
Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Witch Tips

How you participate in the world at large and the world within is a matter of choice. Life moves fast and it can feel like it’s happening to you, but the truth is that life is more of a democracy than a dictatorship. You have choice within your circumstances. There is of course due process to be observed, but with vision, effort, and patience, much can be achieved. 

There’s a great deal happening in the stars this week, but here’s the upshot for you: it’s time to honor your heart. In the most simplistic terms, life can be distilled down to two things – fear and love. It's easy to say always choose love, but in reality, it isn't always easy to do. There are times when heeding your fears is an act of love. There are times when acting from a place of love means choosing pain, or loss, or personal hardship. Life is not black and white, and the “right thing” is not always a fixed point. The expansive Jupiter trine to empathetic Neptune is exact on the 25th. It may be easy to rest on your laurels and confuse intent for action, but this would be a missed opportunity. Prioritize generosity and empathy in your actions and your choices, and not just philosophically. Humanity is going through a period of great duress. Every choice you make matters, including the choice to do nothing, say nothing, or feel less. On the same day, the Venus opposition to Saturn will be exact, marking this as a time for making material choices. Who you value and the ways you protect them are on the line, lovers. Choose to invest in and protect a relationship that’s outlived it’s purpose, and you’ll find that you still feel anxious or off. This is the time to confront the realities that you find yourself in, not just in your personal life but within the larger communities that you are connected to. 


The Moon is full in inspiring Sagittarius at 6:19amPST on May 29th. What you believe in is on the line now, and this Full Moon is a chance for you to focus on the big picture. The risk here is that you'll weave a story about your life that justifies your feels instead of exploring 

your feels in efforts to understand the true story. It’s important that you listen to what others are telling you about themselves – not just in their words but also with their actions – and accept what you are shown, even if you're compelled to try and change things. Acceptance is a foundational step. In order to properly address something, you must first understand it. This is the time to confront the truth and to mobilize from that place. 


There is no one meant to save or heal you – seek inspiration and guidance instead of fixes, lovers. You are the one, and the time is now. 





March 21-April 19 

Having fun is nice, bit have you tried prioritizing true happiness? This week is all about the difference between pleasure and joy. One is fleeting, while the other lasts. One fills your cup to the top, while the other flows through the pipes of your house. Don’t be so quick to feel nice that you miss out on opportunities to feel fantastic, Aries. The easiest route may not be the best one; invest in what will improve your whole life and not just this moment. 



April 20-May 20 

If you’ve taken on too much or overindulged lately, you’re going to have to take the first half of this week to recuperate. Use your body as the resource that it’s meant to be, and work it out. Exercise, dance, take long walks, or try to get yourself into nature. Take care of your physical self, as it’s your home and meant to be your BFF. You don’t have to be perfectly healthy or even well adjusted; all you need to do is to treat yourself with care and love, Taurus. 



May 21-June 21 

If you have extra to give, it will make you feel better to share, Twin Star. This week is all about the expansion you get through service. The Full Moon in your relationship house is pulling you out of your head and into the world of interconnectedness. Make yourself available to others who need you, and you’ll find that you have more to give. The trick is to only offer what you can give with an open heart; anything more and you do a disservice to yourself and others. 



June 22-July 22 

Prioritize healing small wounds this week. Full Moons are always a little extra for you, and this week your ruling planet invites us all to shed the past. It’s time to take care of yourself, Moonchild. If you’re tired, rest. If you’re hungry, nourish yourself. If you’re lonely, reach out to people who are emotionally available and kind, even if only to share a smile. All you can control are your choices, so make the most empathetic and productive ones you can, my love. 



July 23-Aug. 22 

It can be hard to sit alone with yourself, but it’s truly important. This week is likely to test your relationship with yourself, and the best way to face it is with compassion. This means that you run the risk of shutting down or disassociating in the face of stresses. It’s time to step up and do your best in the face of your less than ideal qualities. You don’t need to be perfect, you only have to try. Work to become the best version of yourself you can be today, one good choice at a time. 



