The Hoodwitch

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The Super Full Worm Moon in Virgo

Written by Lisa Stardust 

The Supermoon in Virgo occurs on March 9th. During this luminary, the Moon will be brighter, fuller, and more potent due to the closeness to Earth. On an energetic level, we can feel its intense power and pull on our emotions. Being that the Super Full Moon is in Virgo, we will feel the disconnect between our head and our hearts. The incentive of this cosmic occurrence is to bring these two parts of ourselves together — if we can let go of the past and start fresh. 

This luminary will directly oppose Neptune, who’s in Pisces, which means we can expect to feel our emotions on a soulful level. The truth may be ever cloudy and uncertain. During this time, it’s important for us to lean into our intuition and our gut impulses. We’ll find the truth of the matter from listening to our hearts and analyzing the information that the universe is telling us with a fine comb. It’s an amazing time to face fears head on and discuss them. Also, an opportune day to pay attention to our dreams and spiritual symbols we are receiving. Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto (who are all currently in Capricorn) give this luminary a chance to move forward; however, Neptune may make us feel stuck and unsure of our next moves. 

Mercury turns direct later in the day, ending its retrograde journey that began February 16th. For the past several weeks, we weren’t  able to make decisions. Now, we are being cosmically pushed to make choices in our lives, which will bring anxiety as we are unable to cut the cord on situations and relationships that need to end. Reminder, we don’t have to rush into resolving matters under this luminary. We can take our time. We have until Mercury leaves its post retrograde degrees on March 29th to let go. 

Right now, the Moon is shedding light on that which needs to transform or leave our lives. Our hearts may be heavy, but deep down we know what we will eventually have to do. Whatever path we wish to choose, it will be the best road for us. Over time, we’ll come to see that it’s for the best. No regrets. 

*The Super Full Worm Moon occurs at 10:47AM PST and 1:47PM EST. 

Ritual for the Super Full Worm Moon:

  • Calming Bath for Emotional and Mental Clarity 


-1 cup of Himalayan sea salt or Epsom salt -6 drops of lavender oil or a ½ cup of fresh lavender

-6 drops of peppermint oil or 6 sprigs of fresh peppermint 

-One part Florida Water 

-Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz (you can charge your crystals under the Moon, but it’s not necessary)

-Moon Water (water charged under the Moon) is optional 


-Blend all of the ingredients together.

Rub on your scalp, third eye chakra, and heart chakra while in the shower or bath.

-Place the Rose Quartz Crystal on your heart chakra and the Clear Quartz Crystal on your third eye chakra. 

-Relax your thoughts and feel your body align. 

-Meditate on connecting the mind, heart, and intuition together for 25 minutes. 

-Rinse off with water.