability, impatience, and the potential for arrogance, soapboxing, and conflict. Instead of getting involved in ego battles, have a strong enough sense of self to know that differences don’t always amount to right and wrong. Manage your reactions so that you can be intentional with your responses, and choose your battles wisely. On the 27th we’ll have three transits: Mars forms a stabilizing sextile to Saturn, Mercury will conjunct Jupiter, and the Sun will conjunct Mercury. This is the perfect recipe for taking things too personally, jumping to conclusions (and then running with them), and forming opinions that are hard to break.  The best approach to take to your relationships is one of investigation instead of instigation. Strive to understand yourself, speak your truth, and let others do the same.


It’s important to note that this week’s Full Moon is happening during Thanksgiving in the USA, a deeply problematic holiday that has its roots in violence, colonialism, and genocide, but that we celebrate as a time of gratitude. Thanksgiving always happens during Sagittarius Season, and Sagittarius is the sign of both truth and of propaganda. The propaganda that we've been fed is one of breaking bread and mutually beneficial agreements, but that was not true then and is still not true. Gratitude is beautiful and is an invaluable tool for healing, but so is listening to true stories and working toward reparations for systemic injustices. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, please consider doing these three things:

  • Listen and learn. Educate yourself, and support Native Americans by uplifting Indigenous voices.

  • From NonProfitAF: "Find out whose land you are on, and honor it. Remember that every inch of the US land was acquired illegally so that’s the deficit that organizations need to understand as they begin working with tribal people and entities.” If you don’t know whose land you are occupying, here’s an awesome map where you can enter in your city in the US or Canada and it’ll tell you, along with links so you can learn more about the Nations or tribes whose land you are on."

  • Donate to organizations like www.iitc.org an organization of Indigenous Peoples from North, Central, South America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific, who work for human rights, environmental health, treaties and food sovereignty.


March 21-April 19

The role that fear plays in your life is an important one to manage. When you’re not sure of where things are going, you can get controlling or pushy, but do either really serve you? Have faith in yourself Aries. You don’t need to have everything go your way – you only need to believe in your capacity to cope. Reconnect with your fire, your strength, and take stock of how far you’ve come. Don’t fight your inner demons; accept, love, and thereby heal them this week.



April 20-May 20

Letting go is not easy to do, especially when you’re unsure of yourself. This week will kick up something intense that you’ve been putting off dealing with, Taurus. Instead of getting distracted by the narrative, try to focus on acceptance. All you need to do is accept your situation; if you can do that, you can determine what you need in order to move on in the best possible way. Don’t let the sads stop you from taking care of business, my love.



May 21-June 21

You don’t get to know when or how, but you must believe, Twin Star. This week you have the chance to do things differently, to train your mind in more productive directions, and to lean on your healthiest habits. Or not. You have agency, and that doesn’t mean it’s easy, but it is all yours. Don’t let fear of failure stop you from striving to be whole. Don’t let the parts you don’t yet understand compel you to believe that you never will understand. Keep trying.



June 22-July 22

You can make great progress this week, but trust me when I say this: less is more, Moonchild. It’s time to move the needle on some very stuck personal dynamics – either with other people or yourself (or both). The trick is to go deep and subtle instead of surface and dramatic. If you try to change too much too quickly you’re likely to regress into some demoralizing patterns. Practice embodying your healthiest boundaries, my love.



July 23-Aug. 22

Don’t fight yourself, Leo. When you are obsessive or punishing in your thoughts, you end up skewing your perspective on everything. Strive to take authority over where you allow your thoughts to linger this week. When you find that your focus is on something that's harmful, try to make the decision to flip the script. You are potentially going to have to cope with some difficult emotional content, and as much as that sucks, it’s how you respond that’s important. Do your best.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Reason has its place and its value, but sometimes your emotions creep in. When they do, they're better dealt with a tender hand than a sharp tongue. This week’s full moon is going to pull up all kinds of feelings, and if you try to contain or control them, you’re likely to have an outburst rather than experiencing the peace you’re after. Get grounded, Virgo. Find ways of contributing to your situation that take into account what you can emotionally handle.




Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Selfish is only a bad thing when you’re taking something that doesn’t belong to you. You're allowed to be in disagreement with others, to see things from your own vantage point, and to come to your own conclusions. When people want you to see the world the same way they do and to come to the same conclusions as them, that’s a reflection of them – not on you or the situation at hand. Strive to be comfortable with differences of opinion this week, sweet Libra.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

This week – as the saying goes – you’ll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. You can push and pull at others all you want, but it won’t get you as far as letting them do what they’re going to do, how they’re going to do it, Scorpio. Allow others to reveal themselves to you, and allow yourself the space and time to emotionally process what you’re being shown. The path to independence isn’t greater control of others; it’s controlling yourself.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

When you’re emotionally exhausted, you need to subtract stressors before you add solutions. Create space in your week to unplug, ‘Tarius. Lock yourself in a room for a couple of hours without your phone, without your work, with just your feelings. Maybe take a nap! The point is that you need repose to help you pursue correct action. When it’s go-go-go, you end up running over or past really important things.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The more you struggle, the worse it’ll be, Capricorn. You are not in control, you’re not the boss, and it’s not all up to you. People have their own paths, and it’s not your job to manage or manipulate any step of any other adult's path. Instead of justifying why you're entitled to your reactions, pay attention to them, and be interested in what they reveal to you about yourself. You have a right to all of your feelings; what you’re gonna do with them is what’s important.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The middle is not a static place; it’s a space the pendulum swings through as much as one where it stops. The extreme parts of your nature are demanding, but are they helpful? As they shift, so does the space in which you can be comfortably moderate. Be wary of all-or-nothing thinking this Full Moon week, as emotions are likely to be running high. You don’t need to water down your truth, but you don’t need to use it as a spray hose either, Aquarius.




Feb. 19-March 20

This isn’t the time for stoicism, Pisces. Fear is a great instructor, but this week it’s likely to be teaching you how to relate to it in a healthy way. You are not alone. Whether you want to reach out to people, cats, God, or the ocean, this week it’s your job to connect to the love that is all around you. You have resources available to you, but you have to lift your head to look around and see the help before you can accept it, my love.



Witch Tips


Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

This week marks a meaningful changing of the guards. On the 15th Mars enters into the sign of Pisces in a dynamic move, bolstered by a sextile from Uranus. This makes it an excellent time to consider your boundaries. When it's done with authenticity, how you express yourself is a vulnerable act. This transit of Mars is a reminder to embody that vulnerability – not as a weakness but an asset that allows you to have greater empathy for yourself and others. This can mark a time of spiritual progress, creative advancement, and a bit of slowing down in material gains. Be interested in what shifts for you now, as Pisces can provoke confusion and distraction if you’re not careful. On the 16th Venus stops it’s retrograde motion, and Mercury takes up the torch (for more on Venus Retrograde listen to episodes 14 and 20 of Ghost of a Podcast).

This Mercury Retrograde transit will only last until December 6th, but what it lacks in length, it makes up for in brain fog. When it comes to retrogrades, the rule is review, reassess, and realign. Look at your attitudes, beliefs, and even your relationships. Venus and Mercury are both related to relationships. Venus governs the sensual, romantic, and creative elements of them, while Mercury is all about texting, talking, and the platonic side of connection. It’s wise to take stock of that platonic part of your world through this transit, but not to the exclusion of your other plans. We’re likely to see lots of miscommunications and similar annoyances, so do your due diligence and double check your work, reiterate what you understand, and make room for inevitable misunderstandings. Stay rooted in what you can do based on what you know now.


Finally, on the 19th Mars will form an irritating square to expansive Jupiter. These two planets are likely to kick up some drama (and even fighting) if you're not careful, as both of their energies can induce entitlement. Beware of your self-absorption, and strive to afford others the same liberties that you feel you deserve. If people are especially annoying to you around this transit, it’s wise to take the high road. Keep an expansive view of your situation so that you don’t end up fighting someone down from their own perspective. 


