Gemini New Moon 2023

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The last New Moon of spring occurs on June 17th at 9:37 PM PT and June 18th at 12:37 AM ET. This lunation occurs a few days before the Summer Solstice on June 21st. The intentions we manifest during the Gemini New Moon will kick off summer in a magical way. 

The New Moon squares Neptune, which brings enchanting energy. However, it can also create roadblocks in our minds and hearts, as our innermost fears will rise — even if there is no concrete reason for them to. Pluto retrograde shares a minor frustration with the New Moon, helping us break through the phobias that are holding us back. The good news is that the asteroids Ceres (an asteroid known to give support), Juno (who is the tenacious and loyal companion), and Eris (a passionate asteroid) add gusto to the overall vibe. This gives us the motivation and determination to push forward without any trepidation. 

The only thing to watch out for is that we could receive faulty information, so it’s best to pay attention to the source of such news. With Saturn retrograde commencing on the 17th, we are the authority on our lives, which is why we should play by our own rules and believe what seems right to us. Saturn retrograde also brings a sense of rebellion against the past, adding an urgency to create change. Mercury and Venus’s harmonious connection on June 17 crafts a pleasant and wonderful energy that will help in making the day more positive. 

What to manifest during the New Moon?

  • Acknowledge your fears during this New Moon. Evoke your inner child and write out some of the setbacks you have gone through since you were young. Writing them out will give you a chance to understand why you experienced them and felt that way. It’s a great exercise to release the past and to bring in a better comprehension of yourself. 

  • Write down your goals on a piece of paper. Once you’re done, take a white candle and put carrier oil on it (sunflower oil, olive oil, or whatever you prefer). Roll it over a plate that has cinnamon powder on it to help manifest your desires. Then, recite your intentions out loud when lighting the candle. Burn your intentions and let the universe bring your visions to you.  

Your New Moon Mantra by Sun Sign:


I will be cautious of the energy I give to others and make sure I extend more to myself. 


I will become more confident knowing that I have a wonderful support system.


I will be clear about my professional hopes in order to attain them. 


I will allow myself a moment of solitude to reflect on my goals and aspirations.


I will embrace my intuition and trust my instincts at all times. 


I will try to balance my energy between work and family. 


I will embrace higher-minded activities openly and evolve into a more intelligent person. 


I will take more risks that are beneficial to my future and well-being. 


I will define and refine the existing relationships in my life. 


I won’t let gossip get in the way of how I feel about others. 


I will create boundaries in relationships that are cohesive toward establishing a foundation. 


I will give my all to create a healthy and loving environment for my family.