Lunar Eclipse 

Lunar Eclipse 

Written By Jessica Lanyadoo


Get ready for the feels!

On the 4th, we have another direct hit to the square between "now-or-never" Jupiter to "heal-it-or-fully-destroy-it" Pluto. There are far-reaching social and political implications of this event, but in terms of your personal life, know this: what you do matters. How you pace out the events of your life, what you take on, and what or who you let go of are terribly important now. Believe this: you are a unique thread in the tapestry of humanity, and you count.

You know how intensely you’ve been feeling lately? Blame it on the Moon, baby. On the 7th, we have a Lunar Eclipse (which is like a super-juiced Full Moon with the volume turned all the way up) at 11:11am PST in the forward-thinking sign of Aquarius. You may feel irritable or on edge, and that’s OK; this is a time for transformation and time of healing – not for peace and stability. You’re not meant to maintain the status quo at this time of your life, unless doing so is heartfelt for you. This is a time where what you believe in is getting activated; you may feel a restless need to push things ahead to get answers, power, or to get away from something you don’t like. It’s best to be careful, Puppies. This is an explosive period, one that will have ramifications for a long time to come. Hold your ego in balance with your higher self, and keep your humanity at the center of your processing at all times. You can’t take back the things you do or say once they’re out there; pace yourself through your emotions and your reactions this week, especially when you’re tempted to run with them. When in doubt, wait 72 hours to allow your reactions and feels to settle.

When you’re dealing with heartfelt issues, it’s hard to see your whole situation clearly. How we feel tints our perspective and, therefore, our experience. That’s not good or bad, but it is something to keep in perspective. When upsets occur – even wonderful upsets – it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture and fixate on your strongest, most persistent feelings. The trouble with this is that our most powerful feels are not necessarily the most true or constructive ones. When feels flare up this week (and that they will), choose self-care over self-sabotage at every turn.




March 21-April 19

You’re ready to examine the role that fear plays in your life. The Lunar Eclipse on the 7th is going to bring with it so many feels that you may hit a bit of a wall. Take pro-active steps to manage sustainable self-care. Make space for movement, the arts (Instagram counts!), and whatever else gives you some much-needed strength and perspective. Everything you do is an act of creation; build yourself into the person you want to be, Aries.



April 20-May 20

It’s time to confront the conditions in your life that don’t reflect your values, Taurus. Tensions are running fast and hot this week, so here’s a Pro Tip for managing it like a boss: if you don’t like the game, don’t play. Don’t get so caught up trying to defend your choices that you miss out on knowing your own sweet self. Have enough self-love that you know what your needs and limits are, and enlist the strength of character to honor them, even when it’s hard, my love.



May 21-June 21

You always have a choice, Gemini. The trick is to see it and to be brave enough to make the right one for you. This week’s Full Moon intensity will trigger feelings of scarcity that have been motivating you to live smaller than you need to. Not everything that feels good is good for you, and not all pain is a sign that something is wrong. Be willing to confront your feelings, even if they’re painful or scary; growth will happen by going through the complexities of your heart, not by finding a way to work around them.



June 22-July 22

Your ruling planet is full this week and pulling us all along for an emo ride. What you feel is both an extension of your inner world and also a reaction to the past, your current conditions, and the people around you. It’s a lot. Do the work of sitting with your feels to better understand where they’re pointing you, Moonchild. It’s Eclipse Season, and you are meant to be changed; bring clarity to your emotions to make sure that you’re moving in the direction you want to be.



July 23-Aug. 22

How you relate to anger is up for you, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself agitated or compelled to stand up for something you believe in this week. It’s of the utmost importance that you believe in yourself while not getting caught up in proving it to others. Your ego is running a mild temperature, and if you’re not careful, you’ll trigger conflicts by acting hot under the collar. Find creative ways of experiencing the powerful and driving feels that you have, my love.




Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The Lunar Eclipse is ushering in a time for evaluating how you live. Whether your job, your health, or your general day-to-day habits need revaluation, the task is the same: make sure that you believe in what you’re praying to. Ritual and repetitive behavior are like prayer in action, and if you’re pouring your continued attention, time, and effort into conditions you don’t believe in and want, that’s pretty serious. This is an excellent time for facing the truth and making big changes based on what you learn, Virgo.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

When you feel low and down on yourself, it’s hard to believe that things will improve. It’s possible that your feelings may be more dramatic than your circumstances are and that’s OK, but it’s important to know the difference because they require different tools. Consider the bigger picture, Libra. Don’t get so caught up by what’s immediately in front of you that you miss out on what you can get from it. A shift in perspective is what you need for a lightening of your spirit, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

It’s time to let go. You’ve been dealing with so much lately as the energy has been building to August’s two Eclipses. This is meant to be a time when you confront your innermost self, while being kind to whatever you find. You may have to let go of some people, things, or situations that you know aren’t working for you – don’t resist it. You must change in order to grow into the version of yourself that you’re trying to be; don’t hold yourself back, Scorpio.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Change or be changed ‘cause keeping things the same is not one of your options! This week’s Eclipse is going to shake up your attitudes and friendships, which can be awesome if it’s not very dramatic. Your job is to look within, ‘Tarius. There’s a jumble of fear and hope within you, and you can make either one grow by giving it the right amount of attention. If you don’t know what’s coming next, you might as well choose to bring about the best, my love.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

What you believe in is on the line. This is the time to make sure that you are acting in ways that reflect what you value, even if that means making some pretty meaningful changes. This theme may play itself out in any area of your life, but watch out for your finances in particular. The value you place on money – what you’re willing to do to get it and keep it – is meant to be under inspection. Success is not a destination, Cappy. It’s a feeling, and feels ebb and flow. Get right with yourself this week.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

This week’s Lunar Eclipse in your sign is the thing to look out for. You’re coming to the end of a deep and meaningful cycle, and it’s gonna require all of your attention. The only problem is that you may find yourself feeling agitated and out of sorts. Explore your reactions instead of taking them at face value, Aquarius. What you’re going through is important, but the way you go through it will be defining. How you rise to the occasion is a reflection of your emotional maturity. Act in ways that reflect your integrity, not your situation.




Feb. 19-March 20

Having a strong imagination is awesome, but when it goes rogue on you, you’re in trouble, my love. Don’t let your mind get carried away with stories that you have no evidence to back up, no matter how real they feel. Things are not set in stone, and people are inconsistent and weird. None of that has anything to do with you! Allow matters to develop and people to be mysterious, and focus on being the most creative and kind version of yourself that you know how to be.



Artwork by Pierre Kiandjan

Artwork by Pierre Kiandjan

Written By Jessica Lanyadoo

Witch Tips

The Sun and Mars enter playful Leo early this week, and that means that it’s time to let the light in, lovelies! Before that solar shift happens, we have one more kick in the pants from the Sun in Cancer though; watch out from the 19th-21st as the planet that governs our sense of self forms a challenging Square to disruptive Uranus. This transit will bring about sudden changes, upsetting conditions, and unexpected shifts in power. This is a great time for exploration and creating reform but a terrible one for making things more secure. Be open to learning something that you didn’t think was true, and keep your gossiping to a minimum as it’s likely to come back to haunt you.

These days can also trigger restless anxiety, so make sure that when you’re feeling nervous, you try to get grounded and breathe into the present moment as much as possible. My two favorite anti-anxiety Witch supplies are lavender for the nervous system and amethyst for protection and calming the mind.

Amethyst & Lavender are both available HERE

Amethyst & Lavender are both available HERE

The big news this week happens on the 23rd with the New Moon at 2:46 am PST. This New Moon in Leo is the first of two New Moons in the sign of play and creativity this summer – the second one will be the Great American Eclipse on August 23rd. It’s rare to have two New Moons in the same sign – we usually only get one per year. Trust that whatever comes up now will be extra meaningful and  intense. None of this is made more chill by the fact that passionate Mars is sitting pretty much on top of this Moon. Be open to learning about your ego, lovers. Leo can be self-involved and arrogant, and the Moon has a hard time seeing other people’s experiences when it gets too emo. How you assert yourself, how you evaluate your own or others' merits, what you feel entitled to take, or the priority you place on getting yours is likely to be staring you straight in the face this week. Instead of devolving into defensiveness, embrace the fullness of what you are and how you do! Embrace the work of directing yourself where you want to go, even if it seems like it’ll be a lot of work.

TBH the Universe has got you in a corner because from the 23rd-25th compromising Venus will be opposite rigid Saturn. This will further the need for you to make sure that that your actions are an accurate reflection of your values. Saturn can make you feel lonely and hyper-critical of your looks, your relationships, and how you come across to others. Your best course of action is to get aligned with yourself and not worry so much about what others do or don’t think about you.





