Full Moon In Capricorn

A Full Moon that occurs between June 22 and July 22 will be in Capricorn. We will be experiencing two full moons in the month of July, which is called a "Blue Moon". The Blue Moon is when a full moon occurs twice in one month, with the first being in the beginning of the month. This term is also used for a full moon occurring twice in a row in the same sign of the Zodiac.

Break Blaze Burn: 40 Days of Fearless, Out of Bounds Writing

Our lovely Goddess Of The week Rachel White has teamed with expert astrologer Sherene Schostak to offer a magical 40 day creative writing work shop that will surely get your creative juices flowing. This project incorporates guided Jungian journaling and active imagination techniques, along with tarot-inspired writing prompts and meditations.

"This is a time to change our stories and thus change our lives. You don’t have to be an aspiring writer in the literary sense to benefit from this Project 40. We all have a story inside of us that needs to be told."- Sherene S.

CONCEPT: Use the 40 Days and 40 nights to take those old ideas, manuscripts and other forgotten gems off the back burner and get writing! This project is designed to keep you inspired and on fire: For 40 Days and 40 nights Writing does not have to be isolating and tedious! This Project 40 is designed to bring depth, desire and sexy back to the art of pen to paper or (fingers to keypad)! This P40 will break all the rules….. without apology!


Cost is $160

This workshop begins June 2, 2015

For more information  regarding this workshop and how to sign up, head on over to Rachel's site HERE

The Hoodwitch x Black Girl In Om

photo by Michael Pierce

photo by Michael Pierce

Explore the voices, rituals, and divinity of Black Girl In Om's magical Issue 003: Spirituality. In this special issue Thehoodwitch.com 's founder Bri Luna discusses her personal journey, Goddess archetypes, energy clearing, and celebrating life by the cycles of the moon.

Read the full story HERE.

Full Moon In Scorpio Wellness

A full Moon that occurs between April 21st and May 21st will be in Scorpio.

Use this moon for:

  • Purging intense emotional matters  such as: guilt, lust, or obsession.
  • Keeping things secret.
  • Solving mysteries and getting to the root of the issue.
  • Concentration, and exam revision.
  • Healing the sexual organs.

Scorpio Full Moon is a time of Death and rebirth (not necessarily physical death), intensity, extremes, and heightened sensitivity. It is good for focusing, being sexual, and also doing psychic work because of the deep emotions and desires Scorpio brings. Since sensitivity is heightened, this moon is a wonderful time to deeply connect and feel the Goddess, especially the dark Crone Goddesses. During the Scorpio full moon opinions and feelings are intense and penetrating. Strong desires, especially sexual yearnings , run deep with emotions at their peak.

Be cautious of emotional resentments, as this is a time where past feelings can surface and block your very heightened creative energy, so fight the urges to be suspicious, secretive, and moody. This is a time of regeneration, and cleaning out of emotional debris from the previous month. There is great energy to complete things and focus on certain areas that you have found yourself too scattered to deal with the previous cycle. Take the time now for sexual exploration, as well as relaxation.


Full Moon in Scorpio (Taurus Sun) rituals are high energy and psychic. The veil is thin between the worlds, so during your Scorpio full moon rituals the Goddesses joins the circle easily. Anything that you can do in the two to three Scorpio days for the region of the sexual organs has a doubly beneficial preventative and healing affect, as Scorpio rules the sexual organs. Anything that puts a heavier burden on the sexual organs and urinary tract has a harmful effect during this transit than any other days. If you are able to postpone surgery or operations on the sexual organs during this time, it is best. Expectant mothers should also be cautious to stay clear of any heavy strain/exertion during this time. As  it is believed that miscarriage occurs easily during the Scorpio full moon.

  • Vaginal steams/healing baths with herbs such as: Yarrow, rose, jasmine, raspberry, holy basil can be used as a healing aid for women during this full moon. Vaginal (Yoni) steaming is effective because the soft tissues of a woman's vagina are extremely porous and quickly absorb the vapors of the steam. The heat of the steam stimulates circulation and blood flow to the pelvic area, and combined with the medicinal benefits of the herbs, will nourish, tone, and cleanse the vaginal tissues and whole pelvic region. *Please do not use vaginal steaming if you are: pregnant, menstruating,  or if there is infection present.
  • Healing baths
  • Meditation and/or releasing ritual.
  • Healthy sexual play

Erotic Bath

  • 4 drops essential oil of neroil
  • 4 drops essential oil of tuberose
  • 4 drops essential oil of ylang ylang

These essences added to the bath or blended into massage oil have been said to put women in the mood, and the fragrance worn on a woman's skin serves to put men in the mood, or whoever you intend to attract.