Your way is not the only way, dear one. Your truth is not the only truth. With the shift of Jupiter into Sagittarius, and now Mars in Pisces, we run the risk of confusing our heartfelt beliefs with gospel. This is an excellent time for growth, but don’t let it be at another’s expense. Instead of losing energy on disagreements, advance your agenda by supporting the people, causes, and projects that you believe in. Use your power to promote what you love, and leave what you hate to itself, my love.



March 21-April 19

When you’re frustrated, it's time to either get still or get cracking. Make sure that your action is paired with wisdom this week, Aries. If you react impulsively to your strongest feels, you may not take the time to properly understand what they’re trying to tell you. Yes, this is a good time for change, but not just any change. Do the work to remember what you want, and pair that self-knowledge with action. Make improvements, not distractions, my love.



April 20-May 20

Not knowing what comes next is unnerving, but it’s not evidence of things getting worse. Instead of indulging your fears with catastrophizing thoughts, try to keep yourself in the here and now. You can put one foot in front of the other, so just do that. Tend to the small things, and you’ll get to where you need to be in the big picture by-and-by. That change is in the air is irrefutable, but that’s all that’s certain. How you respond to it is a matter of free will, Taurus.



May 21-June 21

Anxiety is not instruction, and it’s not intuition – it's just fear. Find new ways to position yourself to old worries. You are growing, and that means it’s time to outgrow some habits that have long been ineffective. This week, the things that aren’t working in your routines, attitudes, or lifestyle are going to feel uncomfortable to you. Tend to your feels with patience, and seek simple solutions to even the most complicated of problems, Twin Star.



June 22-July 22

You can’t know what’s going on for others, and as important as that information is, it shouldn’t be the benchmark of how you determine your own wellness. This week will test your ability to manage your self-care independently of your relationships. Strive to honor your feels without constantly checking in with others for validation. Your experience is yours alone. Take stock of where you’re at, and take responsibility for how you respond to your life, Moonchild.



July 23-Aug. 22

Instead of obsessing over all the details and working yourself into frenzy, it’s time for a little acceptance. If you can start where you’re at – no matter how or why you got here – you can start to unpack, reorganize, and manage it, Leo. This week is an excellent time to establish your boundaries, but if you attempt to do this before you determine what they are, you’ll just enact the psychological equivalent of shoving all your dirty clothes under the bed. Create meaningful changes, my love.




Aug. 23-Sept. 22

It’s on you to exercise your freedoms, Virgo. Stop waiting for someone to give you permission to be where you’re at and to do what you feel called to do. It’s time for you to act from a place of empowerment and self-reference. It’s wise to pair your own drives with the needs of the people around you so that you don’t kick up opposition to your plans. Just don’t confuse acting in concert with others with allowing them to write and direct the music for you.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your fears are justified, but that doesn’t make them useful. This week will deliver opportunities to be brave, dear Libra. Find ways you can show up, goals that motivate you, and things you can be grateful for. There's no way of knowing what comes next, but you can manage your feels in the here and now with grace and intention. In doing so, you're preparing for tomorrow by getting right with yourself today.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Letting go is hard work; it requires you to lean into uncertainty, stay present with your feels, and resist the urge to move to the next playing field. Instead of pushing beyond what you’re ready for, take a moment to tend to yourself, Scorpio. This week will bring up a lot of intense feels, and the best thing to do is be here for it. You don’t need to be anyone but yourself, and you don’t need to do anything but your best, my love.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

If you allow anxiety to drive you, you’re likely to get into power struggles that are not about what they seem to be. Instead of seeking power, seek the truth. Instead of seeking answers, seek the nuance. You are capable of achieving real clarity this week, but it won’t come by pushing your agenda. Listen to what’s being said and what isn’t being said, ‘Tarius. Pay attention to what people’s actions communicate, and take stock of what your own behavior implies this week.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You don’t have to resonate with the stress around you, Capricorn. You don’t have to take on the pain of others in order to show them your support. Use your powers of discernment wisely this week. You can too easily abandon yourself in efforts to get along. That won’t do you much good, and it ultimately won't help you invest in other people. You shouldn’t make yourself smaller in order to get love and support. Be here for the complexity that is an inevitable part of your relationships.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

It’s time for some serious reflection, Aquarius. What you care about, how you move forward, and why you do whatever comes next are all very revealing about you. If you find that your actions aren’t reflective of your true values, it’s time for a serious change. You don’t need to be able to see the future in order to prepare for it, my friend. Get present, get honest, and get organized. You're on your way up, and you need only make self-appropriate choices from here.




Feb. 19-March 20

Letting go can be downright terrifying. It’s hard to know what you can rely on when you aren’t confident in yourself. This week Mars moves into your sign, making this the perfect time to work on your relationship to your own self-worth. Your ego should be strong enough to refer back to and use in uncertain situations, but it shouldn't be so big that it has you thinking your experience is more important or relevant than anyone else’s. Seek balance within yourself, sweet Pisces.








 Written by Jessica Lanyadoo 


On the 7th there is a powerful New Moon in Scorpio that delivers deep healing potential. This New Moon brings with it a powerful intensity that can shine new light on old problems or simply bring something to the surface that you’ve been avoiding. Don’t shy away from intensity; it’s exactly what you need to feel in order to heal. New Moons happen when the Moon and Sun meet in the sky at the exact same degree, and they happen once per year in each sign. When it comes to the Moon, the only way out is in, so stay with whatever comes up for you this week instead of trying to explain it away or ignore it. Scorpio is a deeply emotional sign. Expect to be confronted with feels that you’ve had shame around or on topics that are somewhat taboo. It’s good to look at your shadow, even if it feels bad. Your shadow is a part of you, and only by accepting and owning it can you transform it. That’s exactly what this lunar shift is here to help you do.

Be willing to use your feelings as information. Here are some questions to explore, as honestly as you can. Now is the time to heal your wounds.

New Moon Homework:

- What have I been avoiding?

- What people, situations, or attitudes am I holding on to that I know aren’t working?

- What am I willing to release in efforts to be more whole?

- Where have I held others or myself to excessively harsh standards?

- Can I give myself permission to make mistakes? Furthermore, can I commit to a living amends?

As Jupiter, the planet of luck and benevolence leaves Scorpio on the 7th and enters Sagittarius, we have the potential to let go of some of the pain that the past year has unearthed. Beginnings and endings are irrevocably linked up with each other. The healing that Jupiter provokes tends to be quick, but it may not be thorough.

Jupiter is in its native placement in Sagittarius, and it’s here for the first time in twelve years. This shift is a powerful one. It opens the door to strangers, it opens minds, and it yields an increased potential for understanding others, especially those who have cross-cultural experiences. This transit will last about a year, and it marks a time of increased growth. The only trouble is that not all things should grow. The downside of this energy is that it can compel you to jump to conclusions, to sacrifice common sense to your impulses, and to err on the side of extremes. While this can help us to better understand each other, it can also lead to cross-gendered mansplaining, aka soapboxing. If you’re in a rush to convince others of your views, you may not be doing a great job of listening. This is a period where we can find new ways of communicating and learn a ton, but this will require listening at least as much as you speak. If you feel called to teach or travel over the next year, it’s likely to be an expansive experience.  We are moving into a time when you get to rewrite your story. If you do this at the expense of the truth, justice, or fairness, you will find that you are restless and hungry. You are not better than anyone else, and you are not worse. When your version of the truth justifies cruelty or condemnation of others, you’ve veered off a dangerous edge. We still have the heavy hitters of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus, so it’s not sunshine and rainbows quite yet, my friends. Beware of the pitfalls of extremism; if your version of utopia is at the expense of other people’s wellness, then that vision is at the expense of both the collective and your own Soul. Confront your shadow with kindness. Shine light into the darkness, and don’t recoil from what you see. Embrace yourself so that you may heal, and then use the resiliency of your own healing as a resource that you can share with others. Good intentions, thoughts, and prayers are only the first in the many steps needed from each and every one of us.



