The Hoodwitch

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 Written by Jessica Lanyadoo 


On the 7th there is a powerful New Moon in Scorpio that delivers deep healing potential. This New Moon brings with it a powerful intensity that can shine new light on old problems or simply bring something to the surface that you’ve been avoiding. Don’t shy away from intensity; it’s exactly what you need to feel in order to heal. New Moons happen when the Moon and Sun meet in the sky at the exact same degree, and they happen once per year in each sign. When it comes to the Moon, the only way out is in, so stay with whatever comes up for you this week instead of trying to explain it away or ignore it. Scorpio is a deeply emotional sign. Expect to be confronted with feels that you’ve had shame around or on topics that are somewhat taboo. It’s good to look at your shadow, even if it feels bad. Your shadow is a part of you, and only by accepting and owning it can you transform it. That’s exactly what this lunar shift is here to help you do.

Be willing to use your feelings as information. Here are some questions to explore, as honestly as you can. Now is the time to heal your wounds.

New Moon Homework:

- What have I been avoiding?

- What people, situations, or attitudes am I holding on to that I know aren’t working?

- What am I willing to release in efforts to be more whole?

- Where have I held others or myself to excessively harsh standards?

- Can I give myself permission to make mistakes? Furthermore, can I commit to a living amends?

As Jupiter, the planet of luck and benevolence leaves Scorpio on the 7th and enters Sagittarius, we have the potential to let go of some of the pain that the past year has unearthed. Beginnings and endings are irrevocably linked up with each other. The healing that Jupiter provokes tends to be quick, but it may not be thorough.

Jupiter is in its native placement in Sagittarius, and it’s here for the first time in twelve years. This shift is a powerful one. It opens the door to strangers, it opens minds, and it yields an increased potential for understanding others, especially those who have cross-cultural experiences. This transit will last about a year, and it marks a time of increased growth. The only trouble is that not all things should grow. The downside of this energy is that it can compel you to jump to conclusions, to sacrifice common sense to your impulses, and to err on the side of extremes. While this can help us to better understand each other, it can also lead to cross-gendered mansplaining, aka soapboxing. If you’re in a rush to convince others of your views, you may not be doing a great job of listening. This is a period where we can find new ways of communicating and learn a ton, but this will require listening at least as much as you speak. If you feel called to teach or travel over the next year, it’s likely to be an expansive experience.  We are moving into a time when you get to rewrite your story. If you do this at the expense of the truth, justice, or fairness, you will find that you are restless and hungry. You are not better than anyone else, and you are not worse. When your version of the truth justifies cruelty or condemnation of others, you’ve veered off a dangerous edge. We still have the heavy hitters of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus, so it’s not sunshine and rainbows quite yet, my friends. Beware of the pitfalls of extremism; if your version of utopia is at the expense of other people’s wellness, then that vision is at the expense of both the collective and your own Soul. Confront your shadow with kindness. Shine light into the darkness, and don’t recoil from what you see. Embrace yourself so that you may heal, and then use the resiliency of your own healing as a resource that you can share with others. Good intentions, thoughts, and prayers are only the first in the many steps needed from each and every one of us.



March 21-April 19

You can find your best self, inner peace, or the path forward, but it won’t happen by avoiding your stresses or by overwhelming yourself to the point of paralysis. It’s time to take stock of the big picture: look at your goals, and look at how far you’ve come. Don’t be in such a rush to fill in the details that you do so before you're clear about your modus operandi. Believe it or not, you can put some things down now in order to more effectively deal with them later.


April 20-May 20

You’ve got all of the tools you need to get up and make it happen, but right now that’s not the best course forward. This week’s New Moon in your relationship house is a great opportunity to slow down and get grounded, Taurus. Things are changing, and it won’t do you well to have knee-jerk reactions. Take the time you need to consider your past. Commit to learning from your experiences rather than dooming yourself to repeat them, dear Taurus.


May 21-June 21

When things slow down is when you start to stress out. Don’t confuse the space in which to create infrastructure with being stuck. Sometimes the movement in your life is meant to be internal, and sometimes it’s about productivity and action. Slow down and regroup this week, Twin Star. Realign your plans with your circumstances. Be willing to make carefully considered changes based on the information that you have now, my love.


June 22-July 22

This week’s New Moon is likely to put you right in your element, sweet Moonchild. Show up emotionally for yourself and the people in your life. Allow the wisdom of your heart, including all that you’ve learned and lost, to inspire you to hold space for others and for yourself. You’re in a unique position to honor your feels and to support others too. Align yourself with the generosity of spirit that helps you to not only have peace within yourself but to also generate it in the world around you.


July 23-Aug. 22

Letting go is hard work, even when that letting go is absolutely the right thing to do. This week is likely to kick up some seriously sad feels, but that doesn’t mean that they’re bad feels or an indication that you’re off track. Don’t confuse what you’re feeling with a green light or a red light. Your feelings are a response to your situation right now in tandem with the baggage you came here with. Be patient and kind as you work through them, Leo.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You don’t need to know what’s coming next in order to be safe. This week you’re likely to feel your control issues are triggered. Instead of taking those feelings at face value, try to investigate them. Why do you want control? And truly – of what? Dig deeper into your reactions so that you don’t end up relocating messes instead of cleaning them up. Even better, try not creating them in the first place. Change yourself before you go trying to change others, Virgo.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Embrace what you have with both arms, Libra. This week, the power of gratitude will help buoy you along. Take pains to appreciate the air you breathe, the food that nourishes you, and all the other little things that are so easy to take for granted. Finding balance isn’t like finding the perfect pair of jeans. It isn’t waiting somewhere for you; you have to make it happen. Counterbalance the tough stuff by paying greater mind to the abundance in your life.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The New Moon in your sign on the 7th marks a powerful shift for you, Scorpio. This can be a time when you feel overwhelmed and shut down, or you rise to the occasion by using the tools and inner resources at your disposal. Be your own best ally, my love. Show up for yourself, wherever you’re at, and put into practice your hard-earned wisdom, even if your feels would have you regress back into old habits. You’ve got this.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Don’t get so caught up looking around for excuses that you check out from the story as it unfolds. You are here now, and you have a part to play in the events of your life. Don’t forget why you’re in it, Sagittarius. Reconnect with your sense of purpose, and let that guide you – not being right, not rushing to the part where you understand the big picture. Get accustomed to uncertainty, and strive to pair it with faith and patience this week.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Your fears are likely to catch up with you this week if you’re not careful, my salty friend. Instead of losing yourself in a soup of what ifs, start with accepting where you’re at, including the parts that are yet unknown. You can only make plans based on the information you have, so start there. Don’t overwhelm yourself by taking on too much. Dont' try to cultivate a long-view when so many details are blocking your view. Do only what you can today, and handle tomorrow when it comes, Cappy.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The New Moon on the 7th may fill you with a sense of purpose, or it may highlight that you’ve strayed from having one. You may have to take a slow road forward, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t get there. Find strength in your vulnerability and a purpose that can propel you to whatever comes next. This week is bound to reveal something that you’ve been trying to avoid dealing with, and while it’s not fun, it was really a matter of time, Aquarius.


Feb. 19-March 20

You seriously need a break, Pisces. You are likely to have people around you with lots of demands this week, and it’s on you to articulate and honor your own limits. It’s not true generosity when you don’t give it with an open heart. Saying no to a person is not the same as denouncing them; give yourself the same latitude as you would offer to others. You get to do what works for you in a healthy way, even when it’s a bit complicated. Prioritize self-care, my love.