Aug. 23-Sept. 22 

It’s time to make a change, Virgo. Regardless of what anyone else is or isn’t doing, this week is all about what you need to do in order to be right with you. The Full Moon brings with it the risk of getting caught up in projections that based on feelings you don’t know what to do with or don’t truly know how to interpret. These feelings aren't 

the same as the truth. Remember that you want to be happy, and make sure that your actions reflect that drive, my love. 



Sept. 23-Oct. 22 

You can react to the upsets in front of you and get caught up in interpersonal dramas but to what end, Libra? It’s time to get emotional. Sit with your feelings so you can understand what’s happening within you and really take care of your heart. You get to have a different version of shared events because your perspective is your own. Seek independence by validating your own experience instead of waiting for anyone else to do it for you. 



Oct. 23-Nov. 21 

There’s no amount of proof you can compile to change your view of yourself without doing emotional work alongside it. This week you may be confronted with some things that you’d rather not see, but it’s time to stop playing games and honor the truth. You’re strong, and you’re capable, Scorpio. You can move mountains if you decide you want to. It’s time to make the decision to start doing what you know deep inside that you need to do. 



Nov. 22-Dec. 21 

The Full Moon in your sign on he the 29th is your time to own up, Sagittarius. You know what you’ve been struggling to accept and just can’t. It’s time to let go. Sometimes the things you want or the people you love are at cross-purposes with what’s whole and true for you. You don’t have to manage the whole world, you just have to do what’s right for you in the best way you know how. 



Dec. 22-Jan. 19 

Fear is a trickster. When it’s not instructive, it’s destructive. How you react to what you fear is an important reflection of your 

relationship to those feelings, not just to the content of your concerns. This week is all about the delicate balance between what was, what is, and what you intend to create. Your power lies in not letting your emotions usurp your plans, Capricorn. If you’re going to make changes, make sure they’re thought-out and intentional. 




Jan. 20-Feb. 18 

You have so much, Aquarius. It would be a shame to focus on what you don’t have, but that’s exactly what you’ve been doing. Yes, there are things you want, but if desiring them inspires you to feel more aligned with scarcity than it does with fertility, then you're missing out. Be where you’re at, and try to honor the goodness of this moment. Finding joy in imperfect circumstances while still moving forward is a skill that has no downside, my love. 




Feb. 19-March 20 

When you get don’t believe that you have a right to something, it’s easy to get defensive. The trouble is that when you act overly sensitive, you do a disservice to what you rightfully deserve. This week will challenge your sense of entitlement. Too much and you believe that your feelings matter more than those of others. Not enough and you think that yours matter less. Seek to strike balance, Pisces.

FULL MOON in Sagittarius- June 9th 2017

A Full Moon that occurs between May 22 and June 21 will be in Sagittarius. This moon has many names "Rose moon" "strawberry moon", and of course,  Honey moon. This Moon is helpful in matters of:

  • Understanding
  • Adventures; both mental and physical.
  • Travel that broadens the mind.
  • Expanding conceptual horizons.
  • Long-term planning

The restless and enthusiastic energy of the Sagittarius moon pushes us in the direction of seeking adventure, change, and motion. The Full moon in this sign is a time for philosophy, metaphysics, traveling, studying, and freedom from responsibility. This moon's energy brings the need to feel free of restrictions, and to be spontaneous. The restless and independentnature of this astrological sign is to offer us the gift of exploration. Warm & friendly vibes can make this a good time for seeing new places, encountering different people and relating to a changing environment.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is the best time  hold agroup ritual. The spiritual and psychic forces are very evident now and the desire to connect with us is strong.

Moon Wellness (health): 

The Moon in Sagittarius tends to affect the extended vertebrae (sacrum and coccyx) as well as thighs. At this time massages are particularly beneficial and can loosen up sore or stiff muscles. Stiff thigh muscles and deep-seated contusions can be quickly cured with long soaks in Epsom salt and soothing herbal mixtures that smell great and relax the senses. You can even take this soak a step further by lighting a purple candle (the color associated with Sagittarius) and close your eyes for a healing moon meditation (see below)

Moon Meditation: 

Sitting comfortably in silence welcome the fiery, passionate, and expansive energies of Sagittarius in. Practice being mindful of the destructive potential of these energies by allowing thoughts of lower nature to come in, and release them out with each breath. At this time,  it is essential that we choose to fill our mental and emotional natures with temperance, silence, and mindfulness.  Only from this place can we find alignment and sense the vision of what is possible. Allow your body to relax completely and focus on using your energy to renounce all obstacles that might be hindering the union of achieving your highest spiritual goals. 