March 21-April 19

You can find your best self, inner peace, or the path forward, but it won’t happen by avoiding your stresses or by overwhelming yourself to the point of paralysis. It’s time to take stock of the big picture: look at your goals, and look at how far you’ve come. Don’t be in such a rush to fill in the details that you do so before you're clear about your modus operandi. Believe it or not, you can put some things down now in order to more effectively deal with them later.


April 20-May 20

You’ve got all of the tools you need to get up and make it happen, but right now that’s not the best course forward. This week’s New Moon in your relationship house is a great opportunity to slow down and get grounded, Taurus. Things are changing, and it won’t do you well to have knee-jerk reactions. Take the time you need to consider your past. Commit to learning from your experiences rather than dooming yourself to repeat them, dear Taurus.


May 21-June 21

When things slow down is when you start to stress out. Don’t confuse the space in which to create infrastructure with being stuck. Sometimes the movement in your life is meant to be internal, and sometimes it’s about productivity and action. Slow down and regroup this week, Twin Star. Realign your plans with your circumstances. Be willing to make carefully considered changes based on the information that you have now, my love.


June 22-July 22

This week’s New Moon is likely to put you right in your element, sweet Moonchild. Show up emotionally for yourself and the people in your life. Allow the wisdom of your heart, including all that you’ve learned and lost, to inspire you to hold space for others and for yourself. You’re in a unique position to honor your feels and to support others too. Align yourself with the generosity of spirit that helps you to not only have peace within yourself but to also generate it in the world around you.


July 23-Aug. 22

Letting go is hard work, even when that letting go is absolutely the right thing to do. This week is likely to kick up some seriously sad feels, but that doesn’t mean that they’re bad feels or an indication that you’re off track. Don’t confuse what you’re feeling with a green light or a red light. Your feelings are a response to your situation right now in tandem with the baggage you came here with. Be patient and kind as you work through them, Leo.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You don’t need to know what’s coming next in order to be safe. This week you’re likely to feel your control issues are triggered. Instead of taking those feelings at face value, try to investigate them. Why do you want control? And truly – of what? Dig deeper into your reactions so that you don’t end up relocating messes instead of cleaning them up. Even better, try not creating them in the first place. Change yourself before you go trying to change others, Virgo.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Embrace what you have with both arms, Libra. This week, the power of gratitude will help buoy you along. Take pains to appreciate the air you breathe, the food that nourishes you, and all the other little things that are so easy to take for granted. Finding balance isn’t like finding the perfect pair of jeans. It isn’t waiting somewhere for you; you have to make it happen. Counterbalance the tough stuff by paying greater mind to the abundance in your life.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The New Moon in your sign on the 7th marks a powerful shift for you, Scorpio. This can be a time when you feel overwhelmed and shut down, or you rise to the occasion by using the tools and inner resources at your disposal. Be your own best ally, my love. Show up for yourself, wherever you’re at, and put into practice your hard-earned wisdom, even if your feels would have you regress back into old habits. You’ve got this.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Don’t get so caught up looking around for excuses that you check out from the story as it unfolds. You are here now, and you have a part to play in the events of your life. Don’t forget why you’re in it, Sagittarius. Reconnect with your sense of purpose, and let that guide you – not being right, not rushing to the part where you understand the big picture. Get accustomed to uncertainty, and strive to pair it with faith and patience this week.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Your fears are likely to catch up with you this week if you’re not careful, my salty friend. Instead of losing yourself in a soup of what ifs, start with accepting where you’re at, including the parts that are yet unknown. You can only make plans based on the information you have, so start there. Don’t overwhelm yourself by taking on too much. Dont' try to cultivate a long-view when so many details are blocking your view. Do only what you can today, and handle tomorrow when it comes, Cappy.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The New Moon on the 7th may fill you with a sense of purpose, or it may highlight that you’ve strayed from having one. You may have to take a slow road forward, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t get there. Find strength in your vulnerability and a purpose that can propel you to whatever comes next. This week is bound to reveal something that you’ve been trying to avoid dealing with, and while it’s not fun, it was really a matter of time, Aquarius.


Feb. 19-March 20

You seriously need a break, Pisces. You are likely to have people around you with lots of demands this week, and it’s on you to articulate and honor your own limits. It’s not true generosity when you don’t give it with an open heart. Saying no to a person is not the same as denouncing them; give yourself the same latitude as you would offer to others. You get to do what works for you in a healthy way, even when it’s a bit complicated. Prioritize self-care, my love.

Happy New Moon In Scorpio 2018


Blurred Lines: Manifesting with the Scorpio New Moon


Written by  Lisa Stardust


The Scorpio New Moon, occurring November 7th, serves as a time to heighten sensations, allowing us to swim in the deepest depths of our souls imaginable, through the magical power of the orgasm. Tantric Magic can help us manifest our dreams through the flow of energy.

Scorpio is a transformative sign, with  a restorative vibe, which can allow people to heal and transform under its influence. Use this luminary to open your mind through Tantric Magic. Alchemical power is transformational. There’s no better way to elevate our magic and mind than through sexual experience, which according to Tantra is a heightened state of sacred-spiritual awareness, by opening up our heart, sacral, and crown chakras.

Let’s talk about sex, bb!

Sexual energy is the source of life and Tantra is a vehicle that may be used for cultivating and transforming it for personal, spiritual, sexual and non-sexual healing and growth.

Tantra allows us to clear our minds and rid our bodies of emotional pain, fear, shyness, and feelings of inadequacy. Tantra can help us liberate, “rewire,” develop, and learn to control our chakric energies, allowing us to open to heart-centered love and be the recipient of sexual healing. 

Tantra has the potential to transform and expand our perception of and relationship with ourselves, our lovers, and the universe. It opens the doorway for more self acceptance, love, connection with universal energy, and a broader, fuller, deeper experience of life. Being at one with our bodies and minds will help guide our intuition and clear your chakras, which allows us to be more connected to the spiritual plane, thus, heightening our magical powers.

Before we begin with the two Tantra exercises, think about your intention. Mediate for a few minutes on what you wish to bring into your life under this luminary. Also, think about what no longer serves your higher good. Once you have envisioned your desires, you can begin the techniques below. With your intention in mind, start these exercises. Then, when you are done, with your intention still present, you may pleasure yourself. Your orgasms will be bountiful, and you will have a pleasurable correlation between your body and New Moon intention, allowing you to achieve your goals.

These exercises serve as a way to detox the body by engaging the powerful sacral chakra, through the tingling sensations of an orgasm,  which will allow personal healing and transformation. This newfound clarity will purify the body. By achieving a clear mind, your inner vibration will rise, allowing your highest self to radiate in your magic.

Spinal Cord Breathing vitalizes the spine, increases flexibility, improves natural flow of cerebrospinal fluid, stimulates the adrenal and thymus glands and relaxes the back so you can sit more comfortably in prolonged meditation. This technique may be practiced standing with a straight spine or sitting with a comfortably straight spine in a hard, straight backed chair without leaning against the back of the chair.

- Exhale and relax.

- As you inhale, gently arch your lower back, tuck in your chin and bring your fists to your shoulders. Let your chest and ribcage spread open and as you push air out of your abdomen, retract your shoulders and fists, bring your shoulder blades together, press your neck back and gently clench your teeth.

- Exhale as you push and curl your lower back and head forward and arch your back like a cat as you bring your elbows forward, your forearms together, fists to your chest (fingers facing your chest) and try to touch your chin to your chest.

- Repeat 36 times.

Tongue Extenstion engages the respiratory, pelvic floor, and diaphragm. It oxygenates and strengthens the tongue.

- Exhale and compress your abdomen bringing your navel toward your spine.

