The Hoodwitch

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The Hoodwitch Weekly Horoscopes 4/26-5/2/2017

"Venus Beach"  by Trash Riot

Written by Jessica Lanyadoo


Fantastic news, sweeties! This is the last week of Mercury Rx – it’ll be Direct on the 3rd, and this means that you should see a smoothing out of communications and technical difficulties. On the 28th Venus enters Aries, and this shift is bound to spice things up. On this same day, Mercury Retrograde will sit on top of iconoclastic Uranus, and it’s gonna be intense. Uranus has a way of making us feel antsy and nervous. Try not to act without sufficient forethought on anything that spontaneously occurs to you, my loves. Uranus has a funny way of making things urgent, and Mercury is only too happy to rush into ideas that don’t have emotional wisdom embedded in them. This is a great time for discovery and exploration; try something new, but don’t commit to your conclusions for a few days if you can help it.


On the 26th we have a lovely New Moon in Taurus going down. New Moons are perfect for kicking off something new. Taurus is a sensual Material Girl, and since we’re living in a material world, here are some Pro Tips for manifestation to try out in a few simple steps:

1. Get clear about what you want to call into your life. 

Don’t let it be too complicated; the more distilled and clear the intention, the closer at hand it is. If you have to write out a bullet point list or a journal entry to clarify your intention, that’s just fine.

2. Get emotionally aligned with your desire.

If what you want to call into your life is hella money, but you’re emotions are focused on a fear of poverty, you won’t get what you want. Do not allow your feelings about what you don’t currently have to be stronger than your desires.

3. Keep your emotions and your thoughts on the same page.

It’s that simple! Alignment is amazingly simple and very difficult. Stay present with the things you want, even when you don’t have evidence of them yet in your life. Too much focus on what you don’t have is like an investment in it. 

If you don’t do it this New Moon there’ll always be another one next month. Honor your desires and remember in this plodding Taurus time that you don’t need things to move quickly; you need them to move in the right direction.



March 21-April 19

There’s no amount of pushing your agenda forward that’s going to satisfy you, Aries. This week you’re on call to cultivate some receptivity. If you hold back, what might come to you? What new insights might you have? There’s really only one way to find out. Take time to figure out what you really want. Fear has played too big of a role in your assessment of your goals. Give yourself the space to figure out what you need so you that you know it when it comes for you.



April 20-May 20

This week’s New Moon is in your sign, and it’s a big deal. You should expect to feel all the stuff you’ve been trying to shrug off; prepare for it, my love. That means you’ve got to carve out some space for you to unplug from the world and align with your messy, complicated feels. You don’t need to have the answers,  but you do need to make room at the table for the questions. Love yourself enough to have patience with your process, Taurus.



May 21-June 21

You’ve worked really hard to get here, but that doesn’t mean that you’re prepared to actually stick around. There are seasons to everything, and you’re really good at the part of the cycle that’s about striving. The good news is that you’ve gotten to a place of results, but the bad news is that you’re a bit ill-equipped to flow with some of the best stuff in your life. That’s OK, Twin Star – you get to be a work in progress, and this is a great time to expand your skill set and your life.



June 22-July 22

Like it or not, you’re seeing things clearly, Moonchild. This week you’re in an excellent position to deal with your relationships as they are. The trick is to not get roped into emotional battles that you know aren’t really about you; challenge yourself to embody healthy boundaries when things get emo. You don’t need to have all the answers in order to stop a conversation from going in a certain direction or to be honest about where you’re at with things. Be open to the process, my love.



July 23-Aug. 22

Being in a period of instability is a bit scary, but it’s also hella fertile. This week is an excellent one for putting into motion the things that you know need to change. The risks you take by shaking things up may be intimidating, but what’s worse is sitting in sub par circumstances and doing nothing. Don’t be a wallflower in your own life; rise to the challenge of doing you, even when others don’t get it or are unwilling to get behind it. This is your one life – honor it, Leo.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

There’s a tension between being alone and being intimate that you must address this week, Virgo. When you feel anxious it’s easy to want to hide away from others while you get yourself in order, and there’s a wisdom to that. The problem is that you (or me, or anyone else) is never perfect, and so you may find yourself in a pattern of hiding that you don’t even remember starting. Don’t wait to be ready – try now. It’s OK to be scared; just don’t let it stop you, my love.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

So much is going your way: yay! Unfortunately, not everybody is enjoying your good fortune, and so not everyone is on your vibe. This week will pose a great opportunity to be well-boundaried. Don’t mirror or take on the feels of the people you’re close to. You can be having a great day while someone you love is in the pits. Just remember to be willing to listen to where they are in equal parts to how much you share about yourself. Seek balance in how you approach your relationships, Libra.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

All relationships have their cycles. There are times when we are very close, and then life can get in the way and things distract away. Rather than trying to create the perfect conditions for your connections to thrive, try to just stay honest. If you know you’re not all in, don’t tell someone you are. If you know that you’re feeling hurt, don’t pick a fight to distract from that pain. Show all the way up, Scorpio, especially when it feels risky, this week.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

It’s time to confront your fears, ‘Tarius. There’s a worried part of your mind that’s obsessing on all the things that could go wrong, but that ain’t right! Grab hold of opportunity this week because this is an excellent time for kicking things off. It’s an especially good time for creative and romantic beginnings, so put yourself in the position where things can happen. Open yourself up to possibilities without attachment to what does or doesn’t



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You have choice, Capricorn. You can look at your life and see what isn’t there, or you can look at it and see what you’ve got. You can approach your successes as just stepping stones to the next big thing, or you can take time to appreciate them. This week it’s important to consider your perspective; your reality is in part what you make it, so why not strive to make it as hopeful a place as you can? Take chances on happiness, my love.



Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Here’s the thing: you know what you want, and you know that you’re impatient to make it happen. What you don’t know is that if you got it all at once that you’d likely to not be able to handle it. It’s a good, if not pretty annoying, thing that your success is coming in stages, Aquarius. Don’t rush your progress and forget to enjoy this present moment. Strive to be grateful for what you’ve got in the here and now, and build from that foundation.



Feb. 19-March 20

Don’t rush away from upset feelings, Pisces! I know it’s tempting to bolt when things are painful, but you run the risk of abandoning your own self just when you need to be your own best ally. This week, your challenge is to be the best friend to yourself that you can; don’t indulge yourself in self-destructive or evasive maneuvers when the going gets rough; assert yourself firmly and caringly. You don’t need for things to go perfectly, you only need to try your best.