Becoming the Earth: Contemplation, Visioning & Aesthesis.

Written By Alicia Bello

I wanted to write an erotic love article to you. I wanted to write love to you by saying: May all kinds of milks, honeys, fragrant oils and flowers fill your home, altar, and bath. Let there be Eros possession in which every word rolled off the tongue is a spiced nectar. Let there be every lush nude sensation. Let every body in whatever sensual embrace undulate, hum, shudder and drunk on rhythm and ecstasy … whether crying out or soft sigh of respiration, mouth the genuine expression of ecstatic release (and please do always). Hopefully that article will want to be written soon because, well… what a sensation. Instead this article transformed from body in relationship to body into body in relationship to earth… a different kind of body, of intimacy.. the same and different.. but kind of the same. I have found myself outside significantly more than being inside anywhere. My hands and feet have been constantly investigating and trampling through the tropical landscape of Florida and so the intimacy running through me has been the aesthesis of shoots of new green covered in dew, balmy air scented with salty wet earth, and bees pressed deep into the center of flowers… and all of this is happening in the wide open, no shame, Nature needing no permission to burst with her blatant sensuality.

Connecting to the earth is not a new concept for those who practice the craft (to each and every guardian of the directions, the elementals, Hail and Welcome). It is a foundation of study and also a potent remembering. Within every natural witch lies dark earth, fertile, lush with the protected seedcrets of ancient ways, alive with mystery and kept sacred and untainted from the “normalization” of the status quo. No matter how we practice, each and every expression of the work that we do is beautiful to behold in its own right. Our earnest devotion to our practice is the catalyst to what peels away the layers so we begin to see the world completely differently. The earth is living, breathing, pulsing and we perceive it perhaps as our ancestors have, not in the grandiose Hollywood kind of way, but magic in the very real sense that begins to show itself when we learn(remember) how to look (be in relationship to it).

The Anima Mundi, the spirit of the world at this point is no longer a concept but so much more. It is perceived in the body and felt in the depths of individual experience. We, in turn, interact with our planet instinctually, in which in any given moment we turn on and tune in, and allow the power to course through our very body vessel. We can play the subtle vibrations like an instrument that opens the gates to other perceptions and other realities. The relationship that we cultivate with the spirits of the land is so very vital and just like any important relationship we’ve got to keep in touch, forget the small talk so to speak, and nurture it. We know the state of earth right now and quite obviously to say that it’s not healthy is a gross understatement. Just being with the understanding is like a glacial shower and it’s a beginning. We start right here, right now, with what is right in front of us. Without projecting rage or blame on anything, or fear, for the current state of the earth but to just be in a state of heightened mindfulness about say, the decline of bees or the poisoning of water… The Mother is where she’s at just as we are. Just to be in a heightened kind of mindfulness before any practice in which we evoke the elements, and contemplate their actual current state is incredibly important because we have to start where we are at. That being said, magic works non-linearly. No matter how we are working we can heal through coming into contact with root essence of the elements. What I am offering, however is to maybe initiate any ritual with that kind of present acknowledgment and then move into connection with the spiritus, gennii loci, and/ or Anima Mundi.


I practice this visualization outside with meditation and contemplation either at sunrise or sunset, but as I usually instruct: if it feels right to practice it in ritual then do it. If you feel inspired to practice on the spot totally do it….except if your driving…listen to your intuition.

Demeter, just one name for Earth Mother is birthing and dying and birthing for us constantly...

Photo: Alicia Bello 

Photo: Alicia Bello 

Vision your body/full self becoming Demeter by dissolving into the earth completely and merging with her creative chaos and order. Lie down on the earth while practicing. If you can, be completely naked or partially naked. See the shape of your body turn into dirt. Watch all of what you were dissolve into the earth completely. You are gone, but now you are also the whole of the earth. You are reborn in spring. See your blooms opening and the bees drinking your nectar. Smell sweetness of the season on the wind. Go through all the seasons of the earth in this way over and over. See the earth, which is you, floating in space. Place the periphery of your attention on the rhythm of the breath of your body. See the earth in your visioning breathing, the rhythms are in synch. Draw the scope of your vision to the place within the earth that you inhabit. See you where you are envisioning yourself as the earth while you are also the earth. Draw this harmonic image into the vision of your heart and let the vision pulse with your breath as you bring your attention back to your physical body. Enjoy your breathing still seeing the earth pulsing with your breath as your beating heart. Start all over again. Do it as many times as you can.

