Witchcraft as Devotion: A Closer Look at the Practices and Principles of Witchcraft in the Modern Age

Photography by Mo www.phobymo.com

Photography by Mo www.phobymo.com

Written By Jaliessa Sipress

With Vogue magazine hailing our time as a “witchy renaissance,” it is safe to say that witchcraft is on the rise.* But, what is witchcraft? What is it really for? Is it all just spells to get rich and make people fall in love with you? Is it about worshiping he who not be named and learning how to pronounce wingardium leviosa? For some, it is all of these things and for others, none. A witch can mean many things and can come in many forms, and much of it's popularity seems to stem from that. While witchcraft and wizardry has gained wild popularity for it's reclamation of power and perceived formlessness, what should not be forgotten is that being a witch is less about the fact that one has “power” and more about acknowledging where that power comes from.

Witchcraft is a work of gratitude. It comes from the practice of honoring the people, land and animals that came before you, that coexist with you now and that have yet to arrive. Witchcraft is the work of the wise because it is the everyday practice of those who are humbled by the world around them. Witches find meaning in the mundane and see the magic in weeds growing through cracks in the sidewalk or a shed feather of a dirty bird. Witches are rememberers, mourners and healers because they have reconciled with the cycles of life and realized what is and is not in human hands. Witchcraft is about gratitude and alignment, treading lightly and respectfully and only taking what you need. We must remember that witchcraft is less about control and more about connection. A connection to our own divinity, but also an understanding of the limitations of it.

A witch’s power is in their ability to adapt, working with the natural cycles of the earth to bring about abundance, clarity and direction. It is not about manipulation or having complete control. Witchcraft is about surrendering. It is the knowledge that most things are out of our hands but continuing to work with our surroundings to help swing things in our favor. It is the act of bowing to the elements and submitting to their power that makes a spell stick. Witchcraft is a labor of love and intention. Spells work because they are an act of communion with the powers beyond us, acknowledging our need for help, and partaking in a mutual relationship with things we cannot measure. It is about giving without the expectation of receiving.

Photography by Gregory Halpern

Photography by Gregory Halpern

To practice magick is to be in attunement with a sensitive and dying world and being interested in working with, fighting for and healing with it. Yes, witches cast spells and ask the universe for guidance. This is because they are interested in being led, in asking for help when in need and respecting that whatever shall come, will come. Sometimes spellwork is feeding late Aunt Mable’s altar or lighting a “road opener” candle for weeks until anything finally sets into motion. Sometimes it is the humbling act of continually asking and never receiving because it is not what the universe wants for you. It can sometimes mean waiting, worrying, re-configuring and waiting again. But all of the waiting and worrying is worth it because the craft is about finding understanding in failed spells and magical mishaps. It is about finding true love for yourself and the world around you and being in communion with the gifts that come from that. It is about faith.

Witchcraft is a fun, freeing, beautiful and impassioned practice, and we must acknowledge that our ability to experience it as such is rooted in the magnetic force of offering. Offering our power, offering our light, offering our darkness, offering our strength, offering our material and immaterial gifts, our dedication and our relationship to the deities and beings that guide us. Staying in a state of gratitude and giving helps to attract the exact blessings you are grateful for. Your love and power are precious tools. Use them to uplift, remember and protect and they shall never go to waste.



Artwork by Pierre Kiandjan

Artwork by Pierre Kiandjan

Written By Jessica Lanyadoo

Witch Tips

The Sun and Mars enter playful Leo early this week, and that means that it’s time to let the light in, lovelies! Before that solar shift happens, we have one more kick in the pants from the Sun in Cancer though; watch out from the 19th-21st as the planet that governs our sense of self forms a challenging Square to disruptive Uranus. This transit will bring about sudden changes, upsetting conditions, and unexpected shifts in power. This is a great time for exploration and creating reform but a terrible one for making things more secure. Be open to learning something that you didn’t think was true, and keep your gossiping to a minimum as it’s likely to come back to haunt you.

These days can also trigger restless anxiety, so make sure that when you’re feeling nervous, you try to get grounded and breathe into the present moment as much as possible. My two favorite anti-anxiety Witch supplies are lavender for the nervous system and amethyst for protection and calming the mind.