March 21-April 19

What you want and what’s in your best interest are not always the same thing, my love. This week your impulses will be zinging, and it would be easy to jump to conclusions and get deeply invested in something that you don’t yet fully understand. Instead of looking outside of yourself for answers, practice checking in with what’s underneath your feels, Aries. By better understanding your impulses, you can make better, more effective choices.




April 20-May 20

This is it, Taurus. You’re in a powerful state of manifestation, and that’s either going to be a very good or a very bad thing for you this week. Where your emotions are fixated is where you’ll see results, so get real about what you’re resonating with. If you’re on a diet and eating healthily but focused on how much you hate your body as it is, you’re likely to manifest more of your pain. Get your feels and your thoughts on the same page, my love.




May 21-June 21

What you value is not a theoretical thing – it’s reflected in your actions on the daily. This week is likely to bring about an encounter with your choices that crystallizes a reality you’ve been avoiding, Twin Star. Instead of defending your behavior or justifying your right to do as you please, first make sure that you mean it. This is an excellent time to face facts and redirect your life. Confront the truth; you’ll be better for it, I promise.




June 22-July 22

It’s essential that you’re honest, Moonchild. You don’t need to fix anyone’s feels, you just have to show up. Be honest with yourself about what you’re feeling and why. Then you’ve got to share that truth with the people you trust. You’re not right or wrong, good or bad – you’re a complex and layered person. It’s OK if things are messy and you have contradicting feels. Own your perspective because the truth is true, whether you want it to be or not, my love.




July 23-Aug. 22

On July 23rd, we have a New Moon in your sign, and it’s related to the upcoming New Moon in Leo, also known as the Great American Eclipse on 8/21. (You usually only get one New Moon in your sign per year!) This is not the time for messing around, Leo; this is a special time in history, and a meaningful time for you, personally. How you show up and who you chose to be are extra crucial because of this unusual lunar activity. If you allow yourself to be emotionally present, you will discover profound heartfelt truths.





Aug. 23-Sept. 22

As the world around you changes, you must change too. This week isn’t meant to be stable, it’s meant to be a time of expansion. Maintain your self-care without attachments, Virgo. what I mean to say is that you shouldn’t try to direct the flow of your life this week because new data is coming in that will help you change or expand your perspectives. You can’t benefit from this if you’re not open to seeing things differently though. Open your heart and your mind, Virgo.




Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Things are gonna come at you real fast this week, so now’s the time to address your ambiguities, Libra. If you don’t know what you want, you may buy into a plan that is great – just not great for you. Cultivate the kind of self-reference that supports you in knowing the difference between a crush on a person or situation versus a crush on their crush on you. All that glitters is not gold, my friend. Use your discretion, and don’t be scared of saying no this week.




Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Instead of seeking to avoid problems, embrace them, Scorpio. This is an excellent time to get things done that you’ve long been putting off. This may not be an easy week, but it doesn’t have to be bad either. Identify the material limitations you’ve been feeling blocked by, and write a three point plan of what you can begin to do to tackle them. You don’t need to fix anything, but you should set your sites on proactive steps to improve your life this week.




Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Feeling lonely is the pits. It’s a restless place to be, but in truth it’s important to be able to take a step back from people and really be with yourself. This week you may feel a bit off when it comes to your relationships, but there’s a big picture reason for it; you need you. If you’ve become caught up in other people’s opinions, you’re likely to have lost track of your own. Reconnect with your inner world without needing to get attention to validate your efforts, my love.




Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Things aren’t supposed to stay the same, Cappy. You are meant to change and grow, and as you do, you’re inevitably going to outgrow some things that you’ve come to rely on. This week may be challenging because you’re on call to do things differently and you only theoretically wanna. Allow space for your heart to drag behind your head if you need to; just don’t leave it in the dust.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The New Moon on the 23rd in your relationship house is an important moment for everyone, but you’re likely to feel it in an extra sort of way. This week your relationships will come into focus for you, so ready or not, it’s time to cope. Who you chose to invest your energy in and what you consent to participating in are on you. Be the friend, partner, child, or neighbor that you want to be, even if it takes bringing greater intention into all of your interactions this week.




Feb. 19-March 20

At the end of the day you need to like yourself. It’s really easy to get caught up in what you think others want, or your projections into what others think about you, or what’s even possible for you to do based on other’s opinions. But it’s all a fool’s errand. Make sure you believe in the direction of your life, be damned what anyone else says. Commit your actions in the direction you need to so that you like the person you are in the here and now, Pisces.


