WITCHTIPS & HOROSCOPES 12/4-12-10/2019

Artwork by @Morysetta

Artwork by @Morysetta

Astrology by Lisa Stardust for The Hoodwitch


We kick off this week with the First Quarter Moon in Pisces on the 4th, may make us feel mentally and physically exhausted. Later in the week, sentiments get triggered in bizarre ways, when the Sagittarius Sun and Neptune, who’s in Pisces, square off on the 8th. Neptune has one more magical dance on the 8th, this time with Venus, who’s in Capricorn. We will all become extra emotional and sensitive as a result of Venus and Neptune’s cosmic connection. Jupiter, who’s in Capricorn, and healing asteroid Chiron, who’s retrograde in Aries, clash in the cosmos on the 8th. They’ll force us all to mend past wounds — even if it hurts. Mercury enters fiery Sagittarius on the 9th, making us all impulsive in how we communicate and think. We found off the week with Mercury and Chiron retrograde opening up about former issues on the 10th. 




March 21 - April 19


All work and no play can make anyone feel dull. Don’t worry, Aries, you are anything but boring. This week will make you yearn for freedom from your work and personal life — which may prove challenging. A simple suggestion to escape the pressures of work for a few minutes during the day is to meditate on your desires. You can travel the seven seas and five oceans in your mind, if not in reality. 




April 20 - May 20


You’re evolving at a fast pace (which is more shocking to you than anyone else). Your mind and heart are opening up to new possibilities and embracing life to its fullest. You’re experiencing your conscious awakening, which will make you more powerful than ever. No more looking back — only looking forward. You are shedding the past and moving into the future. You’ve built the foundation. You now know who you are and where you’re going. 




May 21 - June 20


You may feel as though the walls are closing in on you this week — all of which will cause more stress in your life. What you’re actually feeling is anxiety about your professional career and future. While you may want to run away in avoidance of making decisions, you’ll be forced to make choices regarding work — particularly around your new visions. Don’t worry! You’ll succeed at any venture you put your heart into.




June 21 - July 22


Your heart will soar to new unforeseen depths, arousing your desire to partner and work through long-standing issues with others. While you may be shy in going after your heart’s desires, you will be cosmically pushed to lean into your sentimental side (even with those who have recently let you down). You’re letting go of the drama and frustrations in relationships, with the incentive of starting fresh. After all, the heart wants what it wants. 




July 23 - August 22


Your creativity is in high gear, allowing you to use your artistic visions to manifest your passions. The only thing standing in your way is self-doubt (which is unlike you). It’s time you implemented  a few daily affirmations to help you step up your game. This will help you boost your courage and confidence. In no time, you’ll get back to feeling like the fierce and artistic lion you are. Nothing can hold you back. 




August 23 - September 22


Your soul is focusing solely on spiritual pursuits this week. You are craving clarity and peace of mind around all matters in your life, which may force you to risk all your resources and attachments for inner fulfillment. The lesson that you’ll learn  this week is to be reasonable with the amount of energy and time you give to your personal pursuits. Do not let anyone steal your thunder and prowess. Take back your power! 




September 23 - October 22


Your Networking is in high gear this week, allowing you to make many professional connections. The caveat is that while you are finely tuned to meeting colleagues and others who can help your career, your energies are not primarily focused on work at the moment. You’re busy daydreaming about the future and not focused on real life activities. Try a grounding exercise like rooting to help anchor yourself into reality and be in the moment. 




October 23 - November 21)


Hidden enemies are brought to light this week. Words of advice: Keep your professional ideas a secret until meetings, in order to protect your career. You may be the victim of professional gaslighting this week. A frenemy at work may try to steal your glory, or, take credit for your ideas. Make sure to protect your energy from psychic vampires who don’t serve your best interests. Saging your space and Himalayan salt baths are a necessity. 




November 22 - December 21


Shake ups to your life will leave you feeling a bit lost in the world. You’re now being forced to evaluate your personal comforts. In the past, you’ve scoffed at the desire others have for security. Now, you are realizing that it’s important for you to live with caution. This will not stop you from being the thrill seeker you are deep down. But, it will make you act less impulsive and more practical minded. 




December 22 - January 19


Healing childhood wounds is never easy. It can take a lifetime to get over past trauma. Your mending of past heartbreaks may bring up old wounds — some of which have been long buried in your heart and mind. Word of advice: Find a group to meet with to discuss your emotions. You may be tempted to go about this process alone, which is fine. You will feel more supported if you connect with others. 




January 20 - February 18


You may be a little adrift at sea this week. Although you are emotionally out of touch with those you hold near and dear, it doesn’t mean that you won’t feel things on an extremely deep level. Your aloofness is just a mask you wear to protect your heart from being hurt. Discussing your sentiments with others will help you to release frustrations. If you can’t, then journal writing is a great option for you. 




February 19 - March 20


Known for your tender and kind heart, you’re using most of your loving energy on yourself this week. For the first time in a long time, you’re treating yourself to the finer things in life, such as massage, reiki, and yoga. You’re connecting your body, mind, and spirit together while detoxing yourself from past anxieties. This will help fuel your vibe with positive momentum for the future. Clearing your energy will also elevate your intuition.