Artwork by Meeshko

Artwork by Meeshko

Astrology by Lisa Stardust


This week is a mixed bag of energy, which will make us all feel emotionally erratic. The Leo Sun connects with the Nodes of Destiny on August 19th, allowing us to make fated connections and decisions. A few days later on the 22nd, the Sun enters Virgo, allowing us to put our new plans in motion. Mars, who’s in Aries, and Saturn, who’s retrograde in Capricorn, square off on August 24th. We’ll want to rebel and push back against authority on the 24th, leading us to let go of all the excess baggage that’s been holding us back with the incentive of bringing in new visions under the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio on August 25th. Mercury, who’s in Virgo, connects with Uranus, who’s retrograde in Taurus, on the 25th which will open our eyes to matters. Venus, who’s in Cancer, and Jupiter, who’s retrograde in Capricorn, oppose each other on August 25th. Emotions take on a bigger and grander stance, heightening our sentiments.




Winning isn’t everything, but it’s certainly very important to you. The lesson that you need to learn this week is that you can’t win every argument that you participate in. It’s important for you to find a middle ground with others and make up swiftly this week, before the quarrel becomes more intense. Find a place to compromise with others and apologize for your part. 



It’s time to discuss your dreams on a deeper level, as you are wanting to make your visions a reality this week. Talk about what you want to achieve. With a little effort, you will find that you can manifest your goals in no time. Be open to the advice your friends and peers are offering, it can help your problem solve down the road.



Speaking your mind comes with a price. It’s not that people are trying to silence you, but they are unwilling to take your commentary in without expressing their opposing views on the matter. Finding a non judgmental space to talk with those you care about will allow you to be heard and seen  by others. You’ll be able to improve your relationships as a result. 



You’re working through unresolved issues this week, which will bring repressed sentiments to the forefront of your mind and heart. In order to release yourself of these feelings, you’ll need to focus on the positive and present. Let go of judgment — especially the feelings and criticisms you have regarding yourself. Remember that you are doing the best you can. Give yourself a big hug. 



You always have a lot on your plate, which is why you are constantly overwhelmed (a sentiment which is more precedent these days than ever). In order to let go of frustrations and annoyances, you need to find balance within yourself. This means knowing when it’s time to disconnect from social media in the evening and rest. It’ll enable you to find your calm spot. 



There comes a time when you need to detach from the emotions of a situation and offer your concise thoughts to the matter at hand. Using your analytical mind to look at things through a sensible lense will help you see situations clearly and factually. It will also allow you to make decisions that are just and fair, rather than passion based and drama free. 



The load you carry is heavy, which is why it’s time to drop a lot of the emotions weighing on your shoulders. It may be hard to let go of a lot of these feelings, as you’ve gotten used to the energetic heaviness you’ve been holding within. Sex magic is a great way to release these stresses and will make you feel powerful as well. 



Pointing fingers is easy, but it still doesn’t absolve you of your part in any complicated situation. Unfortunately, the proof is in the pudding. If you are able to prove your actions in a just manner by showing the receipts and proof, then you have nothing to argue over. If not, then you are at fault as well, which means it’s time to take accountability. 



Once again, you are wanting to set boundaries with those in your inner circle. However, you are finding that they aren’t taking your requests seriously because you often insist and require limits to be implemented with others, but never follow through. Be clear with your needs and follow through with them. This means you have to respect their boundaries too. Actions speak louder than words. 



It’s important to get honest with yourself about what you want. Instead of waiting for people to offer them to you, it’s necessary that you have these standards in place at all times. This will allow you to speak and act from a place of truth (a sentiment that’s important to you), without discrediting your emotions which ensures you are acting from an honest place. 



Take a realistic and balanced approach towards self-care this week. Stop stressing and worrying over things you cannot control and allow your mind to be at ease. Take a healing crystal bath with amethyst and rose quartz to decompress your mind at heart. This will allow you to be at ease and peace, which is what your body, mind, and heart needs at this moment.



You’re feeling a little wishy-washy and lost in your emotions this week (more so than ever before). Take a step back from your feels and try to assess them logically. You’ll find that this helps you to see situations from a distance, thus allowing you to not take things so personally. As a result, you’ll become stronger and feel more in control of your emotions.