  • Take notes on how this practice affects you after two weeks and a month.

 As you move through your day, contemplate aesthesis as drawing in the essence of the world, the Anima Mundi with robust sensory perception. Drink in everything.


Love magick helps us to get in touch with the love within, It is the most important, basic step of Love magic learning. Through these rituals we are reintroduced to ourselves as creatures of love, and find the source from where all of our love can be graced by the presence of magick. 

Witches Under Empire: What it Means to Be a Witch In "Trump's America"

Written By Jaliessa Sipress

Just the thought of merely existing  in “Trump’s America” may seem like some treacherous shadow-work; consistently being pushed to face our worst fears and darkest conceptions of this world while trying to maintain a sense of self and focus on the light.

Most likely, that is exactly what we are stepping into.

With the erasure of pages on the new government’s website that previously acknowledged issues of climate change, LGBT rights and Civil Rights, Trump’s confirmed misogynistic comments regarding sexual assault, and his right-wing stances on police terror, abortion rights and immigration issues, there is definitely cause for alarm.

However, working with shadows and lighting a candle in the dark is what we do best, and the postcolonial (or continuing colonial) world has never welcomed the hard and necessary work witches have engaged in for centuries, so what is new now? Despite the new US President’s nationalistic sentiment (or possibly in exact alignment with the era he is referring to within it) America has never been great. For those of us living on the margins of race, class, gender, spirituality, sexuality and disability, our precious work has historically been violently persecuted and left to the shadows.

So, do not fret my dear witches, a Trump-inauguration is a mere practice in veil-lifting, another opportunity to practice seeing in the dark, and revealing our political and social climate for what it really is only makes our work that much more important

Just as we would practice healthy boundaries with the powers we cannot see while spell-casting or engaging in spirit-communication, we must form a relationship with strict boundaries to this new force that is the Presidency of Donald Trump. To do this, it serves us to remember three things:

  • The work we do at home in solitude must echo the work we do in the presence of others

  • A witch’s power lies in being unafraid of the unknown

  • A concentration on fear attracts things to be scared of

To begin, I must acknowledge that secrets made and secrets kept in personal ritual are of the utmost of importance, and their existence as secrets is sacred. Additionally, to keep the people and politics you protect when you step foot on the streets also within your private practices is crucial. Private here means altar space, home space, and sacred spaces you frequently inhabit for safety and light. To keep your politics here is to be conscientious of whose practices, rituals, symbols, words and imagery you use, to keep a candle burning for the people you cannot reach, and to center self-healing around the idea that the healing you do is not just for you, but for the people that need you and for the people who have come before you.

Second, the uncertainty and unpredictability of Trump and his cabinet that may feel daunting and scary for us is really his fall and not ours. Witches stay ready. A predominant part of witchcraft is completely based within “the unknown.” We communicate with things we cannot see or are told have no vocabulary. We know how to improvise, to work with flowers and weeds and how to heal ourselves and oftentimes others. The epitome of being a witch is the knowledge of the earth’s force, an awareness of the changing seasons, positions of the stars and the knowledge of our own and other witches’ power. There is a steadiness to knowing that you are learning to master a presence that lies beyond what we can see and touch, because a capitalist society can only touch the tangible, only mess with the material, and can never understand or consume the power of the witch.

And that is why we are feared.