Amethyst & Lavender are both available HERE

Amethyst & Lavender are both available HERE

The big news this week happens on the 23rd with the New Moon at 2:46 am PST. This New Moon in Leo is the first of two New Moons in the sign of play and creativity this summer – the second one will be the Great American Eclipse on August 23rd. It’s rare to have two New Moons in the same sign – we usually only get one per year. Trust that whatever comes up now will be extra meaningful and  intense. None of this is made more chill by the fact that passionate Mars is sitting pretty much on top of this Moon. Be open to learning about your ego, lovers. Leo can be self-involved and arrogant, and the Moon has a hard time seeing other people’s experiences when it gets too emo. How you assert yourself, how you evaluate your own or others' merits, what you feel entitled to take, or the priority you place on getting yours is likely to be staring you straight in the face this week. Instead of devolving into defensiveness, embrace the fullness of what you are and how you do! Embrace the work of directing yourself where you want to go, even if it seems like it’ll be a lot of work.

TBH the Universe has got you in a corner because from the 23rd-25th compromising Venus will be opposite rigid Saturn. This will further the need for you to make sure that that your actions are an accurate reflection of your values. Saturn can make you feel lonely and hyper-critical of your looks, your relationships, and how you come across to others. Your best course of action is to get aligned with yourself and not worry so much about what others do or don’t think about you.





March 21-April 19

What you want and what’s in your best interest are not always the same thing, my love. This week your impulses will be zinging, and it would be easy to jump to conclusions and get deeply invested in something that you don’t yet fully understand. Instead of looking outside of yourself for answers, practice checking in with what’s underneath your feels, Aries. By better understanding your impulses, you can make better, more effective choices.




April 20-May 20

This is it, Taurus. You’re in a powerful state of manifestation, and that’s either going to be a very good or a very bad thing for you this week. Where your emotions are fixated is where you’ll see results, so get real about what you’re resonating with. If you’re on a diet and eating healthily but focused on how much you hate your body as it is, you’re likely to manifest more of your pain. Get your feels and your thoughts on the same page, my love.




May 21-June 21

What you value is not a theoretical thing – it’s reflected in your actions on the daily. This week is likely to bring about an encounter with your choices that crystallizes a reality you’ve been avoiding, Twin Star. Instead of defending your behavior or justifying your right to do as you please, first make sure that you mean it. This is an excellent time to face facts and redirect your life. Confront the truth; you’ll be better for it, I promise.




June 22-July 22

It’s essential that you’re honest, Moonchild. You don’t need to fix anyone’s feels, you just have to show up. Be honest with yourself about what you’re feeling and why. Then you’ve got to share that truth with the people you trust. You’re not right or wrong, good or bad – you’re a complex and layered person. It’s OK if things are messy and you have contradicting feels. Own your perspective because the truth is true, whether you want it to be or not, my love.




July 23-Aug. 22

On July 23rd, we have a New Moon in your sign, and it’s related to the upcoming New Moon in Leo, also known as the Great American Eclipse on 8/21. (You usually only get one New Moon in your sign per year!) This is not the time for messing around, Leo; this is a special time in history, and a meaningful time for you, personally. How you show up and who you chose to be are extra crucial because of this unusual lunar activity. If you allow yourself to be emotionally present, you will discover profound heartfelt truths.





Aug. 23-Sept. 22

As the world around you changes, you must change too. This week isn’t meant to be stable, it’s meant to be a time of expansion. Maintain your self-care without attachments, Virgo. what I mean to say is that you shouldn’t try to direct the flow of your life this week because new data is coming in that will help you change or expand your perspectives. You can’t benefit from this if you’re not open to seeing things differently though. Open your heart and your mind, Virgo.




Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Things are gonna come at you real fast this week, so now’s the time to address your ambiguities, Libra. If you don’t know what you want, you may buy into a plan that is great – just not great for you. Cultivate the kind of self-reference that supports you in knowing the difference between a crush on a person or situation versus a crush on their crush on you. All that glitters is not gold, my friend. Use your discretion, and don’t be scared of saying no this week.




Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Instead of seeking to avoid problems, embrace them, Scorpio. This is an excellent time to get things done that you’ve long been putting off. This may not be an easy week, but it doesn’t have to be bad either. Identify the material limitations you’ve been feeling blocked by, and write a three point plan of what you can begin to do to tackle them. You don’t need to fix anything, but you should set your sites on proactive steps to improve your life this week.




Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Feeling lonely is the pits. It’s a restless place to be, but in truth it’s important to be able to take a step back from people and really be with yourself. This week you may feel a bit off when it comes to your relationships, but there’s a big picture reason for it; you need you. If you’ve become caught up in other people’s opinions, you’re likely to have lost track of your own. Reconnect with your inner world without needing to get attention to validate your efforts, my love.




Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Things aren’t supposed to stay the same, Cappy. You are meant to change and grow, and as you do, you’re inevitably going to outgrow some things that you’ve come to rely on. This week may be challenging because you’re on call to do things differently and you only theoretically wanna. Allow space for your heart to drag behind your head if you need to; just don’t leave it in the dust.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The New Moon on the 23rd in your relationship house is an important moment for everyone, but you’re likely to feel it in an extra sort of way. This week your relationships will come into focus for you, so ready or not, it’s time to cope. Who you chose to invest your energy in and what you consent to participating in are on you. Be the friend, partner, child, or neighbor that you want to be, even if it takes bringing greater intention into all of your interactions this week.




Feb. 19-March 20

At the end of the day you need to like yourself. It’s really easy to get caught up in what you think others want, or your projections into what others think about you, or what’s even possible for you to do based on other’s opinions. But it’s all a fool’s errand. Make sure you believe in the direction of your life, be damned what anyone else says. Commit your actions in the direction you need to so that you like the person you are in the here and now, Pisces.


How Witches Deal With Negativity

Written By Michael Cardenas

 Gossip, envy, jealousy, ill intentions, and hatred all come from a place of fear and deep insecurity. People project these inner demons onto us when they become triggered by seeing someone do what they want to be doing. The only remedy to that is for them to stop comparing their journey and get to work! Create your own lane and there will be no competition. Until people come to this realization we are left with the projections. These are low vibrational frequencies that can drain you of your vitality and spiritually block you from reaching your goals.  You do not need this in your life. If you are experiencing this type of negativity in your life, DO NOT ENGAGE. The more that you feed into it, the bigger it gets.  Five things can energetically remedy the situation: Space Clearing, Flip the Energy, Spiritual Cleansing, Cleanse the Gossip, and Boundaries. Turn off your phone for an hour. Disconnect, ground, and remember who the fuck you are. You are boundless light and magic. Happiness and prosperity are your natural state of being. You are divinity in human form. You are an ancient soul returning to this world to accomplish amazing things. Now take three deep breaths in through your nose, exhale through your mouth, and get to work.



Space Clearing

Photo by Bri Luna

Photo by Bri Luna


 You will need:


Florida Water


Clear the clutter. Clutter is bad for you on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level so clean it up and make some space in your life for positive energy to flow through. Physically cleaning and clearing your space is vital before engaging in any spiritual work. To energetically clear the space, open all the doors and windows, put on some music that makes you feel empowered, and burn some sage walking around the house in a counterclockwise direction (banish negativity). Next spray every room in the house with Florida Water walking in a clockwise direction (invoke positive energy). Lastly visualize an electric blue light filling the entire space and surrounding the outside of your home for psychic protection on all levels. It is done.


Flip the Energy

If things are moving in a negative direction it’s time to address the issue and change the course of energy. I’m a firm believer in the power of positive thinking but I’m also a believer in handling it! Address the issue and then move forward in a positive direction. I personally do this every month for preventative maintenance but you can use this as needed. I like to give this to clients that I am performing Reversal, Uncrossing, and Tapa Boca spell work for.

Photo By Michael Cardenas

Photo By Michael Cardenas


You will need:

Glass of water

White plate

Sea Salt


Photo by Michael Cardenas 

Photo by Michael Cardenas 

Take the glass and fill it with water, and add nine pinches of sea salt. Adding salt to water makes it a better conduit of energy and it purifies negativity. Next speak into the salt water and tell it exactly what you need it to do. Water is highly intelligent and the most receptive of the metaphysical elements. For example, I would say: “Cleanse of me envy, jealousy, gossip, and ill intentions. I reverse this energy so that my life may got back into alignment with blessings, prosperity, love, and happiness.” Speak from your heart and state your honest intentions. When complete take the plate and place it on top of the glass. Firmly hold the glass and plate together, and flip the glass and plate over. This is best done over a sink or bathtub. Place it near your front door or in your bedroom. After 3, 7, or 9 days (use your intuition to determine the number of days) flip the cup and plate back over and flush the water down the toilet. Wash the glass and plate with white vinegar, soap, and water. Save them for future workings. It is done.


