Libra New Moon


The Libra New Moon occurs today on October 16th. This luminary is extremely intense, which is why it’s important to not project emotions onto others and to own our part in a situation. The other side to this cosmic event, is that we may be forced to transform which will throw us off our balance. 


Mars, who’s retrograde in Aries, and the planets in the Capricorn stellium (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) create a T-Square (a fraught astrological aspect in which there are planetary two squares and an opposition occurring simultaneously with each other) during this New Moon. There will be arguments, power struggles, and our emotions will feel as though we’re riding a roller coaster. While the lunar energy is intense, it will resolve itself smoothly a few days later. 


The New Moon aligns with the benefic fixed star Spica. This energy will add success and fortitude to all endeavors. However, it can be unfavorable to those who are not acting scrupulous or with the best intentions. More often than not, it brings a favorable outcome and flavor to all the planets it touches. During this New Moon, it will give us a fair shake in all matters at hand. 


The Sabian Symbol associated with the degrees of this luminary is “A Butterfly With A Third Wing On Its Left Side.” This speaks to the Plutonian energy that will make this New Moon hard, as it will bring unforeseen drama, jealousies, and triangular situations to the table. The higher vibration of Pluto is that, like the butterfly presented from the Sabian Symbol, it brings change, growth, and the ability to fly high. 


The ritual for the New Moon is to let go of negativity and toxic thinking. Sit comfortably in a chair and take a mental note of the things, people, and situations in your life that aren’t energetically healthy for you. Write them down on a piece of paper. Now, on another piece of paper, write down all of the positives in your life. Rip up the list of negative vibes and burn it, bury it, flush it down the toilet, or mail it off to a random fake address with no return address on the envelope. This will enable you to detox all of the gloomy vibes in your auric field. Keep the list with positives and review it every month. After, take a shower or bath with Epsom or Himalayan salt to cleanse your energy. 


*The Libra New Moon occurs on October 16th at 12.31PM PDT and 3:31PM EDT.