Full Moon In Capricorn 2017


Use a Capricorn full moon in magickal works pertaining to:

  • Career matters
  • Anything to do with status, establishment of reputation
  • Planning & organizing (focusing on goals)
  • Binding
  • Grounding
  • Healing the joints in your body (especially the knees)

Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 8th, while the Sun sits opposite Pluto, the planet whose motto is "heal or be destroyed." Full Moons are excellent times for clearing emo baggage, but the tender Moon is least comfortable in hard-hearted Capricorn than in any other sign. Face facts and confront the reality of your life as it is in the here and now. Capricorn wants reliable ground to stand on, while the Moon wants flow. Seek out places in your life that are stuck or stagnant, and get real about your role in them. Humility and guilt live on the same continuum, only guilt is a preoccupation with the self, while humility is responsibility without self-obsession.

Speaking of obsession, let’s talk about Pluto. This bish is going to sit on top of the Moon at 11:05pmPST on the 8th, and from the 8th-10th, we’ll be feeling the effects of the Sun opposition to Pluto. The Sun governs your sense of self and your identity, and Pluto is the energy for transformation, healing, and destruction. When Pluto touches the Sun, it tends to bring up shame, obsessions, resentments, and the feeling of being abandoned. This is a rough time for feeling things cleanly – your projections and stored up defenses are likely to color your view of whatever happens around now, and that makes for a seriously intense Full Moon.

Here’s a Pro Tip for making the most of this powerful shift: you’re not alone. We’re all in this together. Pluto in Capricorn is meant to bring about transformations of the powers that be, and that counts for your internal structure as much as it impacts hierarchies and global markets. We’re all interconnected; commit to offering the same latitude to others that you wish for yourself. Allow space for others and yourself to be in process, but know that you are not more entitled than anyone else to be a jerk, no matter how wronged you feel.

Be the change you want to see in your world, especially when it would be easiest to falter. 



Written by Bri Luna

Capricorn moon rituals tend to be a bit harder to get initiated because of the amount of  Earth energy, but once they do they will be liberating, so enjoy the energy of this thunder moon by utilizing an affirmation in your full moon meditation.


Sitting in silence, take a moment to ground and center yourself. Inhale the sign of Capricorn (Ambition and will) into your heart's center. At this time, you may hold one of the following suggested crystals in your hands as you envision the color of deep blue surrounding you, and filling you with a sense of courage and accomplishment.  with deep gratitude, accept these powerful energies into your being. Open yourself up to allow mindful intentions that will help to uplift creation as a whole. 

If you are feeling mentally or creatively blocked during this full moon, working with quartz crystals during meditation can not only deeply healing, but a wonderful way to open yourself to immense clarity. Read our Quartz Crystal Meditation HERE  


  • Essential Oils: Frankincense, Patchouli, Cypress, Rosemary
  • Candle colors: White, dark blue, green, brown
  • Stones: Black Tourmaline , garnet, Tiger's eye, smoky quartz, Citrine
  • Goddess of the Capricorn moon: All crones.
  • Our beautiful Luna is also called The Thunder Moon tonight, as this is the time when thunderstorms are most frequent.


  • See what's in the stars for you and read this week's Horoscopes HERE.


7/8/2017 - New Lemurian Starseed Crystal Have been added to the store:

Witch Tips & Weekly Horoscopes 7-5/7-11/2017

Written by Jessica Lanyadoo


Witch Tips

Look around you – when you see how much unrest is in the world these days, it’s unsurprising that the astrology is intense AF.

This week kicks off with the Sun in Cancer forming transits to the two most idealistic planets in the sky; it will form a trine to Neptune, and a square to Jupiter. This can be a time of heightened sensitivities in which you are able to act in the name of your greatest ideals. It’ll be easier to put the needs of your ego aside with these transits from the 4th-6th, but it’ll also be a time when it will be easy to get caught up in a delusion while believing it’s the real thing. Vet your opportunities well these days, and make sure your great ideas have roots to them.