"I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another." -Alice Bailey

Full moon in Sag journal focus:

  • Carrying inner silence, can I walk through this day as an observer? Mindful of my thoughts, words, deeds, and of the vision I hold within? 
  • What is my highest aspiration? 

Moon Magic: 

June's Rose moon, strawberry moon, and mead moon is a time for casting spells offering protection, making decisions, personal strength, love and fertility.


 Honoring the full moon can be integrated into parties/groups by meditating together with silent witness to the moon being our center. Ritualized touching/laying on of hands for healing. chant together using syllables or sounds of power.

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The Hoodwitch: Weekly Horoscopes 5/10-16/2017

Artwork by Victoria Siemer

Artwork by Victoria Siemer

Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Witch Tips

It's Full Moon time again, kiddies, and this week is likely to bring hella chaos, so get ready! 

The Moon will be full at 20 degrees of Scorpio on the 10th at 2:42pm PST. Expect feels to be at heightened levels of intensity leading up to this event. It’s is a dangerous time for building up resentments, developing grudges, or obsessing on your ex, so don’t say I didn’t warn you. Scorpio is the sign of death and regeneration, healing and destruction; whatever happens with this Moon, it isn’t likely to be chill. You’re going to want to get deep, and that can be complicated if things do go your way, which I’m sad to say they probably won’t.


On the 10th fierce and combative Mars will form a Square to idealistic and devotional Neptune (in transit astrology you can think of the Square aspect as a bit of a curve ball or sucker punch). While the high point of these vibes will be felt on the 11th, you can expect it to intensify the psychic and messy nature of this Full Moon. The best way to manage this is to rely on your spiritual values and tools for staying in alignment with yourself, both emotionally and in your actions. Mars wants to have its energy be known. It wants power, revenge, and validation. Neptune couldn’t care less about any of that; it’s the planet that governs the interconnectedness of all things, or on the dank side, checking out and giving up. The danger here is that your feelings will be so scattered that you end up more overwhelmed than you can handle. The best advice I can give you for these next few days is to hold yourself accountable to the same standards that you hold others to and vice versa. Don’t be a martyr, and don’t think that you’re owed more than anyone else. Thinking that you’re the worst and thinking you’re the best is kinda the same problem – it’s thinking too much about yourself.


The jittery, restless Mercury conjunction to Uranus is still active until the 12th. This means that we all run the risk of gabbing at the mouth about every paranoid theory and defensive feel we have – so watch out! If you can, wait until after the 15th, when Mercury moves into stabilizing Taurus, to draw your conclusions. From the 11th-13th, activating Mars will give butterfly kisses (that’s a Trine aspect for bb astrologers) to expansive Jupiter. This can be great for getting things done in a major way, or it can just make it easy for you to run with le cray much farther than you otherwise would. Be willing to check your entitlement this week, lovers, or you may end up putting something into motion that you can’t stop.


PRO TIPS for A World Gone Wonky: 

1. Breathe

2. Align yourself with reliable emotional resources

3. Connect to and honor your spirituality


Life is complicated and beautiful; be here for it all.





March 21-April 19

If you can accept that you’re not in total control of most things, your work gets a lot clearer, this week. The Full Moon on the 10th is an opportunity for you to release something or someone that you’ve been clinging to that you know is no longer right for you. Sometimes your task is to heal, and others you need to make a call and walk away. If you stop trying to fix things that aren’t broken you can start unpacking what you need to let go of, my love.




April 20-May 20

Not everything that hurts is bad, and not all dynamics that feel good are healthy for you. Your relationships are an organism – they live and breathe, needing sustenance and care. If you ignore them or mistreat them, they can grow in gnarled directions. Take stock of how you’ve been showing up with the people you’re closest to, Taurus. The first half of this week is an opportunity to have compassion for the people in your life, even if you have to assert some potentially painful boundaries.