Most people are terrified of what they cannot see, what is not “scientifically proven” and what they have never been told is okay to explore. Our defiance of letting fear immobilize us is a huge part of our job description. Our persecution is and was based on the fact that we mess with things that other humans are too scared to touch. So, what happens when the witches are scared? What happens when we use the same power we use to manifest, heal and conjure to fear what is to come? It becomes no different from calling on Aunt Milly from our salt circle; we invite the object of our focus into our space, into existence.

During this term of election, there must be an embracing of fear and willingness to carry on with our confidence, knowledge and strong sense of solidarity leading the way. We need each other now the way we have always needed one another, the way we have always needed care and attention and the way we have always needed to perfect what we do and know best. Every person has a place, and to investigate your larger contribution to the world at this time is crucial. I know herbalist witches, astrologer witches, sex witches, hood witches, good witches, bad witches, shadow workers, wortcunners, rune throwers, conjurers, psychics, angel beings, light-bearers, medicine people, community healers and everything in between. This diverse set of knowledge is priceless in the face of hegemonic structures that seek to bury us and our history. Whatever kind of witch, warlock, regular schmegular bitch or magical star being you are, you and your power matter and we have got to keep moving, shaking, laughing, whispering, conjuring, kicking, screaming, growing, learning and loving in the face of this age-old regime with a new face. We will always hold the power as long as we recognize what we all bring to the table and figure out how to use these powers to resist.

So, gather with your coven to bottle tinctures with intentions of sustaining the resistance through Reishi mushrooms, skullcap and yarrow. Host gatherings teaching the history of the crossover between radical witchcraft and community organizing. Continue to defend the Earth, question the government and fight like hell for causes of the living while keeping your fire lit with the rage of the dead. We are here on this earth, at this time for a reason. So, whether you were born into a coven or you just stumbled upon witchcraft, you have been given the task of protecting what is sacred.

To be a witch is to reclaim the power of connecting with our bodies, our spirit and the earth and  in ungovernable ways, to create paths towards a more regenerative, sustainable society through channeling our ancestors and wisdom from other realms. A man barking orders and spewing hate from a position of socially-constructed power is no match for the power of the people when guided by light, ancestral wisdom and unwavering solidarity. It is our job to carry the legacy, to stand amongst the crowds with rose quartz and motherwort tincture in our pockets, bundles of cedar burning in our hands, holding the match when it is time to burn it all down.


The Hoodwitch: Weekly Horoscopes 1/25-31-2017

Illustration by Molly Bounds

Illustration by Molly Bounds

Horoscopes Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Witch Tips:

Just when you thought things were ready to calm down: supriiiiise, they’re not! This week there’s a New Moon in heady Aquarius. New Moons are usually a wonderful time to open up to possibility and mark the start of a new cycle. This one, not so much. Tenderhearted Venus will take a swift kick in the gut from hardheaded Saturn, and it’s likely to make for some defensive and sad feels all around. This is a great time to get clear about what you are and what you ain’t, because gurl, if you’ve been letting someone else define you, it’s gonna hurt. By the time Mercury catches up with Pluto on the 28th, you’ll have plenty to obsess over, but whatever you do, don’t pick fights. The energy from the 27th-1st is going to be too wild to tame, so investigate, gestate, and meditate for best results. Ask yourself if the reason you’re pressing for answers is because you want to avoid the stress of sitting with things as they are rn or if you actually think you can change things up. When in doubt, wait 72hrs before saying your piece because this week, motive means everything. Keep yours squeaky clean, bbs.



March 21-April 19

There’s no value in trying to push past obstacles this week, Aries. Allowing yourself to react on impulse is going to make you feel all kinds of ways, but none of them will be terribly comfortable. The forces in motion in your life are powerful, and the best approach is to cultivate a big-picture plan. Getting caught up in the details will be satisfying, like picking off a scab, but it won’t help you to heal. Pace yourself, and when you can’t do that, at least don’t let your fears guide you.