The big news this week is the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 8th, while the Sun sits opposite Pluto, the planet whose motto is "heal or be destroyed." Full Moons are excellent times for clearing emo baggage, but the tender Moon is least comfortable in hard-hearted Capricorn than in any other sign. Face facts and confront the reality of your life as it is in the here and now. Capricorn wants reliable ground to stand on, while the Moon wants flow. Seek out places in your life that are stuck or stagnant, and get real about your role in them. Humility and guilt live on the same continuum, only guilt is a preoccupation with the self, while humility is responsibility without self-obsession.

Speaking of obsession, let’s talk about Pluto. This bish is going to sit on top of the Moon at 11:05pmPST on the 8th, and from the 8th-10th, we’ll be feeling the effects of the Sun opposition to Pluto. The Sun governs your sense of self and your identity, and Pluto is the energy for transformation, healing, and destruction. When Pluto touches the Sun, it tends to bring up shame, obsessions, resentments, and the feeling of being abandoned. This is a rough time for feeling things cleanly – your projections and stored up defenses are likely to color your view of whatever happens around now, and that makes for a seriously intense Full Moon.

Here’s a Pro Tip for making the most of this powerful shift: you’re not alone. We’re all in this together. Pluto in Capricorn is meant to bring about transformations of the powers that be, and that counts for your internal structure as much as it impacts hierarchies and global markets. We’re all interconnected; commit to offering the same latitude to others that you wish for yourself. Allow space for others and yourself to be in process, but know that you are not more entitled than anyone else to be a jerk, no matter how wronged you feel.

Be the change you want to see in your world, especially when it would be easiest to falter.



March 21-April 19

Put yourself out there, but know your limits, Aries! It’s easy to take chances when things are flowing your way, but it’s important to have balance. This week you run the risk of overdoing it in some way that impacts your work or personal life. This is going to bring on some serious feels to cope with, and emotions have a funny way of slowing everything down. Instead of forcing yourself to deal with things before you’re ready, try to create some space in your life. You deserve it. 




April 20-May 20

It’s so tempting to seek to make sense of your situation – or even your own feelings – by trying to understand other people’s feelings, thoughts, and actions. It’s kind of a fool’s errand though. When you deal with people who treat you in ways that feel wrong to you, it’s your job to be the friend you need. Take care of yourself, Taurus, and do it by embodying healthy limits with yourself and with others. If you’re acting with integrity, then things can only fall into their perfect place.




May 21-June 21

The more invested you are, the more you have to lose. This week is not about making safe bets; it’s time to put yourself on the line for what you actually want. If you’ve wanted to do something but your fear of how much time or energy it will demand of you has stopped you, it’s time to get out of your own way, Twin Star. Grab a hold of yourself, and pursue what you want with your whole heart. Let go of the distractions that are holding you back from living a life you love.




June 22-July 22

The Full Moon on the 8th in your relationship house is important for you, Moonchild. This week will bring up all the feels and then some as people in your life are likely to come to you with stuff you need to deal with. Instead of going on the defensive, make a point to listen to them. The only way to truly listen to someone else is with an open heart. Take the time to figure out your reactions after you’ve been able to digest whatever you learn, my love.




July 23-Aug. 22

By week’s end you’re going to be confronted by some pretty meaningful triggers, Leo, so don’t say I didn’t warn you. Spend as much time as you can caring for yourself by investing in the activities and relationships that you most value. The greater your sense of inner balance, the easier it will be to deal with whatever memories, behaviors, or issues that come up from the 8th onwards. Look for opportunities to heal old wounds in the things that spark your feels this week.





Aug. 23-Sept. 22

If you’re brave enough to step away from your tidy narratives of your life and you can also check in with what you really feel, you’ll end up with very different data. This week you’re on call to get connected to what your heart wants you to know. It may make things messier, but that’s where the magic happens. You don’t have to know why or what you ‘should’ do next; all you have to understand is this very moment. Show yourself some love, Virgo.




Sept. 23-Oct. 22

If you could control your life, you would organize it into a direction that seems awesome, obviously. The truth is that it’s a great thing that you’re not in control because you don’t have all the information that you need to see what’s best for you. Make sure that you don’t sell yourself short or settle before you really have to, Libra. Don’t rush your process so much that you miss out on what it has to offer you.




Oct. 23-Nov. 21

If you assert yourself without serious forethought, it’ll have annoying repercussions this week, Scorpio. You’ve got to shift the way you participate; there’s a difference between stalking your prey and being patient. The former is an action with a clear intention attached to it, and the latter is a more receptive approach. Let things develop and reveal themselves to you in their own sweet time. For now, work on managing the thoughts and feels that come up for you when you’re not in control.