- Exhale again, forcing out the residual air and thrust your tongue forward out of your mouth.

- Continue to hold your breath out and extend your tongue as much as possible to the left, up, right and down 6 times while rotating your eyes in tandem. Reverse direction. Be advised, you may feel your perineum located between the genitals and anus moving in tandem with your tongue.

- When your out of breath, inhale strongly. As air rushes in your body, it will also oxygenate and strengthen your tongue and tendons and promote strong energy flow up through the central channel.

*The Scorpio New Moon occurs November 7th at 8:02AM PST and 11:02AM EST.




Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Happy Halloween to everyone who celebrates! Feliz Día de los Muertos! To honor the dead is to honor life. Whatever you celebrate, this powerful time is a reminder to honor the Spirit world and those who have passed on – and to do so with respect, intention, and a loving heart.

On the 31st Venus retrograde will form an opposition to Uranus, setting the stage for social and romantic upsets and surprises. Around this date, try to have experiences with others for the sake of adventure and joy. The only thing you can count on under the influence of this event is that you can’t count on much. Relate to others without attachment, and if you can’t do that, be self-protective about how you relate at all. What you feel, learn, and even what you yearn for are all opportunities to better understand yourself. This is a moment that calls for you to investigate your values and whether or not your choices reflect them.


On the 5th the Sun will form a harmonious trine to idealistic Neptune. Pay close attention to your dreams around this date, and do something kind for others. This transit can increase your empathy or simply be a time for daydreaming. Do something that is bigger than you. Smile at a stranger. Take a play from the imitable Rachel Cargle and send $5-10 to a friend, and tell them how proud you are of them. Or, just get involved in something that you believe in and that will help the world at large.


Finally, on the 6th Uranus retrogrades back into Aries, where it will stay until March 2019. This is its last round in the sign of the individual and the perfect time to reflect on who you’re choosing to be. If you’re not living authentically, this can be a time of upsets as you have to feel the brunt of those compromises. Be weary of self-righteousness or defensive power plays; own your choices or change them up. You are entitled to act any kind of way, but you are not free from consequences. Freedom isn’t free; it comes with responsibility to yourself and to the larger world around you. You are free to bow out of society, ghost on your friends, or be a pushy jerk, but you’re not free from the impact that makes on others and thereby you.

Astrology teaches the interconnectedness of all people and things, as well as intentions. What you do, even in the private space of your own mind, is connected to your ancestors and to generations to come. When your individuality is expressed at the expense of the community, things tend to get complicated. Uranus governs rebellious, radical, and progressive energies, and Aries is a very me-first sign. Find your voice in the upheaval of the world, in efforts to make it a better place.


It’s election day in the USA on November 6th : VOTE VOTE VOTE! 🖤




March 21-April 19

The reality is that you’re scared, and that fear doesn’t breed productivity or inspiration. Find your light, Aries. Instead of fixating on how much is in front of you, look up and concentrate on your calling or ability to do something about it. Align yourself with a motivating factor, and stay lit up by it. If you must act, direct your efforts toward creating something of value instead of running in circles. Strive to make a difference, this week.



April 20-May 20

Things are changing pretty quickly this week, and while it’s not bad, we all know you don’t love change. You may be overwhelmed by uncertainty, but don’t assume the worst, dear Taurus. You have the tools and resources to make the most of the situation you find yourself in, but it’s on you to remember to use them. Make choices that reflect your truth, not your scarcity issues; don’t let upsets inspire you to miss out on opportunity, my love.



May 21-June 21

If you allow yourself to act out of impulse, you’re unlikely to like what you get. Instead of rushing change, tolerate the feelings that come up for you about where you’re at and what it’ll cost you to get where you wanna be, Twin Star. This week will present you with all kinds of choices, and the only thing that’s for sure is that you have to change. Determining what is or isn't an improvement requires sitting with things. Whether or not you commit to doing that is up to you.



June 22-July 22

There’s a bigger picture that you can’t see just yet, but it’s out there, Moonchild. You may find yourself getting caught up in power struggles or having to make concessions that you’d really rather not have to make. Don’t worry so much. If you’re acting in concert with your values and beliefs, you may not love what happens in the short term, but you’ll be pointing yourself in the right direction for the long-term. Believe in yourself, my love.



July 23-Aug. 22

If you don’t have to fight, don’t do it, Leo. there’s chaotic energy all around you, and if you match it with your own intense energies, you’ll only add fuel to the fire. This week is going to test your ability to stand your ground when you’d rather pop off. It'll be well worth your effort. Let others reveal themselves to you, and really listen to what their actions say about who they truly are. Don’t be in such a rush to direct things that you miss out on the basics.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

If you’ve been running yourself ragged, this week it’s time to reign it in, Virgo. When you’re over-stimulated, you tend to react with more criticism and less clarity, so remember to breathe, dear one. You need to make some clear-headed decisions now, and you'll find that other’s are invested in what you do – for better or for worse. Clarify what you need so that you can determine the difference between a good opportunity on paper versus a good opportunity for you.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

When the people around you are going through it, it can be hard to know how to best show up. Embody empathy instead of pity, compassion instead of servitude. This week will test your ability to show up in a way that helps. This may require that you put your judgments or your needs to the side for a minute. Give only what you can in a healthy way, Libra. Show up authentically, and know that just the act of being there is often what’s truly needed.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

There’s no rush, dear Scorpio. So much is changing within and around you that you may be feeling restless and eager to shake things up. Be weary of the impulses that tell you it’s now or never, or that it's your way or no way at all. Compromise isn’t a weakening of your position. When it’s done with integrity, it’s a testament to your strength. Find approaches that support you and the world around you this week.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You can do it all, but you can’t do it all at once, Sagittarius. This week your enthusiasm and your energy level are not quite on par with each other. It’s OK to have vision and inspiration and to also pace yourself in how you execute your plans. It’s hard to know how to pace yourself; go to slow and that feels like a risk, and if you move too fast, you’ll feel overwhelmed - either way you have risk. What’s most important now is that you’re clear, not that you're there first, my love.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

It’s fantastic to be driven by a sense of purpose, but inevitably, on any path uncertainty is something you must deal with. Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater, Capricorn. This week may find you wrestling with curve balls or simply questioning yourself. Stay true to your sense of self, and if you don’t know quite what that means, take a step back from being so industrious and investigate it. Getting right with yourself isn’t a detour; it’s a shortcut.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Growth and change, even when they yield improvements, are upsetting as they destabilize the status quo in your life. This week is likely to shake things up, and though it may be a bit uncomfortable, it’s absolutely not bad, Aquarius. Make it your goal to better understand your resistance to change. Some of the feels that are coming up for you may not make perfect sense in your situation, and that’s OK. Sometimes you need to go through it to get to it, my love.




Feb. 19-March 20

There’s a fine lie between being busy and feeling like you’re drowning in it. Look at your commitments, and be honest about what you’re actually locked into, and where there’s flexibility. There needs to be a reshuffling of your day-to-day life, and that’s much harder to do when you're overwhelmed. You have a right to determine your limits and manage your time; it’s your job to exercise it, dear Pisces.








Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

We are living through a time in which we will either be transformed by acts of kindness, empathy, and unity, or we will succumb to the worst elements of society: fear, blame, and punishment. The transit of both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn (until mid 2020) marks a turning point in humanity, and here’s a consistent component to every downturn in human history: fear. Fear of others, fear of survival, fear of judgment, and fear of difference. The only pragmatic way to battle this is by working together for a common goal, to commit to embodying our humanity, especially when scared or triggered. When we feel down, we can get stuck in paralysis, or worse, it can transform us into petty tyrants who feel entitled to everything because nothing feels good.

Don’t be that person. Don’t sink to the lowest level. If life is a game of rock, paper, scissors, rock doesn’t beat rock. In other words, cruelty doesn’t beat cruelty. Judgment doesn’t beat judgment.