April 20-May 20

This week’s New Moon is a solid time to up your professional game, Taurus. Carve out time to do the things that require either concentration or innovation, whichever feels more important for the tasks at hand. If you follow through with your goals, you can make meaningful headway that will breathe fresh life into your projects, so don’t waste this opportunity. If you are suffering from the doldrums, don’t worry about it too much; let work serve as a distraction for a few days, and your heartaches should ease.



May 21-June 21

It’s easy to connect with people when your role is clear but what about in emotionally intimate situations or when you don’t know if the other person likes you? This is when you have a tendency to escape into the fun house of your head and stop actually connecting. Closeness and connection happen when you show up, Twin Star. The only way to get intimate this week is by stomaching the discomfort of the unknown. There’s nothing to figure out; just show up.



June 22-July 22

This week may bring up some seriously obsessive thoughts and the bad vibes that come up with them. The truth is complicated and messy, but it’s still true. Don’t act like you are blameless when you know you had a role to play in your broken situations. Be humble and own your part, even if the other person is more wrong. There’s a serious risk of confrontation, especially later in the week, so be prepared to show up instead of just defend your position, Moonchild.



July 23-Aug. 22

What do you want for yourself, Leo? Do you want to be at the job you have? Do you want to keep spending time with your same group of people? You have choice, even though it’s easy to fall into a lifestyle that perpetuates itself. Use this New Moon energy to get clear about what partnerships and collaborations you’re aligning yourself with. If you don’t like your options, it’s time to seek out new ones. You can’t get what you want if you don’t make a beeline for it.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Love is so complicated; you think that things are going one way, and then people go and do something that take them in a whole different direction. The problem is that relationships involve people – pesky, unpredictable, nonsensical humans. Gah! They go left when you think they ought to go right, and it’s a huge mess. So let it be, Virgo. Accept what others are showing you of themselves because that’s the truth. If you can’t accept the truth, that might mean you’re the nonsensical one. It’s time to get real, my love.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

It’s hard to be direct about what you’re feeling all the time; sometimes you don’t know for sure what’s going on inside of you (indecision), and other times it feels too risky to rock the boat. This week brings with it some choppy waters, and trying avoid that will be ill-fated. Confront the uncomfortable, Libra. Go for authenticity over accommodation. When it’s tempting to be fake, you always have a choice to placate or show up. Choose wisely.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

When you're in a state of anxiety, you can’t hear the voice of your inner wisdom over all that mind chatter. Your top priority this week should be to get some calm. You’re unable to see all of your choices from a panicked place, so bring it down a notch, Scorpio. For support, lean on the people and resources that you have access to. How you take care of yourself is an important part of your long-term wellness; commit to the highest quality of life that you can create this week.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You don’t need to convince anyone else of your perspective in order to substantiate it. It may feel that if you explain it correctly, people will have to see it your way and agree with you, but it’s not so, ‘Tarius. Your feels and perspective are valid because they’re yours – not because they’re ‘right’. Don’t get into power struggles as a result of not being able to accept the very real differences between yourself and others, no matter how tempting you may find it this week.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You are likely too find yourself preoccupied by intense thoughts and ghosts from your past. The worst things you can do is to either indulge obsessive thinking or pretend it isn’t happening at all. Try and understand what’s going on for your heart underneath all that stressing, Cappy. It’s possible that someone will come your way with a truckload of drama, and there’s not much you can do about that beyond how you respond. Be the bigger person this week.



Jan. 20-Feb. 18

It’s super vulnerable to not know where you’re at. This week you’re likely to feel all over the place and long for a clearer sense of purpose. Instead of forcing an answer that you just don’t have, be open to seeing new sides of your problems. The New Moon in your sign on the 27th may shed light on stuff, but it’s not likely to be a spotlight. Allow space for your instincts to fill in the blanks by creating downtime to retrospect in, Aquarius.



Feb. 19-March 20

It’s not mean to say no to someone, Pisces. You’re going through a crash course in boundaries, and you need to experiment with what your limits are and how to express them. Through this process you may step on toes or cross your boundaries, but don’t worry – it’s OK to make mistakes! If you allow your fear of being wrong to stop you from finding new and better ways to be right, you’re limiting yourself unnecessarily. Be brave in the name of self-love.

