Written by Bri Luna

We did it! We survived this round of Venus Rx & Mercury RX! is it me or was that intense AF?! Here are 5 tips to get your energy clear post RX.

1. Ground and cleanse your energy: After Mercury retrograde, it's important to reset and ground your energy. Take some time to meditate, practice deep breathing exercises, or engage in activities that help you reconnect with yourself and release any residual negative energy.

2. Reflect and reassess: Use the post-retrograde period to reflect on any challenges or issues that arose during these retrogrades. Take note of what lessons you learned and how you can apply them moving forward. Use this time to reassess your goals, plans, and intentions, making any necessary adjustments.

3. Clear and organize your space: retrogrades can sometimes bring chaos and disruption. Take the opportunity to clear any clutter and organize your living or working space. Use cleansing methods like cleaning with cedar, sage, copal, frankincense & myrrh, palo Santo, or burning incense to purify the energy in your surroundings.

4. Practice divination or journaling: Engage in divination practices such as tarot, oracle card readings, or scrying to gain insight and guidance for the next phase. Alternatively, you can journal about your experiences during retrograde and set intentions for the future. This can help you gain clarity and set a positive direction.

5. Focus on self-care: After the intensity of Mercury retrograde, prioritize self-care and self-nurturing. Engage in activities that promote relaxation, such as taking a bath with essential oils, practicing self-massage, or indulging in a hobby you enjoy. Remember to be kind to yourself and give yourself the love and care you deserve.