 Venus is still Retrograde (October 5th-November 16th, 2018), and this means we're at a particular stage in our journey where we’re meant to look at our values, women’s rights and place in society, money, gender, and of course, love.

This week we move into the sultriest season of the year – Scorpio season! On the 23rd, the Sun moves into Scorpio and instantly forms an opposition to explosive Uranus. This means that you can expect the unexpected around this date and that the energy you experience around this date will inform what’s to come this Scorpio Season. You may feel a tension between what you want and what you possess, or you may have a conflict between the various things you're willing to do for your desires. This transit brings about excitement, distraction, and innovation, and it heightens your restlessness and impulses. If you’re prone to irritability, you may feel extra annoyed, and if so, you’re probably bumping up against limitations. This is a good time to explore the concept of freedom in your life and to make the space to be true to yourself – at least in your thinking.

When we unpack all of the details, the planets' placements distill down to this: it’s time to practice kindness in your thinking, words, and actions. Notice when you’re being a jerk to yourself by minimizing or dramatizing your situation (they’re pretty much heads/tails of the same problem). Understand that your relationship to yourself is the foundation upon which you build everything and all that you do. Be patient as you learn new things about yourself, the world, and your role in it. This is the time to take responsibility for what you obsess on and to strive to keep it constructive.

When you feel anxious, gratitude is the key. It aligns you with what you have, and the attention you affix to your abundance is what makes your life more bountiful. This allows you to be generous with yourself and others, to actively support the world around you in small or big ways.


Don’t recoil from discomfort; it’s a teacher that you have much to learn from. Your life is so deeply valuable, and you make a difference. Treat the present like the gift that it is. Honor it today, try again tomorrow, and repeat.


March 21-April 19

The role that fear plays in your life is really important, sweet Aries. Find ways of respecting your fears without indulging them and making them worse this week. Allow space for what you don’t know to unfold, and try to parse out what feels bad from what is actually bad for you. Here’s some homework for you: ask for help when you need it, take breaks to check in with yourself, and no catastrophizing! Strive to manage your feels with patience and strength.



April 20-May 20

When you’ve accepted too much mixed input, it can lead you to feel confused, demoralized, and unsure of what to do with yourself. This week calls for patience, Taurus. It’s unclear what’s coming for you, and you may even be forming a new understanding of past events. When the past and the future are both out of your hands, all you have is the present. Put all of your self-care tools to work, and strive to do your best in the here and now, my love.



May 21-June 21

The ego needs balance. When you feel good about yourself, it’s easier to be clear about your aims, to direct yourself in a way that works, and even to be responsive to the world around you. When you feel utterly down on yourself, you can get stuck in inactivity, or worse, act out of integrity because of how bad you feel. Seek balance so that you don’t find yourself needing to work off an ego hangover. Transform that ego into a friend you can rely on this week.



June 22-July 22

Make it your mission to find evidence of your own strength, Moonchild. You are a force to be reckoned with! This week it’s time to stop comparing yourself to others, to where you want to be, or to where you once were, and it's time to embrace the person that you are in the here and now. It’s only by embracing this moment and your place in it that you can determine which are the healthiest boundaries. This will in turn free you up to do what you’re meant to do.



July 23-Aug. 22

When you can’t figure things out, it’s often a sign to slow down. The path to growth and expansion sometimes involves retraction. In order to have the life you want to live, you have to first strive to become the person you want to be. This week is about that striving. Don’t look so far outside of yourself that you miss out on the most simple and impactful source of change – you. Gather your strength, and with it will come your sense of purpose, Leo.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Open up and let go, Virgo. There’s no stopping progress, and that’s as it should be, even if it doesn’t feel like it. This week will challenge you to become the person that you want to be, but the weight and stories of the past will try to keep you as you were. Be sincere, Virgo. Even if things move slower or in a more circuitous way than you’d prefer, this is the time to be present and to focus on your efforts and not fixate on the outcome.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

When you hurt or your heart is heavy, it’s easy to lash out, shut down, or generally be out of sorts in how you relate to yourself and others. This week your job is to practice kindness and empathy. Go beyond the surface of your situation, and embody the openness and support that you believe everyone deserves to be afforded. You need to let go of something, but you don’t need to do it today. Be patient with your process, Libra.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

There’s no way to grow without outgrowing some things, Scorpio. As you expand into the person you mean to be, there are inevitably people, attitudes, and attachments that you will have to shed. This week is likely to bring you the chance to put into practice some wisdom you’ve earned, but it may come at some personal cost. Do what’s right, even when it’s scary, my love. You can’t lose anything of value when you’re following your truth.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

FOMOS is real, but it won’t help you get very far in life. Try to not get so turned around that you lose track of what you care about and why, sweet Sagittarius. This week will present you with choices, and if you aren’t clear about your motivations, you may get overwhelmed and not know which shiny thing to chase. Stay true to your heart. Align yourself with what brings you joy and does the most good, and you won’t miss out on anything that you need.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Abundance isn’t about having lots of things. To have true abundance, you need to actually feel it. When you focus on what you might lose, it’s almost like you never truly have a thing. Look around your life, Cappy, and consider the bounty that you have. Be grateful for your health, the love, your possessions, or whatever you value. Next, align yourself with the knowledge that you can improve those things over time. Enjoy what you have in this moment, my love.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You don’t need to know what comes next, or why that thing happened yesterday; the story may be compelling, but it’s not as important as how you choose to respond to it all, Aquarius. If you can move away from thinking that things have to happen tit for tat, you can actually be more efficient with how you use your energy. You determine your actions, and you decide how you to engage with your obsessions and your dreams. Don’t look for blame, look within.




Feb. 19-March 20

If you’ve been burning yourself out lately, it’s on you to name your limits and enforce them. Stop waiting for others to agree with you or see things from your vantage point. It’s OK to go your own way, even if that means walking alone for some time. You have agency, and this is the time to use it; deal head-on with your fears and hopes, both for your life and for the world around you, Pisces.









The theme for Mabon and the Autumn equinox is "Giving Thanks". Mabon is the Witch's Thanksgiving, this is a time where the Sun's path crosses over the equator, traveling south. We now celebrate the darkness as the whole world honors equal night and day. The summer is gone. This was the time when the ancients and our ancestors gathered fruits and vegetables from the gardenin preparation for the winter. this is a time to give away what welonger need. We now must reap what we have sown from the spring equinox. Many people find this to be the perfect time for storing their own fruits and vegetables by canning, pickling, and other storing methods . With the fall comes cooler, crisp air and the dulling of colors. Everything is now turning with the season, there is a restlessness in the air and the harvest moon is round and almost wheat colored, glowing from the sun.

The flaming color of the leaves is a reminder that life burns most intensely just before it dies. Mabon is the time where we can reflect and remember those friends and relatives who may have died in the past year,as we watch the falling leaves. We give thanks for the abundance in our lives, as the sun is about to enter Libra, the cardinal air sign of balance.

"We celebrate the time of lengthening darkness when the night equals the day by putting to rest all the activities of the summer." R. Barrett

Autumn Altar:

Now is the time for rest and relaxation, celebrate the Sabbat (sabbat means "to rest")  by creating your own autumn altar in grapevines, gourds, cornucopias, and brightly colored fallen leaves.

  • Candles: Brown = Stability, Focus, grounding

  • Orange= Vitality, Energy

  • Yellow= Warmth, Friendship, Creativity

  • Feathers

  • Stones: Smoky quartz, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Quartz, Garnet



Most modern witches celebrate the Sabbats on the exact dates to align themselves with the powerful symbolic and astrological energies that are inherent in each event. However, for others that are juggling jobs and families it means that they may need to plan their festivities within a few days as a matter of convenience. But on the day of the Sabbat it's important to take just a moments out of your busy schedule to honor Mother Earth.  Spend time meditating on what you have accomplished in the past months, and write out a list of all you have to be thankful for. Gratitude is powerful medicine! keep your list posted where you can see, just in case you start feeling "Grinchy" as the coming winter months begin.


