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Pisces Season 2024

Artwork by Marika D’Auteuil @illusorybeauty

The Sun will be in Pisces from February 18 at 8:13 PM PST/11:13 PM EST to March 19 at 8:06 PM PST/11:06 PM EST. This means that the next month will be a time of emotional depth, nostalgia, sentimentality, imagination, creativity, and intuition. Pisces season marks the end of the astrological year, offering us lots to think about and feel as we progress forward.

How Pisces Season Will Affect You?

Fire Signs

(Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)

Rest is key, as you will find that the next month is a hectic time for you, which is why it's important to focus on healing your body, mind, and spirit now.

Earth Signs

(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)

This is an opportune moment for personal growth and success if you are willing to take a different path and explore new opportunities in the upcoming weeks.

Air Signs

(Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)

You might find yourself drowning in this sea of emotion because you are igniting the sentimental and tender parts of your heart.

Water Signs

(Cancer. Scorpio, and Pisces) 

This is a time in which you will find your artistic venture sore because you are emotionally connected to the vision.

Important Pisces Season Dates

February 18: The Sun enters Pisces.

February 23: Mercury enters Pisces, allowing us to embrace our intuition while processing information.

February 24: The full moon in Virgo allows us to find the balance between our emotional beliefs and logical assessments.

March 9: Mercury enters Aries, heightening our passion and excitement when communicating with others. 

March 10: Under the influence of the new moon in Pisces, we can establish a connection with a fresh dream that can act as a driving force to propel us toward progress.

March 11: Venus ml es into Pisces, extending our support to others and helping them in their pursuits. The transit also encourages us to nurture our romantic side and have faith in the power of love.