Light a deep red candle and burn incense of or oil of Myrrh or ginger. Sitting in silence, breathe in the sign of Scorpio and place it in your heart center. visualize the color scarlet surrounding you, and breathe that color into your heart, allow it to fill you with stregnth, courage, intensity, and passion. Honor these powerful energies and ask that they be used to assist in the journey to transform lower nature into your highest good.



Full Pink Moon In Libra Wellness (lunar eclipse)

A Full Moon that occurs between March 21, and April 20th will be in Libra. This year we will also experience a lunar eclipse taking place at the same time. A lunar eclipse happens only at the time of the full moon, when the Earth gets between the sun and moon and the moon appears to turn  blood red at midnight. The total eclipse will last less than 5 minutes, making it the shortest total lunar eclipse of the century, according to EarthSky.org. It's the third in a series of four total lunar eclipses, known as a tetrad, over a two-year period. The fourth occurs Sept. 28.

Saturday, the total eclipse occurs just before 8 a.m. eastern time. Just after that, the moon will be full  at 8:06 a.m. The first full moon of spring is known as the Pink Moon, Egg Moon, Grass Moon or Easter Moon.

  • This Moon is good for rituals promoting:
  • justice and fairness
  • resolving breaches and enabling relationships to go smoothly.
  • partnership
  • legal matters
  • love rituals
  • airing differences
  • creating tact
  • balance & diplomacy
  • healing the kidneys

with the moon in Libra focus on relationships, and artistic pursuits. All of your partnership activities will be heightened during this Moon. For those who are not in partnerships, there may be heightened feelings of loneliness, but be aware of superficial bonding to ease the pain/ fear of loneliness. The moon being in Libra it is an excellent time to throw a gathering or party because everyone will be extremely social and try to please and flatter each other. During this time, its important to find balance. Enjoy  celebration with others, but also leave some time for healing work.

An excellent preventative measure during the Libra moon that we can do for our bodies and especially on  our kidneys is drinking plenty of fresh water between the hours of 3 and 7pm in order to give the kidneys and bladder a good "rinse through". Nettle tea, is also a really soothing aid for the bladder and kidneys. Exercises for the pelvic region are also particularly beneficial at this time.

Stones: Aquamarine, Beryl, Bloodstone, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Orange Calcite, smoky quartz, and Amber.

Full Moon In Virgo Wellness

A Full Moon that occurs between February 19 and March 20 will be in Virgo. Use this moon for workings pertaining to:

  • Getting organized
  • Detoxifying your body
  •  Cleaning up your home/office
  • Reviewing what you have achieved.
  • Catching up with small jobs, and daily matters
  • Healing your digestive system

A full moon in Virgo offers us the  energy we need to really clean up our act, and in painstaking detail. During this time it is important for the cleaning of our living & work spaces, as well as our bodies as each of these aspects are one in the same. A cluttered home/office often represents a very cluttered mind. Giving your space a deep cleaning, with some much needed organizing will set your mind free, and have you feeling light as a feather. This also includes the healing of our bodies, and digestive tracts. The particular force of the Virgo days makes itself apparent in the activity of the digestive organs. This energy influences the large and small intestines, the spleen, and the pancreas.

After the Leo party, the Virgo moon says it's time to turn our attentions to matters of our health and hygiene. Start this Full Moon morning off with a nice warm cup of lemon water to hydrate and flush out toxins that cause  bloating/ constipation. Lemon Water is highly effective in alkalizing the body, as well as  a gently detoxifying. Steaming, Hot Yoga, dry brushing the skin, or giving yourself a clay mask are also some easy methods to detoxify while utilizing the energy of this moon to nurture and care for our physical bodies.

Emotionally, during the Virgo moon women are mentally active but there is a tendency to excessive criticism both of oneself and others. Use this time to go inward, to reflect on our personal relationships. This Virgo moon wants us to be of emotional service, now is the time to offer this to others. Because there is more inward energy in the Universe now, Virgo full moon is not the best time for a ritual, unless it's a healing circle which would work just fine. Keep it small!

Full Moon Mantra: "I willingly release all obstacles and impurities so that I may be a sacred container for this divine energy."

Energetic Bridge Meditation

Ensure you are somewhere where you will be uninterrupted for at least 20 minutes. Come to lie on your back, on a bed or on the floor. Make sure you are comfortably supported using props such as a pillow under the back of the knees or a pillow under the head. Also ensure that you will be warm, perhaps covering yourself with a blanket or donning extra layers.

Crystal Meditation: Amethyst

Amethyst quartz clusters amplify the soothing purple ray of the divine light spectrum that enables mankind to calm the conscious mind so that wisdom and guidance of the intuitive self can surface. Amethyst, along with citrine, rose, smokey, and clear quartz crystals form the foundation of crystalline consciousness that assists in mankind's journey of soul evolution.