Artwork by Sskip1frame1frame

Artwork by Sskip1frame1frame

Astrology by Lisa Stardust


We kick off this exciting week with the Super Full Flower Moon in Scorpio on May 7th, which will allow us to refresh and reset our goals. Mercury, who’s in Taurus, and Neptune, who’s in Pisces, connect on the 7th, heightening the dream created by the Supermoon. On May 9th, Mercury links up with Pluto, who’s retrograde in Capricorn, allowing us to strengthen our former visions. The following day, Jupiter, who’s also in Capricorn, adds incentive to Mercury’s chatter about said projects. The Taurus Sun and Neptune flourish in the creative fluidity of the dream on the 10th. Saturn begins it’s retrograde journey on the 11th and will backspin from Aquarius to Capricorn until September 29th. During this time, we’ll be cosmically pushed to boss up and take control of our lives. Mercury squares off with Saturn, who’s retrograde in Aquarius, moments before the Mercurial switch, giving us a chance to revise the projects we’ve been working on and tending to all week. Later in the day, Mercury moves into Gemini, offering intellectual views, airy practicality, and information. Mercury and Saturn retrograde discuss the drama from the 11th, on May 12th, offering another way to create our visions into reality. Mars, who’s in Aquarius, links up with the Nodes of Destiny, giving the green light on such projects on May 12th. This week is an emotional roller coaster, but in the end everything works out the way it should if we don’t give up and believe in ourselves. 


March 21 - April 19

It’s time for you to connect to the most important person in your life — YOURSELF! Use this week as a chance to embrace your pleasures and passions without any judgement from others. You can live life on your terms now, which will serve as a relief from societal pressures. 


April 20 - May 20

Life is all about give and take. While you are usually the one giving to others, you’re finding that it’s ok to be a little selfish once in a while. For the first time in your life, make your needs a top priority to ensure ultimate successes in your endeavors. 


May 21 - June 20

You’re feeling psychically connected to an ex, which is making you dream about them throughout the witching hours of the day. Pay attention to what your visions are telling you. There may be meaning in the symbolism that can help you decide if you want to engage with the past. 


June 21 - July 22

You’re having a romantic epiphany about the state of your love life. Rather than shy away from expressing yourself to others, assert your feelings. Chances are, they’ll listen to your needs and make moves towards accessing them with you. But, you have to speak up first to make it happen. 


July 23 - August 22

You may find that you’re being pulled in two different directions. The answer is simple: Stop overextending yourself and giving energy to situations that are inconsequential. Use your strength for situations that are important and necessary to your life. Then, you can give some of that energy back to yourself. 


August 23 - September 22

After weeks of pushing off projects and obligations, the need for them to be completed is pressing and daunting. Take your time to produce quality work. Do not skip important steps because you’re running out of time. Your hard work will totally be rewarded once others see the wonderful outcome. 


September 23 - October 22

You’ve been giving people too much energy. Now, it’s time for you to take control and to stop comparing yourself to others. You are an amazing person who has a lot to offer the world — it’s time you realized that! Lean into self-empowerment this week. Focus only on yourself. 


October 23 - November 21

It’s time to put your emotional needs first, which may be hard to do at the moment since you are focusing on helping others. Keep in mind that you can’t give to others until you fill your loving cup up first. If you tend to yourself, you’ll feel extra loved. 


November 22 - December 21

Your faith may be tested, making you second guess your career decisions. Take note of the professional  objectives you wish to accomplish in order to make them a tangible reality. Remember the basis of the Law of Attraction, if you believe in yourself and think positively, then anything can happen. 


December 22 - January 19

After months of isolating yourself from others, you’re suddenly in the mood to connect with your friends and family. Call your brood and make up for lost time. But, don’t push the communication with others. Being extra aggressive may rub them the wrong way, due to your previous prolonged absence. 


January 20 - February 18

You’ve been hiding away and taking it easy during these intense times. However, you are finding yourself in the limelight due to your career. This may feel overwhelming as you step up your professional game, which is why it’s essential for you to take baby steps towards elevating your status. 


February 19 - March 20

You’ve been busy with all kinds of mundane activities, which is making you crave extra alone time. Don’t take these moments for granted! Use this time to yourself to relax and reflect on the next steps you want to move towards in life. Then, you can reach your ultimate goals.