Nov. 22-Dec. 21

There’s no way of avoiding consequences. All you can do is act in ways that reflect your integrity so that whatever they attract is true to you. You’re at a place in your life where what you do counts – especially in regards to your relationship with your soul. Follow your instincts, and make life-affirming choices, Sagittarius. Even when you have to compromise, strive to do it in ways that don’t compromise you. The way to live your best life is to be your best self, my love.




Dec. 22-Jan. 19

On the 8th is the one time of the year that the Moon is full in your sign – so get ready to feel more feels than you wanna, my love. You’re gonna feel pulled in different directions, so here’s a pro tip to help you through: the truth will set you free. Don’t obsess on what the truth is for you so much that you miss out on what truth you actually want to communicate to others. Honor the difference between what you want to get off your chest versus what will serve your best interests this week.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Get ready for the Full Moon on the 8th to rattle your cage in the perfect way, Aquarius. You’ve been trying to get at something that’s been shifting inside of you, and this Moon is gonna help shake it into focus. Be willing to accept the yearnings of your heart, even if it brings you down a new or unexpected path. You may have to take a step back from your relationships in order to find peace with your inner truth; do what you have to to be right with yourself this week.




Feb. 19-March 20

You may need to let someone go or just change a dynamic that you know isn’t working for you this week. The truth is that relationships are organisms; they grow or whither depending on their conditions. And just like all living things, they have a life span. Be graceful enough with the people you’re in relationship with to be honest about where things are at. You may need to change your expectations or your dynamic. Either way, don’t fear change, Pisces; it’s an essential part of growth.

The Hoodwitch: Witch Tips & Horosocopes 6/28~7/4/2017

Written By Jessica Lanyado

Witch Tips

What do we really know about the sign Cancer, other than that it’s got an unfortunate name and that it’s a hella emo sign? Cancer is strong. It’s a sign that’s represented by a hard-shelled crab, and while it may move towards things sideways, it comes equipped with weapons and can throw down if it has to. Planets in the sign of Cancer are concerned with their safety. The way that they assess it is by either referring back to their internal experience or checking in with what other people seem to think or feel – and this is where things get complicated. When dealing with heightened sensitivities, it’s wise to have a system of evaluating your own experience; otherwise, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by emotion and act defensively. This can cloud your judgment and encourage attachment to people, situations, or things that are not actually a part of your true security. This week, Cancer vibes are going to be strong.


Things are likely to be extra, so make sure you’re as grounded as you know how to be. On the 27-29th, chatty Mercury will be sitting on top of agro Mars. That’ll make everybody eager to jump to conclusions, feel hecka irritable, and quick to get defensive. Try to sit on your reactions and allow for more info to come through before you engage in fights, especially petty ones. On the 28-30th, Mercury will sit opposite Pluto, and that combo of these two transits can be downright explosive. You’re likely to obsess on things that make you feel bad, so be mindful of where you let your thoughts go. This is a great time for working hard to uncover the truth, but try to go at things directly, lovers.

Artwork by Ken Herman

Artwork by Ken Herman

If that wasn’t enough, it doesn’t end there; on the 1-3rd, Mars in Cancer will sit opposite Pluto in Capricorn. These two planets govern war and the need to be recognized as ‘right’. The combination can make you feel defensive and paranoid, so remember this: once a thing is done, it cannot be undone. Be humble in your strength, even if you feel like proving yourself at all costs. Other people may slime you with bad vibes, or you can spread around crappy juju if you’re not careful around these dates. 

Every witch needs black Tourmaline to help stave off negative energies, so make sure you’ve got some in your pocket this week. The greatest challenge from the 28th-3rd is to act with integrity; don’t do as the biggest jerk in your circle would; act in ways that make you like the person you are.

By the time the 3-5th rolls around, Mercury in emo Cancer will be forming a square to Uranus in individualistic Aries. The truth will come out around this time, so you better hope that you were playing it clean earlier in the week. This energy can make it hard to sleep because it stimulates your nervous system, and it can generate anxiety for the same reason. This is a great time for innovation but a lousy one for stability, so don’t seek it! Strive to grow beyond your limitations, and especially beyond your fears this week.



March 21-April 19

Things are not meant to stay the same, and that’s a fact. Instead of holding on to what you thought you wanted, try being open to new ways of patterning your life. This week it’d be a mistake to get caught up in the details when there are big-picture shifts trying to take place in your life. Don’t hide from your own best interests by getting caught up in pettiness that you don’t need to be a part of. Focus your energies on getting where you want to go with your integrity intact, Aries.