Spiritual Cleansing


It’s important to spiritually cleanse yourself often, especially if you’re sensitive to energy.  This is one of my favorite baths to make when I feel like I need a cleansing. It’s an old school one taught to me by my grandmother. Simple and powerful.


You will need:

3 cups of white rice

a gallon of warm water

Florida Water

Cascarilla (optional but recommended)


Soak the rice in warm water for 5 minutes making sure to stir it well so it gets super cloudy. Strain the rice and keep the water. You can cook the rice and use it as an offering to your ancestors of favorite deity. In a large container pour in the rice water, some powdered cascarilla, and a good splash of Florida Water. Hold your hands over the bowl and visualize a brilliant white light infusing the water.

Take your regular shower and when complete pour the rice water mixture over yourself from the neck down, making sure to get the back of your neck especially.

Do not rinse off. Pat dry and wear some white or light colored to sleep. Do this anytime you intuitively feel your energy is off.


Clear the Gossip


1 piece of Alum Stone a.k.a. Alumbre

Self-igniting charcoal

photo by Michael Cardenas

photo by Michael Cardenas


Alum Stone or Alumbre is actually a mineral similar to salt that will eventually dissolves in water. It is used to cleanse yourself of gossip and to illuminate your energy field with light and progress. Light a charcoal tablet and place it in a heat safe container. Let it heat up until bright red. Take the stone and cleanse yourself with it from top to bottom gentle rubbing the stone on yourself and paying special attention to the back of your neck. When complete set the stone on the charcoal and let it burn until the charcoal goes out. As this is happening it is burning off the gossip from within, through, and around you. When it is finished burning it will show you signs of who, what, when, where, and how. Let everything cool down completely and take the melted Alum from the heat proof container and examine it. Use your intuition to interpret the shape and images. Write this information down and get rid of the stone by either burying it beneath a tree or tossing it into a crossroads. *You can also use the cup flipping technique for this just use a piece of alum stone in addition to the sea salt.


Set Boundaries


You can use the following crystals to set strong boundaries. Sit or lay down to connect with them. Intuitively feel their energy and communicate with them through your thoughts. Wear them, hold them, or place them around your home to access their energy. Make sure to cleanse them after any heavy sessions and every New Moon.

Black Obsidian: warrior like protection, psychic boundaries, and deep grounding

Black Tourmaline: anti-negativity, psychic protection, and transmutes negativity into positive energy. Protective stones are Available HERE

Full Moon In Capricorn 2017


Use a Capricorn full moon in magickal works pertaining to:

  • Career matters
  • Anything to do with status, establishment of reputation
  • Planning & organizing (focusing on goals)
  • Binding
  • Grounding
  • Healing the joints in your body (especially the knees)

Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 8th, while the Sun sits opposite Pluto, the planet whose motto is "heal or be destroyed." Full Moons are excellent times for clearing emo baggage, but the tender Moon is least comfortable in hard-hearted Capricorn than in any other sign. Face facts and confront the reality of your life as it is in the here and now. Capricorn wants reliable ground to stand on, while the Moon wants flow. Seek out places in your life that are stuck or stagnant, and get real about your role in them. Humility and guilt live on the same continuum, only guilt is a preoccupation with the self, while humility is responsibility without self-obsession.

Speaking of obsession, let’s talk about Pluto. This bish is going to sit on top of the Moon at 11:05pmPST on the 8th, and from the 8th-10th, we’ll be feeling the effects of the Sun opposition to Pluto. The Sun governs your sense of self and your identity, and Pluto is the energy for transformation, healing, and destruction. When Pluto touches the Sun, it tends to bring up shame, obsessions, resentments, and the feeling of being abandoned. This is a rough time for feeling things cleanly – your projections and stored up defenses are likely to color your view of whatever happens around now, and that makes for a seriously intense Full Moon.

Here’s a Pro Tip for making the most of this powerful shift: you’re not alone. We’re all in this together. Pluto in Capricorn is meant to bring about transformations of the powers that be, and that counts for your internal structure as much as it impacts hierarchies and global markets. We’re all interconnected; commit to offering the same latitude to others that you wish for yourself. Allow space for others and yourself to be in process, but know that you are not more entitled than anyone else to be a jerk, no matter how wronged you feel.