Queen Hecate & Tending The Bone

"As witches we don't just walk in the shadow, we open to it's mysteries like night blooming jasmine. Fragrant with magic and revived in the properties of the night." Journey with Author Alicia Katrina to working with the Dark Mother Goddess Hectae as we learn to "tend the bone". 


Written by Amelia Quint

Moon Void of Course Times

Saturday, December 3, 5:16 am, Moon void in Capricorn

Saturday, December 3, 2:44 pm, Moon enters Aquarius

Monday, December 5, 6:23 am, Moon void in Aquarius

Monday, December 5, 11:31 pm, Moon enters Pisces

Wednesday, December 7, 9:05 am, Moon void in Pisces

Thursday, December 8, 5:16 am, Moon enters Aries

An illustration of lightening from planet Venus

An illustration of lightening from planet Venus

Moon Phase: Waxing

Under the waxing moon, work magick that grows and increases. Venusian magick, like glamour and money drawing, is especially potent now.

During these signs, the following Venus-inspired spells work most effectively:

Capricorn- money drawing, Attraction

Aquarius- healing, Clarity

Pisces- glamour, Come to Me

Aries- lodestone (magnet), Fire of Love

Photo by Bri Luna//The Haitian Tarot Deck featuring: The Empress, The Star, The 5 of Swords

Photo by Bri Luna//The Haitian Tarot Deck featuring: The Empress, The Star, The 5 of Swords

Venus in Aquarius in the Tarot

Venus in Aquarius corresponds to the Five of Swords. Most representations of this card show three figures, one of which is leaving the scene of a battle with an armful of swords and a smug look, the other two dejected and walking away towards uncertain weather. I like to call this the “tainted love” card. This card appears to alert you to dishonesty: In the pursuit of victory, either someone has been dishonest with you, or you haven’t told the whole truth to someone else.

When you look at Venus and Aquarius separately in the tarot, a path to healing begins to form. Venus is symbolized by The Empress, and Aquarius by the Star. Both represent nourishment: The Empress provides physical and emotional sustenance, while The Star pours out intellectual and spiritual refreshment.

All together, Venus in Aquarius represents a difficult experience that can open you up to healing you didn’t even know you needed. Details for how your sign can integrate that trauma are in the horoscopes below.


You’re not self-centered, you’re just clear on what you need out of life. That philosophy serves you well, especially on Wednesday, when the love goddess, Venus, slides into your eleventh house of groups. Venus in Aquarius is a double-edged sword: On one hand, you don’t want to become so emotionally detached that you can’t relate to people you want to get to know. On the other, keeping a level head comes in handy when you’re the darling of your social circle. Make sure people are who they say they are before letting them into your inner sanctum.


When it comes to guarding your territory, you dig in your heels, but could you benefit from a more aloof approach to securing your reputation? On Wednesday, the love goddess (and your ruling planet), Venus, slips into Aquarius, your tenth house of fame, giving your no-chill sign an air of cool as it relates to your career and public persona. Don’t loosen your grip too much and lose sight of the business practices that got you to where you are, but know that projecting less avaricious looks good on you. Transmit like the starseed you are, and you’ll be good to go.


You feel most alive when you’re chasing down your fantasies, but is there such a thing as too much adventure? You’ll know on Wednesday, when Venus dances into your ninth house of personal exploration. It’s exhilarating to have the love goddess lavishing you with attention in places you never knew existed, but Aquarius excels at the art of playing hard to get, or at the very least, being the observer. Survey the situation from an aerial viewpoint before you move forward, and once all the information is in place, stay curious.


Your sign feels things more strongly than most people do, but eventually, it gets exhausting. On Wednesday, Venus makes herself at home in Aquarius, your eighth house of boundaries, helping you restore any depleted energy reserves you’ve lost to drama, emotional entanglements, and complicated business arrangements. In the meantime, channel Aquarius and adopt a nonchalant attitude towards people who would attempt to rile you up. As winter approaches, picture yourself as a bear going into hibernation. Be slow and steady, warm and relaxed.


