Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Mars and Pluto link up in Aquarius on February 14th, which could lead to power struggles with others. The need to control might be high, which could make it difficult to get our point across. However, it's important to choose kindness instead of arguing our way through the situation. Mercury and Aquarius will connect with the North Node of Destiny on the 15th, giving us a chance to make important decisions, so it's crucial to choose wisely. On February 16th, the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus will allow us to bring our new moon manifestations to fruition. Later that evening, Mercury will square Uranus in Taurus, allowing us to break free of outdated thinking. Venus will enter Aquarius on the same day, allowing us to commit to intellectualism and define our sentiments accordingly. The following day, Venus will align with Pluto, accelerating our passions and desires. If we're not careful, jealousy may arise, although it could be more of an anxiety around love. Finally, on February 18th, the sun will enter Pisces, shifting the energy and allowing us to connect with our intuition, emotions, and imagination on a deep level.


The Last Quarter Moon on February 16th is a great opportunity to let go of any negativity in our lives. The frenetic energy can be overwhelming, but taking a calming bath with Epsom salts and placing an amethyst crystal on the crown chakra, a rose quartz crystal on the heart chakra, and a citrine crystal on the sacral chakra can help us relax our body, mind, and spirit. Since it's Venus’s Day and the Moon is ruled by Venus, add roses to the bath to call in the calming vibes. By doing so, we can release some of these feelings and cut through the energy that has been challenging for us to handle.


It might seem like everything is out of your control. Take a step back and let go of your need to be in charge and you’ll find that you can easily connect with the energy around you. By not being overbearing, you can create a space for yourself to flow.


Instead of constantly being in the mix and keeping track of what everyone else is doing, try channeling that energy towards improving your own life. By focusing less on others, you'll have more to give to yourself, which can be incredibly beneficial. You’ll eventually be able to attain your goals. 


Being in the spotlight is enjoyable, but it’s crucial to be mindful of the things you express. It is essential to be conscious of your associations and the information you share with others since some of your previous and current actions or statements could create problems in the near future.


In order to maintain a positive outlook, it's important to protect your energy. This means being mindful of negative influences and disconnecting from people or situations that aren't adding anything positive to your life. Remember, you are an amazing being, and you deserve to feel that way at all times.


It's understandable if things seem somewhat complex and uncertain at the moment. However, it's important to not be too hard on yourself. You're doing the best you can, and it's important to show yourself compassion and empathy. Soon enough, you'll have the clarity and guidance you need to move forward. 


Take control of your life by trusting your instincts. This will help you stop giving your power away to others. By doing so, you can set healthy boundaries, and prevent others from taking advantage of you. Remember, it's important to listen to your inner voice and trust your gut feelings.


When you're feeling low on energy, it is important to take some time to care for yourself. One way to do this is by indulging in a relaxing bath that can rejuvenate your senses. By taking these steps to practice self-care, you’ll feel more energized and refreshed by week’s end.


Situations and emotions are becoming extremely intense. If you want to discuss them with a confident or close friend, it’s wise to let it all out instead of bottling it in, then you won't have to feel as though there's a huge weight on your shoulders, and someone understands you.


It's OK to spend time away from the limelight and focus on keeping situations private. After all, you're an independent sign. You can take a break anytime and do whatever makes you happy without telling everyone your business. Sometimes, keeping matters confidential is the best way to handle one’s affairs. 


Although you want to express how you feel on a deep level, remember that you need to do so with kindness. The more effort you put into choosing your wording, the easier it is for others to understand where you’re coming from and find a compromise to satisfy your emotions.


Lately, you are prioritizing your power and not treating the people in your life accordingly. This can lead to conflicts with them. It is important to be fair-minded and not just assert yourself to maintain your authority. Care for others in the same way you wish to be treated.


Take this week to prioritize your emotional and personal needs. Others may view it as selfish, but it's essential to maintain your well-being. You should always try to put yourself first sometimes. Don't allow your friends and family to make you feel guilty for doing so, since they do the same.