Some season questions to ask yourself during the Autumn Equinox: 

  • What is your personal harvest and what have your brought into manifestation this year?

  • How can you honor the Earth that sustains us all? 

"At Sunset say farewell to the powers of the sun. Give Thanks and praise for the heat and light that helped the crops grow and nurtured your body. Think of all you have nurtured since spring. Name what you brought to fruition by the workings of your hands and the blessings of the Goddess. Appreciate what you have and celebrate having tasted the fruits of your labors by dancing, naming, eating, your personal harvest. Let yourself really have it!" - R. Barrett, Dianic High Priestess

Tea of Dreams for The Harvest Moon 

image sourced via pintrest

image sourced via pintrest

Written by Lisa Stardust

 The Harvest Moon is a celebration of past efforts, serving as the culmination of the past year, as it’s time to pick crops for the new season. Falling close to the Autumnal Equinox, the Harvest Moon is the first Full Moon of the season, creating abundance, as we reap the benefits of our past efforts. Change is in the crisp autumn air, as we honor Mother Earth for her laborious work in cultivating fruits, grains, and vegetables for all living beings. 

With the Moon in the sign of fiery Aries, we must consider our innermost passions during this luminary, focusing on implementing change and growth for the new season. The Harvest Moon awakens our dreams and inspirations, forcing us to let go of past fears and move towards individuality. Luna serves to wake us up, as a response to the ever-changing world, the spark to initiate the new version of the past vision, allowing us to plan the future. 

Before moving forward, enjoy the fruits of your past labors during the Harvest Moon, by ingesting power and magic, as you become one with your intentions. Enjoy a spicy tea blend which will awaken your senses and exhilarate your mind, as you manifest your seasonal goals. Use Pepper and Ginger to ignite the passion of Mars (the planetary ruler of Aries), Cloves to purify and cleanse, Pumpkin Seeds and Mandarin Peels for abundance, and Tea Leaves for courage, under the orange glow of the Harvest Moon. 

*The Harvest Moon occurs September 24th at 7:53PM PST and 10:53PM EST. 


-Mixing Bowl 

-3 Peppercorns 

-1/2 Teaspoon of Ginger Powder, or Ground Ginger 

-1/2 Teaspoon of Pumpkin Seeds 

-3 Cloves 

-Mandarin or Orange Skins, using only 1 small zest from the skin of the fruit 

-1 Teaspoon of Green or Black Tea Leaves 


-Tea Strainer 

-Tea Cup or Mug 

Directions to Make Tea: 

-Take a mixing bowl and blend all the spices together in bowl. As you add each ingredient, think of your desires. While mixing in pepper and ginger, think of your passions. As you add the cloves, envision what you wish to release under this Full Moon. While adding the pumpkin seeds and mandarin (or oranges) speak aloud what you want to grow. Finally, while mixing in the tea leaves, close your eyes and give yourself the courage to implement your intentions and to manifest your visions. 

-Grind all ingredients together in mixing bowl. 

-Bring water to a boil in teapot. 

-Pour water over strainer in tea cup, giving life to your dreams. 

-Steep tea for 2-4 minutes, depending on taste and desired potency. 

-Drink the tea, feeling the fire ignite your soul, as the warmth fills your stomach, giving you the energy to manifest your new seasonal dreams.



Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

There’s so much going on this week. We move into Libra season on the 22nd, and we have a pivotal Full Moon in Aries on the 24th. Even though we’re moving into a Venusian season, this week is marked by the heavy hand of Saturn. This is an excellent time to own how far you’ve come and to take stock of the work still in front of you. Mars also plays a big part in this week’s forecast. 

This Libra Season comes with its challenges as heirarchical Saturn and demanding Pluto sit in literalist Capricorn. Pay attention to the space between what you wish was and what in fact is. Don’t rely on aesthetics to make your life thrive. You may have to bring a greater level of diplomacy the difficulties that you’re facing, and a good way to start is by listening at least as much as you speak. Around the 23rd Mercury forms a challenging square to Saturn, and that can lead to some pretty pessimistic thinking. The trick is to refine and edit rather than judge and condemn. Have patience for your process and for other people’s processes. Relationships may be hard to deal with around this date, but luckily, on that same date, Mercury is also forming a harmonious trine to Mars, which will help you to bear whatever difficulty you encounter. The challenge here is to prevent your ego from convincing you that there’s only right and wrong. Learning, growing, and building your life are all parts of a process, and that process will have it’s ups and downs. Don't get so caught up in your learning curve that you miss out on what the lesson is. 

On the 24th we have a complicated Full Moon at 2 degrees of Aries, also called a Harvest Moon. This will bring things to a head as you’re likely to be confronted with some very real-life consequences within your relationships. While you may have to confront what isn’t working, don’t lament it. You can only cope with what you’re willing to acknowledge, and this is the time to do just that. Unpack the past so that you can plant anew for the future – you're well-informed by where you’ve come from. Take responsibility for your part; what you choose to do and what you consent to participating in is of the utmost importance now. Because the Sun and Moon will both be 

forming a square to Saturn, there may be a depressive element to this Full Moon. Be honest about what you’re scared of, and be kind, my loves. Saturn can incline us to be hard on ourselves and others, so in the warm words of Ottis Redding, “try a little tenderness.” Luckily, Mars is forming a dynamic sextile to the Moon and a trine to the Sun as well. This will add a warm kick in the butt, as it will generate a sense of resiliency. Be an agent for change, and take control of your life, one good choice at a time. 


March 21-April 19 

The Full Moon in your sign on the 24th marks a powerful shift for you, and what exactly that means is kinda up to you. If you're only open to things going one way – your way – you’re likely to be pretty frustrated about now. If you struggle against the reality of your situation, you’re not going to get very far this week. Try to be interested in why you’re fighting and if it’s working. You get to be however you want to be, but that doesn’t mean you’re free from consequences, dear Aries. 


April 20-May 20 

There is no force more generative and useful than love, Taurus. You have been growing and changing, and within that, your relationships are likely to be changing too. Instead of seeking stability, seek wholeness. Instead of holding on to the situations that brought you here, be willing to step into new dynamics and have new experiences. The only constant in life is change; make the best possible choices within your current circumstances this week. 


May 21-June 21 

You’re making connections that can bring you far, but it’s important that you sit with your ideas before you run with them. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. This week you may be presented with the opportunity to do something that feels good in the moment, but is only maybe good for you short-term. The best way to evaluate opportunity is by knowing what your goals and values are. Define the latter, and you’ll have no trouble clarifying the former, Twin Star. 


June 22-July 22

It’s OK to disagree with others, and even to disappoint them, but you need to be prepared for their hurt feels. It can be hard to tolerate that others are suffering when you feel wronged or see things totally differently than they do. This week will test your empathy and your boundaries. Everyone deserves the space to have their own perspective; make room for others to have their own experience, even if it contradicts yours. Difference doesn’t have to diminish you, my love.


July 23-Aug. 22 

What you do has consequences, Leo. Your intentions are of course meaningful, but what you actually do in the end is what you’re on the hook for. Take stock of your life this week, and make sure that your actions are compatible with your goals. If you have you been indulging your impulses in ways that don’t actually serve you, you’re likely to have to deal with that this week. Listen to others, and show up with humility in your relationships, my love. 


Aug. 23-Sept. 22 

You don’t need a hero. You don’t need perfection, or answers, or to have it all. You need you. You need to stand by yourself when you’re freaking out. You need to try to make choices that you believe in, to be flexible when you get new information. You need to be okay with failing at some of the things, some of the time. All you need is to be a good, reliable resource to yourself. Life, success, wellness – all of those things organically emerge from a solid friendship with yourself. 


