WITCH TIPS & HOROSCOPES 12/18~12/24/2020


Astrology by Lisa Stardust For The Hoodwitch


PSA: Eclipse Season officially begins on December 19th during the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo. From that point on, until mid January, life will get a little bit crazy and unpredictable. December 19th also brings us a confusing Mercury and Neptune square. Mercury, who’s in Sagittarius, will share a frustrating aspect with Neptune, who’s in Pisces. We may feel anxious, paranoid, or depressed as a result of this mutable standoff — which sets the stage for the eclipse energy. Mars, who’s in Scorpio, and Saturn, who’s in Capricorn, connect in the cosmos on the 19th by adding resolve and patience to an energetically draining day. Venus enters Aquarius on December 20th, which will us a chance to understand our emotions and hearts. The Winter Solstice arrives with the Sun’s ingress into Capricorn on the 21st. Known as the shortest day and longest night of the year, we’ll celebrate by connecting with ghosts of past, present, and future (also known as old friends and lovers). Venus and healing asteroid Chiron, who’s orbiting the sign Aries, link up and give us the opportunity to mend past emotional upsets. The following day, on the 22nd, Venus and Uranus, who’s retrograde in Taurus, square off and reawaken the argument prior to the make up session that happened the day before with Chiron. The same day, Mars and Pluto, who’s in Capricorn, come together to fight to win. The Capricorn Sun takes an ego hit from the asteroid Chiron on the 23rd, which will for lack of a better word wound us deeply. If there’s drama that’s unfolding or coming to a head, try to proceed with caution on the 23rd. Or, totally disconnect from it. The Sun and Uranus retrograde gently touch on the 24th, unlocking our minds and hearts from the constraints that hold us back. We will feel free from the drama of the week, but only if we commit to leaving it all behind. Two days later, on the 26th, the first eclipse of the season starts. This is why it’s important to decide wisely and with caution how we want to use our energy this week. 


March 21 - April 19

You’re learning that relationships are a two way street that require extra care all the time. Meaning, you have to make sure there are no potholes that can cause issues between you and those you care about (especially your friendships). If there are issues and road bumps — you’ll have to tend to them quickly. Friends will bring nice surprises to you this week, as long as you show them appreciation for their kindness in return. 


April 20 - May 20)

You always get bombarded with work and personal matters within days of each other (which doesn’t give you time to wrap your Bullish horns around your schedule). While nothing major is happening for you this week, you’re going to be swamped with last minute work projects before you take off for the holidays and get together with friends. This may be too much stimulation for you because you are in desperate need of time off. 


May 21 - June 20

The focus of the week is on healing. The past few days have been emotionally draining, causing you to need a restful week. Give yourself a timeout from the seasonal hoopla and zen out. You’ll find that meditating, even for five minutes a day, will boost your vibe. Place a citrine candle next to you when you lay down for a nap to clear your energy of negativity. Allow the positive flow to surround you. 


June 21 - July 22

Setting boundaries with those you love is always a challenge, especially around the holiday season. Don’t let your family and friends use manipulative tactics aimed to involve yourself in their drama. You shouldn’t have to play a part in their theatrics or give in. When you set limits with others, you’re helping them to understand what behavior is acceptable in your dynamic. Keep that sentiment in mind before you allow yourself to feel guilty. 


July 23 - August 22

Relationships are evolving and growing at rapant speed. However, you’re finding that you are acting more cold than hot when it comes to building partnerships (which is a major shift from your extroverted personality). You are scared to let people in, as others have recently let you down. Don’t keep your guard up for too long because may build walls within relationships. To be frank, that’s not your vibe — you prefer friendliness and warmth. 


August 23 - September 22

More often than not, you can’t help but stress over the minute details. This week, you’re finding that life keeps throwing you curveballs which is making you worry about the outcome of matters. Although it’s hard to take a step back, by week’s end, you’ll come to see that you can’t stress over the small stuff. Life will always bring drama and conflicts to you, but you can control how you react to the noise.


September 23 - October 22

Rather than getting lost in the romantic rapture, which is your absolute dream, try to create something tangible instead. This doesn’t mean you can’t flirt with the person you desire — it would be more beneficial if you got your head out of the clouds and built a new vision together. Not only will it elevate your sentimental and loving notions, but it will also deepen your relationship and broaden your understanding of each other. 


October 23 - November 21

As usual, you’re reshaping and revamping your personal life. This time, you’re opting to nurture yourself rather than giving your energy to others. Allowing yourself to heal from past wounds can take a lifetime — but you’re actually putting the hours and time in this week, which means you’re trying to make progress. Try not to put pressure on yourself to grow in a week, as stated before it takes time. Don’t rush the process. 


November 22 - December 21

In the past, you’ve managed to often put your foot in your mouth. This week you’re being mindful of how and what you want to declare. You’re becoming more expressive with your feelings. You’ll find the right words to use at the perfect time to let that special person know how much you care without a hitch. Speaking your truth is always easy, but talking from the heart is a new honest tool for you. 


December 22 - January 19

A builder by nature, you’re finding the need to grow and cultivate relationships in your life. This will require you to put all your cards on the table and open yourself up to love a little more. Once you let others see your truest intentions and what you want to create with them, you’ll find that your friendships will flourish. Blossoming relationships takes work (which you’re totally up for) and dedication. Let kindness guide you. 


January 20 - February 18

It’s the time of the year when you defrost your glacial resolve and let others in. Being vulnerable is scary for anyone — but especially you (as you fear uncertainty and lack of control). Words of wisdom: Live in the moment. Don’t consume your mind with thoughts about the future, as it hasn’t even happened yet. You get to write the storyline. Take care of yourself. Let these relationships unfold and develop slowly with time. 


February 19 - March 20

You may feel blindsided by a close friend this week, which will make you think they are talking about you behind your back. Before you confront them, put feelers out to make sure your intuition is on point. If you are certain they are, then perhaps it’s time you had a chat with them about this matter. Approach the situation with gentleness. You’ll be able to get more clarity if you don’t attack them first.