April 20-May 20

Your friendships are a meaningful reflection of the person that you choose to be. Pay attention to the dramas and very real dynamics at play with your friends, pals, and contacts this week. There’s a live wire humming through all of your communications right now, and it would be easy for a poorly placed word or an unintentional tone to set off trouble. It’s important that you air out your thoughts – just choose an appropriate and reliable shoulder to lean on this week.




May 21-June 21

Your ruling planet, Mercury, is on fire this week, and that can go in any direction for you. Stay grounded so that you don’t get swept up by other people’s dramas or become an unsuspecting player in one. When you’re stressing and fearing the worst, it’s extra hard to see things clearly. Take the space you need to be able to manage your feels; you risk getting so caught up in what you fear that you miss the potential inherent in your situation, Twin Star.




June 22-July 22

This week may find you irritable, overwhelmed, and done with it all. There are no wrong feelings, just difficult ones. Find healthy ways of off-gassing your anger and agitation so that you don’t get into power struggles masquerading as meaningful issues. If you’re gonna get into it (and you may just have to), don’t get caught up in the details. By sticking to the big picture, it’ll be easier to avoid picking fights. Be intentional about what you do and how you do it, Moonchild.




July 23-Aug. 22

Pay close attention to your dreams this week; your sleep may be poor as your subconscious works out some heavy stuff. You’re likely to feel really flooded, and the way to handle it is to be willing to let go. Just because a thing is difficult doesn’t make it deep, Leo. It isn’t necessary to keep on reliving the same lessons – you’re allowed to walk away. Don’t process with people you don’t trust, and don’t waste your precious energy on played out dynamics this week.






Aug. 23-Sept. 22

If you don’t have confidence in yourself, every part of life becomes difficult and hard to navigate. So here’s the million dollar question, Virgo: are you worthy of trust? Do you generally act in your best interests and in ways that reflect your values? Do you stand up for yourself when you feel wronged? Do you take yourself out of situations when they prove to be bad for you? If your answers are “no,” this is the time to start being a better friend to your lovely self.




Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This is a time of great striving for you, Libra, and that’s not comfortable. When life is not stable, it’s tempting to assume the worst, but it’s not wise. Uncertainly and change are not synonymous with problems, my love. Be strong enough in your convictions that you can let people, situations, or attitudes go when they need to. In order to have a fantastic life, you don’t need things to come easily (though it would be nice); you need to be free.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Things are complicated in your relationships, but that doesn’t mean that there are any hard and fast rules about what should come next. Avoid the desire to come up with a tidy answer to make a messy situation less complicated. Life is complicated. You don’t need to have it all together or to know what comes next in order for you to be doing the right thing for you in this moment. Act with honesty, and invite the consequences that this incurs, my love.




Nov. 22-Dec. 21

If you allow other people’s beliefs and opinions to corrode your confidence, they better be pretty compelling. This week, others may harsh your mellow with their fearful expectations and negative projections. Your job is to parse out the Negative Norberts from those offering wise counsel. While you don’t get to know what will happen next, you do know how you want to participate in the here and now. Let fear guide you away from danger, not forge your life plans.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

If you don’t like the way things are, you’d better change them. The problem is that you’re unlikely to be able to see positive solutions when you’re obsessively running over everything that could go wrong. Repetitive thoughts and actions are like prayer, and they amplify whatever it is that you’re focusing on. Be careful of what you sew this week because your actions will be backed up with extra power. Make sure what you do is creative, or it’ll feel powerfully destructive, my love.



Jan. 20-Feb. 18

There’s only so much that you can do at once without feeling over it all and quitting. Pace yourself through everything that you have to get done this week, as it may feel like too much. There are heavy shifts happening deep within you, and if you aren’t present for them, you may just miss a golden opportunity to let go of baggage. There are some things that you’re totally done with but habituated around; prioritize the places and people that make you happy this week.



Feb. 19-March 20

This week is all about finding opportunity where you feel stuck. This may require you to step outside of your comfort zone or to take pains to better secure some parts of your life. Whatever happens, if your attitude is that of a person with a sign, a stand, and a bunch of lemons, you’ll be alright, Pisces. Preparation doesn’t require that you control things, only that you are a good steward for them to grow.