Be the change you want to see in your world, especially when it would be easiest to falter. 



Written by Bri Luna

Capricorn moon rituals tend to be a bit harder to get initiated because of the amount of  Earth energy, but once they do they will be liberating, so enjoy the energy of this thunder moon by utilizing an affirmation in your full moon meditation.


Sitting in silence, take a moment to ground and center yourself. Inhale the sign of Capricorn (Ambition and will) into your heart's center. At this time, you may hold one of the following suggested crystals in your hands as you envision the color of deep blue surrounding you, and filling you with a sense of courage and accomplishment.  with deep gratitude, accept these powerful energies into your being. Open yourself up to allow mindful intentions that will help to uplift creation as a whole. 

If you are feeling mentally or creatively blocked during this full moon, working with quartz crystals during meditation can not only deeply healing, but a wonderful way to open yourself to immense clarity. Read our Quartz Crystal Meditation HERE  


  • Essential Oils: Frankincense, Patchouli, Cypress, Rosemary
  • Candle colors: White, dark blue, green, brown
  • Stones: Black Tourmaline , garnet, Tiger's eye, smoky quartz, Citrine
  • Goddess of the Capricorn moon: All crones.
  • Our beautiful Luna is also called The Thunder Moon tonight, as this is the time when thunderstorms are most frequent.


  • See what's in the stars for you and read this week's Horoscopes HERE.


7/8/2017 - New Lemurian Starseed Crystal Have been added to the store:


The midsummer solstice (Litha, Longest Day, shortest night) is today! The summer solstice is the time of nature's bounty and abundance. The elementis FIRE, the direction is south, and all around us we are surrounded by color and fragrant aromas  fromblossoming roses, wallflowers, lavender, honeysuckle, and jasmine.

Goddess Of The Week: Julianna 'Uzumaki' Cepeda

Name: Julianna 'Uzumaki' Cepeda

Location: From The Bronx, now currently in Los Angeles. 

Astrological Sign/rising: Gemini sun, rising Libra, Pisces moon. 

Photography by Erica Weitz

Photography by Erica Weitz


Occupation: Installation textile artist of Uzumaki gallery

Which Goddess or Goddess Archetype do you most identify with and why?

I would say Santa Martha the Dominatora because shes a strong women i've been seeing as a child. She takes nobody's shit and shes super magical! She deadass is nobody to play with. That vibe of strong women is what I identify with. 

How do you get in touch with/unleash your inner goddess ?

I unleash my inner goddess when I think about ideas.  I was going to say prayer but that's too obvious. I feel like creating and manifesting ideas makes me feel special. The fact I can use these hands and mind to create and give is everything. 


What is your Goddess superpower?

My goddess superpower I believe is my imagination. I can close my eyes and think of the way I want the world to be, and open my eyes and start creating that world with my hands. I think it's important for people to acknowledge their mind power and the powers of manifestation.  

Photography by Davon Chandler

Photography by Davon Chandler

What is an empowering quote and/or important words of wisdom that you'd like to share with other Goddesses out there? 

Everybody ain't ya friend! But treat them like they are. 



FULL MOON in Sagittarius- June 9th 2017

A Full Moon that occurs between May 22 and June 21 will be in Sagittarius. This moon has many names "Rose moon" "strawberry moon", and of course,  Honey moon. This Moon is helpful in matters of:

  • Understanding
  • Adventures; both mental and physical.
  • Travel that broadens the mind.
  • Expanding conceptual horizons.
  • Long-term planning

The restless and enthusiastic energy of the Sagittarius moon pushes us in the direction of seeking adventure, change, and motion. The Full moon in this sign is a time for philosophy, metaphysics, traveling, studying, and freedom from responsibility. This moon's energy brings the need to feel free of restrictions, and to be spontaneous. The restless and independentnature of this astrological sign is to offer us the gift of exploration. Warm & friendly vibes can make this a good time for seeing new places, encountering different people and relating to a changing environment.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is the best time  hold agroup ritual. The spiritual and psychic forces are very evident now and the desire to connect with us is strong.