Sept. 23-Oct. 22 

It’s hard to have perspective when you’re holding things too tightly to your chest, Libra. You may have to deal with anxiety or low self-esteem this week. Fear is compelling; it tells you that it is keeping you safe and alerting you to danger. This week, you’re likely to be full of feels but not necessarily clear about what they mean. Don’t 

take things at face value; try to decipher what you’re scared of and the story you tell yourself about those fears, my love. 


Oct. 23-Nov. 21 

You don’t have to know what you want; you don’t even have to know where you’re going. What you do need is to be interested in finding out the answers. Be open to new questions and unexpected solutions. Seeking is a process that takes you down unknown pathways. You'll be asked to put down your expectations so your arms can be open wide to what you find. You haven’t been here before; be open to exploring, even if it feels vulnerable, Scorpio. 


Nov. 22-Dec. 21 

Emotions are high this week, and it might make you feel a little extra jumpy. In your discomfort you may want to do something impulsive in efforts to move things along, but it’s unwise. Sit with your feels, Sagittarius. How you manage fear, uncertainty, and vulnerability are important parts of your humanity. Strive to better understand yourself and your reactions. Find new and better ways of engaging when you’d rather distract or disengage my love. 


Dec. 22-Jan. 19 

It’s easier to talk about fearing failure than it is to be open about your fear of success. If we’re being honest, the more you have, the more you have to lose. The more you want it, the more vulnerable it feels to not have it yet. Try not to recoil from your most complicated or nonsensical feelings about your progress this week, Capricorn. Own your messy parts so that you can find ways of transmuting their powers into energy that fuels you. 


Jan. 20-Feb. 18 

A life lived without turmoil is boring, but living life inside the eye of a hurricane isn’t sustainable either. Mind the madness that you’re willing to interact with this week, Aquarius. Some of it you have very little control over, but much of it you do. What other people think, do, or feel is not necessarily your business. Curb your obsessive thinking and any kind of compulsive distractions that capture your attention, and focus on the change you want to build in your life. 


Feb. 19-March 20 

Following your heart, having excellent boundaries, doing the right thing in a given situation – all of those things are good for you to do; they align you with your own integrity, and they keep your side of the road clean. What they don’t do is assure you of any particular outcome. Make sure that you’re not acting in conditional ways (consciously or unconsciously) and setting yourself up for resentments. Do only what you can do without bitterness, precious Pisces.



Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

This is a week for change, growth, and the unexpected. Don’t jump to conclusions or rush to complete matters that are still developing.

On the 12TH Venus will form a disruptive opposition to rule-breaking Uranus and a creative sextile to law-building Saturn. The potential here for growth (positively) or distraction (negatively) is huge. This combination can inspire you to expand beyond self-imposed limitations or even the limitations of your circumstances. Think about new ways of relating to the people and things that you value. Venus governs your finances and relationships, so especially look at those areas of your life for both surprises and innovative solutions. You will be able to create new structures that better serve you, but none of this will happen on its own. The key here is not to get caught off guard (by the upsets that Uranus will inevitably bring) and lose sight of the bigger picture. You’ll have the chance to see things differently or to obsess on how others are seeing things. Choose wisely.

From the 12th-17th, Mercury will first oppose Neptune, then trine Pluto and sextile Jupiter, and friends, that’s a whole lot of Mercury. The best-case scenario here is that you find new, more effective ways of coping with anxiety, indecision, and uncertainty. This will require you to stay with your unpleasant feels when they come up and to earnestly seek new responses. The risk, however, is that you hit a wall of anxiety and then create a story about it. Watch out for reactive feelings that you confuse for reliable information. No matter how intuitive you are, this week is likely to muddy the waters a bit. Slow down, reflect on your intentions, and evaluate your instincts, feelings, and cold hard facts. This will help you to fortify your insights and make use of your logic; most of us are more fluent in one form of processing than the other, so if you think of this period as your chance to strengthen your internal resources, you’ll get the most from it.

Finally, on the 18th ambitious Mars will form a challenging square to freedom-obsessed Uranus. The energy around this date is going to be frenetic, as both of these planets are individualistic, impulsive, and quick to fight. In fact, you’re more likely to be irritable or

agitated as restrictions chafe and people with power trigger you. Life is not an ad for Las Vegas. What you do now can’t be undone and will not stay confined. What you do now will either create more freedom or create more problems, so tread lightly, my loves.

The theme for you to grapple with this week is intention. You don’t need to know all the details or feel at ease all the time, but you do need some clarity of intent. Find the goals that motivate you – to be kind, to be at peace in your own skin, to make a certain dollar amount, whatever – and orient your actions to reflect them. Practice being present with your thoughts and feelings as they race in circles, but don't chase them down dead-end rabbit holes or self-destructive alleyways.


March 21-April 19

You’re ready to make it happen, Aries, but the trick is to pace yourself. Your inner voice is trying to get your attention, but intuition doesn’t necessarily come with an instruction manual. Slow down, get centered, and remember why you set out to do what you’re doing. You’re capable, and you’ve even got the inspiration. Strive to cultivate the kind of abundance that you can share. Whether you’re up or you’re down, you don’t have to do it alone, my love.


April 20-May 20

It feels so good to have it all figured out, but all things change. You may be holding on to what worked for you last year (or even last week) when it clearly isn’t working for you anymore. Don’t worry so much over what you “should” do. All you need to concern yourself with is what’s true and real for you. Find your center, and sit with it, Taurus. You’re growing, and that is likely to kick off some earthquakes in your world. Pay attention to what’s shaking loose this week.


May 21-June 21

Without being emotionally centered, it’s hard to figure out where you’re going and how to get there. This week you’re meant to be in motion, but if you’re not moving towards a clear goal, how will you know what choices to make along the way? People and situations around you aren’t exactly stable right now, and that’s an opportunity. Prioritize finding what’s right for you and making changes that reflect that. You’re almost there, Twin Star.


June 22-July 22

Sometimes you have to let go in order to hold on. This isn’t the time for making assumptions or being glib. Look carefully at yourself and the people around you. Pay attention to the gap between what you say and what you do, and then do the same when looking at others. No one is perfect and that’s okay, but a person’s intention means a lot. Tighten up your relationships by looking at the truth, even if that means acknowledging some uncomfortable stuff, Moonchild.


July 23-Aug. 22

Your patterns will follow you anywhere you go, so wherever you end up finding yourself time and again is on you. Your greatest challenge this week will be to avoid making decisions from an agitated place. Yes, you need change, and yes, it may need to be somewhat dramatic, but anything worth doing is worth doing right. Instead of making change to create new problems, strive to solve the old ones first. Find the potential for joy and then act to expand it, Leo.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The thing about trust is that it’s earned; over the course of time, you prove yourself to be reliable or not. When you don’t trust yourself, it’s really hard to move forward with any kind of confidence. This week it’s wise for you to look at your proven track record. If you have kept your word and protected yourself in the face of danger, it’s time to cultivate more faith. If you’ve abandoned yourself in your own times of need, then it’s time to get real and get to changing, sweet Virgo.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your growth is in your own hands, Libra. You’re ready for change, but it’s important that you don’t push yourself to be somewhere that you’re not. Create your life from the inside out and not the other way around. In other words, identify your needs, adopt healthier boundaries, and follow through with your stated intent. If you can be reliable to yourself, it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. Step up and do you, my love.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Sometimes your fears are useful, sometimes, not so much. If you indulge your knee-jerk reactions, you can’t extrapolate the wisdom from your worries, Scorpio. Take a moment to consider your patterns this week. Consider the times you were freaked out by things for no real reason, and other times that your fears turned out to be correct. Seek wisdom from your experiences with yourself, and build your confidence from there.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

In real life most stories don’t have a tidy beginning, middle, and end. Our stories loop in surprising ways and directions, and there’s no point in trying to fight them. There is a bigger picture to what you’re going through, even if you can’t quite see it now. Feel your feels, take care of your here and now, and keep on moving, Sagittarius. You won’t get further by trying to tell yourself a tidy narrative about what you’re going through before it’s ready to be told.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Happiness – like fear or angst – is a fleeting emotion. When you seize upon your feelings, you’re not present; when you try to escape or hold on, you’re not in a state of flow. You can’t figure this out, Capricorn. It’s not your job to know what happens next or to be right all of the time. Retrain your vision inward this week. Where are you now? Try to stay with that. Take the steps

that are immediately in front of you, and let the future unfold in its own time.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

When things are going your way, it’s easy to be magnanimous. It’s when you feel scared that the true test of your character emerges. Explore the limits of your generosity this week by giving freely of yourself, but only as much as you can give without resentments. If you’re expecting more compassion or support than you’re willing to offer, you’re in trouble, my love. Seek balance by adjusting either your expectations or your output this week.


