
Astrology by Lisa Stardust

This week brings beginnings and possibilities our way — all are needed as we enter a new season. Venus, who’s in Pisces, gets a push from Pluto, who’s in Capricorn, on the 18th to embrace its beauty and power. The Sun enters Aries on the 20th, bringing in a new season and the astrological new year (March 20th is International Astrology Day because Aries Season initiates the astrological calendar). Venus enters Aries under the First Quarter Moon in Cancer on March 21st. Therefore, it will be a time to set the romantic and financial intentions that we’ll want to manifest next week. All of this celestial activity in the beginning of Aries Season will add power to Spring Equinox and Ostara, making it an extremely inspiring and energetic time. Mercury, who’s in Pisces, links up with Uranus, who’s in Taurus, and serves to wake up our innermost visions. Mars, who’s in Gemini, shares a soft connection with Saturn, who’s in Aquarius on March 21st. This airy vibe can make us overthink matters and start brewing the annoyances that are coming our way two days later. Mercury’s celestial square off with Mars on March 23rd will bring old arguments and frustrations out of the woodwork. You don’t have to argue back when others bring drama to you. Disengaging and focusing on your life, instead of their issues, will allow you to use the energy to upgrade your life by bringing passion projects to life. 


There is a lot of love in your life. You just have to learn to relish and honor it. Instead of being nice to those who aren’t reciprocative of that sentiment, you should give the people who have shown that they care about you TLC in return for their kindness.


When the cards are down for a friend, you’re the one that they turn to. This week, your pals are recognizing what a loyal person you are, which means that they’ll be singing your praises. This will make you feel confident, as you’re being seen for your kindness and goodness.


Setting healthy boundaries with your friends and family may be challenging, but important. Understanding your limits will blossom your relationships to a better place and won’t create issues later. The same applies to your actions as well. Hold yourself accountable and respect their boundaries as well to lead by example.


Challenge yourself to live and think outside the box this week. Try to see things in shades of grey, to allow yourself to understand that there is a middle ground. Doing both of these things will help elevate your career and professional aspirations to the next level. Be an innovator!


You're feeling driven by your obligations to others, instead of focusing on your own needs. Take a moment to examine the direction you’ve chosen. Most importantly, release anything that’s not working for your highest good and holding you back from achieving your goals. Breakup the blockages standing in your way.


You’re wanting to get deep this week with all of the people that you care about in your personal world. Instead of searching for answers, have an one-on-one conversation with others to get the real scoop. It’ll bring you closer together and create a long-standing bond that will last forever.


There is a high chance that you’re starting a new project or moving forward with a work opportunity this week. Before you rush through the paperwork, take a look at the fine print to make sure that you aren’t forgetting anything important and that you’re in sync with the terms.


Spring clean your home, workspace, and relationships to uplift your life. When you let go of things that you don’t need and people who are energetically weighing you down, you’ll find that you have more power and control than ever. It will also detox your mind and open your heart.


Life has been way too chaotic and challenging for your liking. Instead of swelling and adulting, the stars are giving you permission to regress and activate your youthful aspirations. Embrace your inner child. Have fun playing a game you once loved in your youth or getting nostalgic with old friends.


This is a magical week for you to reflect on the past to know where you’re headed in the future. Journaling your feelings can help spark inspiration for new dreams and  incentives during the First Quarter Moon on March 21st. Writing them down will help you stay accountable and motivated.


Speaking from the heart can be tough, as you don’t like to hurt others feelings. Be kind and compassionate when expressing your sentiments. Do not let yourself speak negative words. Give your friends, family, and colleagues positive feedback to ensure that the conversation doesn’t take a turn for the worst.


With the onset of the new season comes new goals. Use this week’s cosmic vibe to set intentions that you are wanting to manifest during the First Quarter Moon on the 21st. You have the opportunity to bring your dreams to life. Therefore, it’s important to use the energy wisely.