Moon Wellness (health): 

The Moon in Sagittarius tends to affect the extended vertebrae (sacrum and coccyx) as well as thighs. At this time massages are particularly beneficial and can loosen up sore or stiff muscles. Stiff thigh muscles and deep-seated contusions can be quickly cured with long soaks in Epsom salt and soothing herbal mixtures that smell great and relax the senses. You can even take this soak a step further by lighting a purple candle (the color associated with Sagittarius) and close your eyes for a healing moon meditation (see below)

Moon Meditation: 

Sitting comfortably in silence welcome the fiery, passionate, and expansive energies of Sagittarius in. Practice being mindful of the destructive potential of these energies by allowing thoughts of lower nature to come in, and release them out with each breath. At this time,  it is essential that we choose to fill our mental and emotional natures with temperance, silence, and mindfulness.  Only from this place can we find alignment and sense the vision of what is possible. Allow your body to relax completely and focus on using your energy to renounce all obstacles that might be hindering the union of achieving your highest spiritual goals. 

"I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another." -Alice Bailey

Full moon in Sag journal focus:

  • Carrying inner silence, can I walk through this day as an observer? Mindful of my thoughts, words, deeds, and of the vision I hold within? 
  • What is my highest aspiration? 

Moon Magic: 

June's Rose moon, strawberry moon, and mead moon is a time for casting spells offering protection, making decisions, personal strength, love and fertility.


 Honoring the full moon can be integrated into parties/groups by meditating together with silent witness to the moon being our center. Ritualized touching/laying on of hands for healing. chant together using syllables or sounds of power.

Thanks for reading! Please help spread the word and don't forget to view our store to see our latest crystals and herbs - Shop Now

The Hoodwitch: Weekly Horoscopes 5/10-16/2017

Artwork by Victoria Siemer

Artwork by Victoria Siemer

Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Witch Tips

It's Full Moon time again, kiddies, and this week is likely to bring hella chaos, so get ready! 

The Moon will be full at 20 degrees of Scorpio on the 10th at 2:42pm PST. Expect feels to be at heightened levels of intensity leading up to this event. It’s is a dangerous time for building up resentments, developing grudges, or obsessing on your ex, so don’t say I didn’t warn you. Scorpio is the sign of death and regeneration, healing and destruction; whatever happens with this Moon, it isn’t likely to be chill. You’re going to want to get deep, and that can be complicated if things do go your way, which I’m sad to say they probably won’t.


On the 10th fierce and combative Mars will form a Square to idealistic and devotional Neptune (in transit astrology you can think of the Square aspect as a bit of a curve ball or sucker punch). While the high point of these vibes will be felt on the 11th, you can expect it to intensify the psychic and messy nature of this Full Moon. The best way to manage this is to rely on your spiritual values and tools for staying in alignment with yourself, both emotionally and in your actions. Mars wants to have its energy be known. It wants power, revenge, and validation. Neptune couldn’t care less about any of that; it’s the planet that governs the interconnectedness of all things, or on the dank side, checking out and giving up. The danger here is that your feelings will be so scattered that you end up more overwhelmed than you can handle. The best advice I can give you for these next few days is to hold yourself accountable to the same standards that you hold others to and vice versa. Don’t be a martyr, and don’t think that you’re owed more than anyone else. Thinking that you’re the worst and thinking you’re the best is kinda the same problem – it’s thinking too much about yourself.


The jittery, restless Mercury conjunction to Uranus is still active until the 12th. This means that we all run the risk of gabbing at the mouth about every paranoid theory and defensive feel we have – so watch out! If you can, wait until after the 15th, when Mercury moves into stabilizing Taurus, to draw your conclusions. From the 11th-13th, activating Mars will give butterfly kisses (that’s a Trine aspect for bb astrologers) to expansive Jupiter. This can be great for getting things done in a major way, or it can just make it easy for you to run with le cray much farther than you otherwise would. Be willing to check your entitlement this week, lovers, or you may end up putting something into motion that you can’t stop.


PRO TIPS for A World Gone Wonky: 

1. Breathe

2. Align yourself with reliable emotional resources

3. Connect to and honor your spirituality


Life is complicated and beautiful; be here for it all.





March 21-April 19

If you can accept that you’re not in total control of most things, your work gets a lot clearer, this week. The Full Moon on the 10th is an opportunity for you to release something or someone that you’ve been clinging to that you know is no longer right for you. Sometimes your task is to heal, and others you need to make a call and walk away. If you stop trying to fix things that aren’t broken you can start unpacking what you need to let go of, my love.




