photography by Dana Trippe

photography by Dana Trippe

Astrology by Lisa Stardust


This week starts off with an amazing alignment between Venus and the North Node of Destiny on August 5th, who are both in Gemini. Life will become seemingly easy and breezy, as we make fated connections. Planet of love and money, Venus, enters tender Cancer on August 7th. The way we spend money will be more conservative, while our energy becomes sentimental and emotional. Mercury, who’s in Leo, squares off with Uranus, who’s in Taurus, on August 10th. Our dreams and passions will be suddenly awakened, with the intention of making them a reality. 


It’s time for you to set some necessary boundaries with your crew. This means standing up for your dreams, even if they think they are off kilter. You need to have positive people in your life who support you no matter what and who will always stand by your side. Speak up kindly and surely to assert yourself and to ensure they respect your visions. 


Your objectives are changing at the moment, mostly because you are evolving and awakening your inner passions. Don’t let your fears get in the way of welcoming the truest, newest, and greatest version of yourself. Change is happening. The more you resist it, the harder life can become. Embrace personal growth  with open arms. Move towards the person you are becoming because it’s your destiny. 


Being consciously aware of what you do, how you act (focusing on the good and the bad behaviors), and knowing the potential consequences of those deeds may have an impact on the reality in which you live. A step taken in any direction can change the course of your life. An act of kindness allows for another, which can alter your life for the better. 


The drama never seems to end in your world. But, this week such intensities are beginning to simmer down in your personal life. You’re learning that it’s ok for others to have a difference of opinion from you, even if you wholeheartedly oppose their beliefs. In an effort to resolve arguments swiftly, you’re willing to agree to disagree — even if you know you’re correct. 


It’s hard for you to be diplomatic in your thoughts, especially when you feel as though your friends are personally attacking you with their comments. Instead of giving them the benefit of the doubt, speak up and let your feelings be known. Sometimes you have to ruffle feathers and stir things up if your pride is being compromised by those in your inner friend circle. 


Let your intuition guide you towards understanding matters on a deeper level. In the recent past, you’ve been second guessing your own personal truths. All of this is causing you to have doubt about your ability to see situations and people clearly. This week, you’ll come to see that you’ve been right all along, encouraging you to never doubt your intuition again. Believe in yourself. 


Your sense of security is being challenged, resulting in your newly found bohemian ideology. You’re placing less importance on materialism and focusing more on spiritual endeavors. No longer will you find comfort in objects. Instead you’ll find solace in knowing yourself and your heart. By shifting your relationship with the material world, you can get to know yourself better and love yourself more than ever. 


This week’s cosmic activity will hit you on a deep and personal level. The good news is that you will find the emotional space to understand your feelings and know the reasons behind your actions. Not only that, but you will be able to connect with yourself in a transformative way — one that will serve to elevate your heart and mind for the better. 


Step away from the big picture and focus on the details this week. You’ll find that the way you’ve viewed the world has left you unable to see all of the smaller injustices that people face everyday. As a result, you’ll begin advocating for others and using your voice to speak up on social media in an effort to bring awareness to such issues. 


Try manifesting your visions with sex magic this week, to make your visions a reality. By embracing your sexuality 

and erotic dreams along with your objectives, you’ll be able to direct energy into making them come true. You’ll give your inner passions purpose through your innate desires. Light a red candle, craft your own personal sigil on paper, and allow yourself to become magically enlightened. 


You are being cosmically pushed to make changes in your one-on-one relationships this week. The caveat is that you may not be ready to transform your partnerships. Take baby steps towards implementing positive growth with others. Remember, this is the beginning of a journey. Trust this process, as it can elevate your relationship with others. Then, you can truly evolve with those you care about. 


Life can get a little hectic. But, that’s not an excuse to deny yourself of self-care (especially during these intense times). It’s been a moment since you’ve focused your energies on yourself. This week, you’re finding that you are in need of a break from the daily stresses of life. Take a hot bath with chamomile, lavender, and Epsom salt to wash away your frustrations.