Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Cancer New Moon occurs on July 17 at 11:32 AM PT and 2:32 PM ET. This lunation is our cosmic wake-up call to get clear about the direction we are going and headed. It'll help us become stronger and more in tune with our carnal desires. 

Uranus in Taurus is pushing us to break free from situations that are golfing us back, Neptune retrograde in Pisces adds a whisper of fear to the moon, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn highlights power struggles. The centaur Chiron, who is in Aries, opens our deepest wounds. Healing can take place; however, it won’t come without pain. The asteroid Eris, which is fired up in Aries, pushes us to fight for what we want — even if it’s not what we need. Combined all these planets are asking us to leave the past behind and to evolve — but not without frustration and tears. Uranus wants us to change with the times and Pluto is a planet that urges us to transform in order to align with our truest self. 

The fixed stars Pollux and Procyon bring a tempestuous and protective flavor to the mix, forcing us to fight for our autonomy and independence. We will want to assert ourselves and not care about what others have to say. Be proud and take care of yourself. Don’t let anyone come in between you and happiness. 


We might not be ready to experience and deal with the growing pains that are coming, but it’s important that we don’t resist the inevitable. No matter how hard we try to make things work that are falling apart, we have to either glue them back together differently or let them go. The choice is yours to make. The end result is freeing and part of our personal journey. Our wings are ready to expand as we undertake this metamorphosis. 

The same day, the North Node of Destiny enters Aries and the South Node of Destiny enters Libra. The nodal shift that occurs 87 minutes after the new moon is urging us to stand in our authority. It’s demanding that we put ourselves first — no matter what. Now is the time to make courageous actions towards having the life we deserve. Combined with the new moon, the nodal switch is pushing us to take control of our own destiny by manifesting our visions. The sky’s the limit — so make your passions a reality.


Start by envisioning a stronger foundation for yourself and your feelings. In order to do so, you’ll have to cleanse the energy in your immediate surroundings. Light a white candle and hold a quartz crystal as you state what you want to release and bring in. Then, bury the crystal outside in the ground or dispose of it far away from your home to rid yourself of the stagnant energy. Take a bath with Epsom salt to revitalize your aura and to come clear about your dreams and aspirations.



You do not have to excel at everything to win in life. 


Step outside your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. 


You shouldn’t have to always assert your opinion to be heard. 


Release the need to control and dominate others at this time. 


Stand in your power and don’t let people take advantage of you.


Lean into the artistic side of your personality and create your visions. 


Find the balance between work and home life to keep your scales even. 


Understand the power of your words and use them wisely. 


True confidence comes from within — not from what others think about you.


You don’t always have to prove your point to be right. 


Healing your innermost wounds takes time and lots of love. 


Align yourself with your truest goals and aspirations.