Feb. 19-March 20

You can’t please everyone, Pisces. This week notice how, before you check in with yourself, you try to accommodate others. Investigate the tension you create within yourself as you rush to tend to other people’s desires. Compromise is fantastic as long as you don’t have to abandon yourself to get there. Seek balance and patience as you navigate the space between your needs and the needs of others, my love.


Photography by Philipe de Sablet

Photography by Philipe de Sablet


Written By Jessica Lanyadoo

This week, there’s a changing of the guards as Mercury, Venus, and Mars move into new signs (on the 5th, 9th, and 10th respectively). These shifts can mark a time when things either get deeper and more fertile, or more spread out and chaotic. The mental energy of Mercury in Virgo and Mars in Aquarius drive us to find answers, while Venus in Scorpio seeks depth. The things you have control over are what you choose to give your attention to and the quality of your consideration. Try not to spread yourself too thin or to lose sight of the bigger picture, my love. Depending on your nature, the little things can be either a distraction or what you need to dedicate more attention to. When in doubt, seek balance.

Around the 7th, the Sun will sit opposite anxiety-provoking Neptune. This transit confronts us with what we don’t know, and because of that it can provoke anxiety, exhaustion, and demoralization. This isn’t a great time for seeking understanding, but it’s an excellent one for seeking beauty, empathy, and spirituality. The potential here is that you find grace instead of answers, but the danger is that your impatience or your feelings will generate so much unrest that you create mountains out of molehills. Remember to breathe, and that this – like all other transits – is a chance to grow and to heal. Bring your presence to the parts of yourself or your day that feel too hard to bear, and show them kindness. There are other days for commitments and answers. The 6th-8th is for reaffirming your relationship with yourself as a foundation for how you relate to the world around you and the people in it.

There's a New Moon in discerning Virgo on the 9th. This week marks a shift and an opening. This is an excellent time to redefine your relationship to your body in efforts to make it a healthier one.

Take a moment to look in the mirror (or if vision is an issue, replace all of this advice with feel/touch). Don’t look for marks on your skin or signs of perfection or imperfection. Be interested in your face. Really look at it, and really get to know it. This body is yours. BS beauty standards of the moment will inevitably pass out of fashion. What you look like is interesting, but in the grand scheme of your spiritual wellbeing, it doesn’t mean much. You are not your face, but your face is you. Be kind and supportive to it. Be interested in what you look like without criticism or judgment, and if that's hard to do, just have compassion for yourself. Make friends with your beauty and your ugliness. Embrace the skin you're in, my love.




March 21-April 19

You can take on other people’s traumas and dramas, but that won’t help you or anyone else one bit. It is far more important to show up and be present than it is to try to fix things for others, dear Aries. This week your relationships are in a subtle but deeply important state of flux. How you proceed will lay the framework for what’s to come, so tread with compassion, not pity. Bear witness to your loved ones in a way that makes them feel seen, rather than making them feel like your project.



April 20-May 20

Are you a good friend to yourself? No matter how reliable your willpower is, even you have limits, Taurus. This week you’re likely to find that you’ve taken on more than you can handle in an emotionally present way. While that’s inevitable at least some of the time, it’s important that you respond sagely this week. Try your best to engage in healthy self-care habits so that even if what you really need is to check out, you can do it in ways that won’t create extra problems for you in the morning.



May 21-June 21

Everyone is going through it, and this makes it even harder for you to resist distractions. Things are changing, Twin Star, and it’s not clear in what way or where it’ll take you. You can hold on tight, totally let go, or try to ride the current, but it’s time to make a choice. This week’s New Moon is an especially fertile time for you to pick a lane. Align yourself with what you need so that you can respond with intention to what you’ve got, my love.



June 22-July 22

Your circumstances are likely to kick up some uncomfortable feelings this week, and it’s wise to sit in those emotions. If you rush away in effort to fix something that isn’t broken, you’ll end up further from well-being and more confused to boot. You have such an easy time sharing that strength of character with others; practice embodying it for your own sweet and salty self, Moonchild. Sitting with difficulties may feel like inactivity, but it’s really a much-needed kindness.



July 23-Aug. 22

You’re ready to make some bold moves in the direct of what you want, but it’s important that you do it with care, Leo. If you push too hard or too fast, you’re likely to kick up resistance. Strive to act in concert with the people around you and in the environments in which you seek safe harbor. This isn’t about compromising your vision, but it is about adapting your needs to consider and reflect the needs of others too. You can have it all but not all at once, my love.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

If you can put aside your resistance to being changed, your fears of being wrong, and your desire for it all to “make sense,” you’ll quickly gain the very clarity you seek, Virgo. Your problem isn’t one of understanding, it’s one of motivation. If you can clarify what you want to get from your goals, your plans themselves will more gracefully crystalize for you. The hardest way isn’t the best or the only way. Seek your simplest foundational truth this week.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You’re on the right path and pointed in the right direction, but that doesn’t mean that you’re getting exactly what you want. It’s confusing, but don’t fixate too much on the prize while you’re in the middle of the game. It’s important that you allow for your ambitions to shift as you move through your process; as you gain momentum, you’re likely to find that you are changed by the journey you’re on and what you uncover of yourself on it. Take it one day at a time, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The struggles you’re engaged in are not meant to oppress you; they’re meant to help you gain clarity. Sometimes knowing what you don’t want is as powerful as knowing what you do want. This week, you will have the choice to fall back on your old foolishness or find a new way. The former is easier in the short-term, but it ultimately puts off the inevitable – change. Breathe and seek the most peaceful path instead of the “best answer”, dear Scorpio.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Ready, set, go! Get ready for a burst of energy, sweet Sagittarius, and make sure you consciously direct it. There’s what you want right now and then what you want down the road. Make sure that you’re not sacrificing your future for some momentary or fleeting gain in the present. You can have it all if you creatively pace yourself and your commitments. Strive to strike a balance between the big picture and the myriad of little things demanding your attention, this week.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

When you’re right with yourself, it’s so much easier to manage the inevitable compromises that you need to make in life. This week you're likely to feel guided in a new or different direction than you expected to be, but try to go with it, Capricorn. Staying the same is only a good thing for a period of time; growth requires change, and change yields instability. Embrace the process, even as you’re still developing your vision for where it’s taking you.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Uncertainty is no fun, but it can also be a really fertile state. Seek the potential in what you don’t know, what has yet to develop, and what is possible but not guaranteed. As Mars enters your sign this week, you’re likely to have a boost of energy, but that isn’t the same as clarity. Get intentional so that you can leverage your motivation into inspired action, Aquarius. You’re ready to step into the unknown to co-create something better.




Feb. 19-March 20

There can be a fine line between deferring to others and considering their needs. This week, you may want to make a change that adversely impacts the people around you. This may or may not be the right thing for you to do, but for sure you need to approach things with careful consideration. While you can’t please all the people all of the time, you don’t get a pass for your own inconsiderate behavior either. Do your thing and bear the consequences, Pisces.