April 20-May 20

Not everything that hurts is bad, and not all dynamics that feel good are healthy for you. Your relationships are an organism – they live and breathe, needing sustenance and care. If you ignore them or mistreat them, they can grow in gnarled directions. Take stock of how you’ve been showing up with the people you’re closest to, Taurus. The first half of this week is an opportunity to have compassion for the people in your life, even if you have to assert some potentially painful boundaries.




May 21-June 21

It’s not enough to know what you are, you’ve got to know what you’re not, Twin Star. This week you’re in for a major lesson in boundaries. The trouble is that it’s hard to know what’s enough, too much, or not enough, when you feel wonky about your own value. Prioritize getting grounded in your worth so that you can make the right calls in love and work. Know your rights and your responsibilities and act in ways that reflect them. There’s so much to be gained from setting sustainable expectations, sweet one.




June 22-July 22

Something that’s been bugging you and tugging at your insides is about to come to crisis, Moonchild. If you’re committed to situations that don’t really serve you, you can expect to have stuff come up this week that requires you to deal with them. Be especially careful of being passive aggressive - if you’ve got something to say, spit it out! If you’re asking someone to be humble about their part, lead by example. While you have the right to your feels, you’ve also got to own your part.




July 23-Aug. 22

Expect the Full Moon on the 10th to kick up some family drama, Leo. You may have some old feels from the past come up with surprising strength, or perhaps a new emotionally intense situation will emerge. The key in either case is for you to show all the way up. If you’ve been acting in ways that aren’t true to you, it’s time for you to own up to them. It’s OK to say you’ve changed your mind, or that you’re wrong. The thing you shouldn’t do is to defensively try to rewrite history. Step up.




Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Be careful what you say, Virgo, because you’re likely to spend the first half of this week brimming with feelings that scramble your brain. It’s important that you honor the yearnings of your heart so that you don’t project them out and make mountains out of molehills. It’s easy to weave a narrative to match your feels, but that doesn’t mean that you’re telling yourself a true story. If you slow down and take the time to investigate your heart, you’ll able to figure out what’s really going on for you.




Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Don’t let your fear of conflict distract you from the central issues in your relationships, Libra. You don’t need to be defensive in order to defend yourself, and things don’t need to be terrible in order for you to stand up. This week your ego is gonna get triggered, and it’s on you to not shut down or act out. Be here for honest conversations, even if they’re super awkward and hard. Place authenticity over accommodation, my love.




Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The Moon is only full in your sign but once a year, when it’s time for the rest of the zodiac to see what it’s like to live with such intense feels, Scorpio. Take an actual break from the busyness of your life and do a real check-in with yourself. If you’ve been holding it together, it’s OK to fall apart for a minute. Don’t wait for something to trigger your feels before you take care of them. Show yourself a little love this week and place your emotional wellness in high regard as a form of self-care.




Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Things are likely to get a little murky this week, ‘Tarius. Your feelings are likely to be all over the map and while that doesn’t mean that they’re unreliable, it does mean that you need to allow space for things to play out before you jump to conclusions. It’s not just OK to have limits - it’s essential, but it’s also really important to be informed. Breathe through your reactions so you can figure out what you really need to reach towards, and what you need to let go of.




Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Where do you belong, Cappy? You’re ready to be more involved with community or group ventures, but you’ve got to be choosy about where and with who. This week’s Full Moon on the 10th is going to bring up all kinds of feelings about your place in the world. This is a fertile time for letting go of past entanglements and attachments, and for seeing things as they really are. This is the first step in a process of feeling more connected to others in a way that gives you life, instead of drains it outta you.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Where are you going, Aquarius, like really? This week’s Full Moon is an opportunity to get real about the track you’ve set yourself on. If you’re not happy with the choices you’ve made in recent months you’re likely to feel the weight of it now. It may be tempting to check out and lose yourself in daydreams and distractions but that would be a waste of an opportunity. Challenge yourself to make healthy decisions, even when disassociating seems easier. 




Feb. 19-March 20

You don’t need to take on other people’s dramas as a way of showing support. It’s not on you to know some magic solution that works ideally for everyone; all you need to know is what’s right and healthy for you. This week your mantra gets to be: “those are not my monkeys, and this is not my circus”. Manage your own sweet self, and let others do the work of figuring their own selves out, Pisces. Know your limits and honor them, my love.