The midsummer solstice (Litha, Longest Day, shortest night) is today, June 21st

Summer solstice 2022 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 2:13 AM PST and 5:13AM EST

 The summer solstice is the time of nature's bounty and abundance. The element is FIRE, the direction is south, and all around us we are surrounded by color and fragrant aromas  from blossoming roses, wallflowers, lavender, honeysuckle, and jasmine.

The Earth is midpoint on her journey around the sun. It is the first day of summer and the longest and strongest day of the year! Mid-Summer is the time when we celebrates the full powers of life and the beginning of the change from a waxing to a waning year. Summer solstice is the festival of the Goddesses of the south corner, and of creative energy. Many rituals often include large bonfires where sacred herbs are thrown into the fire. However, for those who would like to create a meaningful sacred fire ritual but live in the city and do not have access to large open areas where fires may take place, you can use votive candles set in a large wok filled with sand and adorned by a nest of branches or drift wood.


Roses are the most common flowers of midsummer. Witches of the past and present adorn themselves in rose crowns, and they were also made for all of the women of the circle. The fruits of Summer, are symbols of abundance and love, and so are offerings of Honey.


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Outdoor rituals are best now because everything is in full bloom, if there is no danger of fire, a bonfire should be set earlier in the day for the evenings festivities. Meeting early in the day to gather berries, and herbs for the ceremony, as well as adorning each other’s naked bodies. If there is access to play in the woods, or swimming in a creek, ocean, or stream go for it!


  • Midsummer traditions are exciting festivities that bring communities together. 

  • Spend a day with your neighbors. meetup with your friends, or plant flowers in a community garden with your neighbors. 

  • Reflect about the past. Call and see old friends who you haven’t been in touch with. 

  • Make seasonal plans and goals during the Solstice. Plant the seeds for the upcoming months to ensure that your dreams come true.

  • It’s an extremely good time to channel your inner psychic nature. Journal your visions, thoughts, and feelings. Make note of all that you see happening for yourself and others. 

  • Make a small bonfire with friends or practice candle magic (please practice fire safety rules and regulations) to honor the fiery nature of the Sun. 

  • Connect with nature by going to the forest, bodies of water, or the park. Feel the breeze of air press against your body and let the warmth of the Sun radiate through you. 

  • Make a flower crown to honor Mother Earth’s bounty and fertility.