May 21-June 21

It’s not enough to know what you are, you’ve got to know what you’re not, Twin Star. This week you’re in for a major lesson in boundaries. The trouble is that it’s hard to know what’s enough, too much, or not enough, when you feel wonky about your own value. Prioritize getting grounded in your worth so that you can make the right calls in love and work. Know your rights and your responsibilities and act in ways that reflect them. There’s so much to be gained from setting sustainable expectations, sweet one.




June 22-July 22

Something that’s been bugging you and tugging at your insides is about to come to crisis, Moonchild. If you’re committed to situations that don’t really serve you, you can expect to have stuff come up this week that requires you to deal with them. Be especially careful of being passive aggressive - if you’ve got something to say, spit it out! If you’re asking someone to be humble about their part, lead by example. While you have the right to your feels, you’ve also got to own your part.




July 23-Aug. 22

Expect the Full Moon on the 10th to kick up some family drama, Leo. You may have some old feels from the past come up with surprising strength, or perhaps a new emotionally intense situation will emerge. The key in either case is for you to show all the way up. If you’ve been acting in ways that aren’t true to you, it’s time for you to own up to them. It’s OK to say you’ve changed your mind, or that you’re wrong. The thing you shouldn’t do is to defensively try to rewrite history. Step up.




Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Be careful what you say, Virgo, because you’re likely to spend the first half of this week brimming with feelings that scramble your brain. It’s important that you honor the yearnings of your heart so that you don’t project them out and make mountains out of molehills. It’s easy to weave a narrative to match your feels, but that doesn’t mean that you’re telling yourself a true story. If you slow down and take the time to investigate your heart, you’ll able to figure out what’s really going on for you.




Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Don’t let your fear of conflict distract you from the central issues in your relationships, Libra. You don’t need to be defensive in order to defend yourself, and things don’t need to be terrible in order for you to stand up. This week your ego is gonna get triggered, and it’s on you to not shut down or act out. Be here for honest conversations, even if they’re super awkward and hard. Place authenticity over accommodation, my love.




Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The Moon is only full in your sign but once a year, when it’s time for the rest of the zodiac to see what it’s like to live with such intense feels, Scorpio. Take an actual break from the busyness of your life and do a real check-in with yourself. If you’ve been holding it together, it’s OK to fall apart for a minute. Don’t wait for something to trigger your feels before you take care of them. Show yourself a little love this week and place your emotional wellness in high regard as a form of self-care.




Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Things are likely to get a little murky this week, ‘Tarius. Your feelings are likely to be all over the map and while that doesn’t mean that they’re unreliable, it does mean that you need to allow space for things to play out before you jump to conclusions. It’s not just OK to have limits - it’s essential, but it’s also really important to be informed. Breathe through your reactions so you can figure out what you really need to reach towards, and what you need to let go of.




Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Where do you belong, Cappy? You’re ready to be more involved with community or group ventures, but you’ve got to be choosy about where and with who. This week’s Full Moon on the 10th is going to bring up all kinds of feelings about your place in the world. This is a fertile time for letting go of past entanglements and attachments, and for seeing things as they really are. This is the first step in a process of feeling more connected to others in a way that gives you life, instead of drains it outta you.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Where are you going, Aquarius, like really? This week’s Full Moon is an opportunity to get real about the track you’ve set yourself on. If you’re not happy with the choices you’ve made in recent months you’re likely to feel the weight of it now. It may be tempting to check out and lose yourself in daydreams and distractions but that would be a waste of an opportunity. Challenge yourself to make healthy decisions, even when disassociating seems easier. 




Feb. 19-March 20

You don’t need to take on other people’s dramas as a way of showing support. It’s not on you to know some magic solution that works ideally for everyone; all you need to know is what’s right and healthy for you. This week your mantra gets to be: “those are not my monkeys, and this is not my circus”. Manage your own sweet self, and let others do the work of figuring their own selves out, Pisces. Know your limits and honor them, my love.