
Astrology by Lisa Stardust

We kick off the week with amazing news! Venus is turning direct on June 25th in Gemini. But, don’t get too excited. The Retroshade journey ends on July 29th, when Venus moves out of the degrees it traveled down during its cosmic moonwalk. Mars, who’s in Pisces, squaring off with the Nodes of Destiny on June 26th. This cosmic connection will force us to take immediate action around matters and situations. Mars enters Aries on June 27th, initiating dreams and projects that have been on the back burner for the past few months. The following day, Mars and Saturn, who’s retrograde in Aquarius, link up together, allowing us to use practicality in achieving our goals. The Sun and Mercury retrograde sync up in Cancer, making the 30th the best day of the month to gain clarity on matters. Uranus adds a twist to the information we hear on the 30th — be prepared to hear the unexpected version of the truth. Jupiter and Pluto, who are both retrograde in Capricorn, come together for the second time (the first connection was April 4th and the third time will be November 12th), will give us the chance to assert our personal visions in the world with no apologies. Meaning, it’s our time to take charge and move ahead with our dreams. 


You may feel as though you’re not being seen for the amazing ram that you are. These issues stem from your inability to express your sentiments without losing your cool. Instead of jumping head first into an argument, choose your words wisely in a way that truly defines your feelings. 


Now is not the time to focus on what makes other people happy. It’s a moment that will force you to wake up and revel in your own bliss. Move towards the path that brings you pleasure, no matter what others say. Remember to put your needs first this time. 


You may feel as though no one is hearing what you’re saying, even though you are trying to be direct and screaming your heart out. Don’t cower and run away in the face of adversity, just try another approach to ensure your voice is heard and that your opinion counts. 


You’ve decided to skip out on the frustrations and annoyances that are coming your way before they arrive. You can see the drama happening before it’s actually happened, which will make you side crawl to the other side of the street in an effort to step away from such annoyances. 


Shifts are happening in your friendships, due to the fact that you’re not being seen for your strengths and criticized for your weaknesses. Talk things out with your friends before resentments remain within. Make sure they understand that you’re doing the best you can which is better than doing nothing. 


No matter how far you get ahead in the game, you feel as though you’re always one step back to where you began. Before you get down on yourself, try to be proactive in how you can change the course in an effort to avoid such setbacks from happening again. 


Now that you’ve gained clarity on all matters that have been weighing greatly on you, the question is what will you do with this infinite knowledge? Don’t remain in the same place or go backwards. Find the best course of action that works for you, in an effort to evolve. 


Looks like someone is getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar this week. Instead of denying and gaslighting, own your part in an awkward situation to avoid drama and to create an honest discourse with others. Regaining and freely giving trust is hard, but doable if you try. 


A truth teller by nature, secrets can tear you up inside. You’ve made up your mind about your professional future, but don’t want to share the news until it’s come to fruition. Be open with your friends about your career goals, even if you don’t want to jinx the situation. 


Now that you’ve had time to decide about the direction you want to move towards, you’re realizing that you aren’t  ready to make any moves. Before moving ahead with projects and relationships, use this week to reflect in an effort to see if this is the right decision for you. 


Yes, your needs are important. But, not at the cost of others. You may not notice that you’ve become a little too self-serving recently, which is pushing away those who care about you. Try to find a balance that works in an effort to be less selfish and more generous. 


Believing in yourself is the hardest thing to do. However, you can achieve certainty and confidence within yourself if you change your approach to matters. Once you transform your approach to situations and feel about them, then you’ll be able to evolve into the self-assured person you are deep inside.