The week ahead is giving us a moment of reflection as eclipse season commences. Venus in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces on April 14, knocking us down a peg. We may feel insecure about ourselves and the direction of the future. Luckily, the vibe changes later in the day, when Saturn galvanizes the Nodes of Destiny, adding structure and commitment to our personal endeavors. The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn on April 13,sets off eclipse season. Pay attention to the story that begins on the 13th, it’ll be important during the eclipses which occur on April 20 (the solar eclipse in Aries) and May 5 (the lunar eclipse in Scorpio). 

Witch tips

During the Last Quarter Moon on  April 13, take a purple candle to ignite the energy of Jupiter (Thursday is the day of the week associated with Jupiter, and purple is the color of Jupiter) to bring in positivity. Since the eclipse season is beginning and Mercury is starting to slow down in its pre-retrograde zone (the retrograde starts on April 21), we should ask the universe for protection and good energy as we prepare for these major cosmic events. Write your letter of intention, then place it under a bowl of water (for fire safety purposes), put the candle in the bowl, and meditate on your desires as you light the candle. 


Allow yourself to face your fears and insecurities this week. Rather than running away from them, look them in the eye and acknowledge the issues. Healing will take time, but right now you should just acknowledge the problems at hand and own them instead of pretending that they don’t exist.


The week ahead will give you insight into the dream you wish to commit to. It’s been a while since you’ve thought about the future and made concrete plans. All the more reason why the cosmos are motivating you to build up your visions and take action towards achieving them. 


Always one to move a million miles an hour, you are experiencing extreme burnout from constantly working and thinking. Allow yourself time to rest this week, instead of taking on more projects. The only way out of your predicament is to give yourself a moment of peace away from everything.


You are feeling stuck in life at this moment, but it’s because you refuse to change. Standing in your comfort zone is easy; however, you have to make the necessary advance and adjustments in order to embrace the full potential of your existence. If not, then you’re running in circles.


You’re using your own failures and successes as inspiration. Letting people see the “real” you will motivate them to be honest and open about their own lives. This will also feel extremely freeing and rewarding to you, as you’re no longer holding back and making your life better than ever.


You’ve been on the fence about many aspects of your life — particularly relationships. Now is the time to make a concrete decision and stick to it. Even though you don’t necessarily want to hold on to situations that aren’t working — the universe is pushing you to let go. 


Taking on a new hobby will help you get out of the slump you’ve been experiencing lately. It’ll give you something to look forward to and the chance to meet people who have similar interests. Not only will you make more friends, but you’ll also build a community with them. 


You’ve been putting your feelings on the back burner, as you’re trying to be logical in your emotions. Your sentiments are now wanting to come out of the woodwork and fully exposing themselves because you aren’t one to shy away from expressing yourself. Never hide away from speaking your truth. 


Always the life of the party, you’re taking a step back and wanting to embrace a more responsible role in your ventures. This internal change within yourself is urging you to be the best at all you do and to take projects seriously. It’ll ensure success and a possible promotion.


There shouldn’t be specific reasons for you to treat yourself to something nice and to give your body a boost. The more time and energy you spend towards healing, the easier it'll be to decompress. After all, you take on the weight of the world, so it’ll be nice to chill.


 Joining an organization, coven,  or group of likeminded people will give you the opportunity to connect with others on an intimate level. You’re craving social interaction, which makes it the perfect time to align with others and share your hopes for the future. Opening up never felt so good, Aquarius.


You’re feeling more unsure of the han er, which means that you should try grounding exercises to help you be present in the moment. Now you can stop overthinking and just be — this is a positive and  switch from the excessive worrying and stress you have been lately.