Leo gets a bad reputation for vanity, but it’s only because you want your performance to be top-notch. On Wednesday, Venus enters Aquarius, your seventh house of partnerships, shifting the focus onto your life’s supporting cast. There’s two ways this can play out: First, you detach from your own wants and needs to be closer to the people around you. Second, you stay neutral as your lovers, colleagues, and rivals finally show their hand. Don’t give into fits of passion in the name of artistic inspiration. The icier you can be, the better this will go.


Your service-oriented sign will go to the ends of the earth for others, but this week, you show yourself the same devotion. On Wednesday, Venus enters Aquarius, your sixth house of health and habits, reminding you that in order to achieve your full potential for intellectual athleticism, you must take care of yourself. Balance your base chakra with red food, stones, and clothing, while drawing on the Aquarian ability to plan ahead for months, years, even decades at a time. If there was to be a problem here, it would be hypochondria. Don’t use Doctor Google!


As a cerebral air sign ruled by Venus, your romantic options are limited only by your ability to imagine them. On Wednesday, when Venus enters Aquarius, your fifth house of pleasure, a little fantasy could be exactly what you need to lift your spirits. On the other hand, don’t let your ideal situation get so lofty that it’ll never be fulfilled. Your sign embodies the elevated, unavailable cool that admirers can’t resist, but what’s the point in having admirers if you can’t make a connection? For best results, visualize what you want, and let the cosmos do the rest.


The thing about being a Scorpio is that you’re never not digging. This Wednesday, Venus enters Aquarius, your fourth house of origins, tempting you to put the shovel down and live above ground for a while. You’d do well to accept her invitation. There’s only so much psyche excavation you can do before the sediment and debris starts to cloud your vision. Let the dust settle and allow your vision to clear. That’s where Venus in Aquarius really excels. After your short sabbatical, you’ll know more about the roots of your problems than you did when you left.


Sagittarius people are true citizens of the world and want to believe that every person they meet is a kindred spirit. It’s a pleasant notion, but the truth of the matter is that you won’t like everyone you meet, and not all people have your best interest at heart. On Wednesday, the love goddess, Venus enters Aquarius, your third house of community, to show you places where you can truly belong. The third house is also communication, and with Aquarius in play, don’t take anything too personally. The more logical you can be, the better this goes.


For a sign as supposedly traditional as yours, you thrive when you’re pursuing entrepreneurial ideas with a rebellious spirit. This is especially so on Wednesday, when the love goddess, Venus enters Aquarius, your wealth-building house. Lucrative ideas strike like lightning, and you’ll want to act on them as soon as you can, before Mercury retrograde begins in a couple weeks. Apply your sign’s sensible approach to your plan, you’ll be good to go. If there was to be a problem, it would be people trying to get in on your ventures without offering anything in return. Shut them down.


When the love goddess, Venus, enters your sign on Wednesday, she exposes your best and worst qualities for what they really are. Your natural insouciance, your distant sex appeal, your hyper-intelligent ideas, and cosmic soul are all magnified by a rose-colored lens, causing existing fans and followers to swoon even more than usual. Still, your biting sarcasm and ability to detach emotionally (and not in a good way) come out as defense mechanisms when things don’t go your way. If you feel yourself falling into one of those patterns, see if you can flip it into something more positive.


When the love goddess, Venus, enters Aquarius on Wednesday, she’ll take up residence in your twelfth house of secrets. The twelfth house corresponds to your sign, so this is familiar territory! With Venus here, two things always come to mind. The first is a clandestine romance, perhaps not an affair, but one that must be hidden away for some reason. Yes, it’s mentally stimulating, but Venus in Aquarius asks, “Is it worth it?” The second is sex magick, which can be done alone or with a partner. Again, you must choose your intention wisely.