The Libra New Moon

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust 


Fasten your seatbelts, October 6th’s New Moon in Libra is going to be a wild ride. It will be filled with thrills, no chill, breakups, shake ups, meltdowns, and every emotion in between. There is a silver lining that can create a positive outcome if we choose to do the work and not have the last word (which won’t be possible without self-restraint).  This lumnation connects with Mercury retrograde and Mars. Mercury is in the Via Combusta degrees of Libra and retrograde. It’s acting erratic, tempestuous, and unpredictable as a result. Mars is debilitated in Libra. The warrior planet is taking a passive approach to asserting itself and slowing down the fierce action that’s needed to make things happen fast. Saturn retrograde harmonizes with the New Moon and lends it some structure. 

Uranus retrograde creates a quincunx with the Sun and the Moon. This minor aspect heightens intuition and anxiety. Also, highlights the Saturn and Uranus squares that occurred on February 17th and June 14th. The connection will be a retelling or discussion of past events. Drama can reach extremes when these planets link up with the Sun and the Moon. 

The centaur Chiron sheds a distant light on the lumnation, offering a healing energy. Do not take this vibe for granted. Remember that there is the option to change the road that we are on. Instead of acting out, we can mend hearts, fences, and feelings to create a better path for ourselves and others. If we choose to forgo the ego and embrace our heartfelt sentiments, then this is possible. 

The planetary ruler of Libra is Venus, who’s currently in the late degrees of Scorpio and will enter Sagittarius on October 7th. This means that situations and circumstances will change. But, that doesn’t mean they will become better. Venus in Sagittarius connects with the South Node of Destiny on October 9th, urging us to release and let go — which will make us uneasy and fearful of the future. 

Pluto, who has been retrograde since April 27th in Capricorn, turns direct hours after the New Moon. This is an extremely powerful and potent turning point that will serve as a catalyst for change and transformation. We’ll be more apt to let go of matters than to hold on to them, as we want to grow and evolve. 

Compromise is an essential part of the New Moon. It’s best to listen and react after finding the right words to express yourselves. This won’t be easy to do. However, if you don’t, then it will lead to circular reasoning and arguments without any resolution. A middle ground can be reached, but only if everyone has patience and gives others  space to understand their emotions. The caveat is that no one wants to negotiate or back down from their feelings, which will cause meltdowns and breakdowns of relationships. 

The fixed star Corvus aligns with the Sun, Moon, and Mars. The energy will add impulsivity, vengeful sentiments, and aggression. The good news is that Asteroid 269 Justitia is activated by the lumnation, creating order to the tempestuous and fervid energy. 

Emotions will run deep and be transformative during the New Moon, which is why it’s best to focus the energy on changing the way you partner — not the other way around (meaning, person you partner with). Being able to heal wounds will take work. But, worth it in the end. Think about this option before diving into a debate, quarrel, or intense discussion that cannot be solved or repaired easily. 

*The Libra New Moon occurs on October 6th at 4:05 AM PDT and 7:05 AM EDT. 


New Moon Ritual 

Light a blue candle to create peace (practice fire safety). Take a notepad or journal and write down your innermost feelings. Pretend that you’re writing a letter to a specific person who’s upset you. You can describe your frustrations. Let everything that’s been bottled up pour out. Once you’re done writing, you can opt to forgive the person. Tear out the paper and rip it into pieces, then dispose of it. Or, you can send it to an unknown address. The point of this exercise is to banish negativity that has persisted within ourselves by bringing peace of mind to ourselves.