New Moon In Leo 2016

"More radiant than the Sun,

Purer than the snow,

Subtler than the ether,

Is the Self.

The Spirit within my heart.

I am that self.

That self am I."- Alice Bailey

With the new moon in Leo comes some dramatic happenings especially concerning emotions and being the center of attention. This is a moon of exuberance, vitality, and the best time to successfully work out issues with people who are in authoritative positions of power. Now is the time to take the direct approach and assert yourself. It is high drama with this moon, as she is going to step out onto the stage to entertain us once again. You may be tempted to act out the “drama queen” aspect of yourself, or you may simply just want to be romantic. Either way, this is a time of vital energy, affection, and again romance. A fiery Lion extravaganza! “Everybody is a star” and everyone will be recognized for his/her particular Goddess within.

You will want to spend money during this moon transit as it’s a bit hard to recognize limits when the moon is in Leo. This is also a time for power issues to ERUPT! Who will be the center of attention? Ambition + leadership can become very important issues as we are all well aware that Leo has great pride, which can become extremely evident right now. As our moon moves to Virgo, the ambitious energy of Leo will become unassuming. Try enjoying the warmth of kindness and generosity, excitement and exuberance with parties and celebrations. Renew & invigorate yourself this New moon.

Sun oil

Our beloved moon falls into the fiery sign of Leo, and Leo knows all about confidence so be ready to be the center of attention with this amazing "sun oil" potion.  Use this oil to bring out all of the benefits of the sun. This oil will have you feeling invigorated, powerful, sexy, and ready to take center stage!


  • 4 drops essential oil of Frankincense
  • 4 drops essential oil of Myrrh
  • 1 drop Essential oil of Chamomile
  • 1 Essential oil of cardamon

Add the oils to a full bath just prior to entering. *If you do not have a bath tub, you may use these oils blended into your favorite carrier oil (grape-seed, jojoba) and worn as a body oil, or infused with salts to make an invigorating scrub.

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Happy Full Wolf Moon In Leo ~2016!

This is the first full moon of 2016, and according to the Old Farmer's Almanac Native American's called January's full moon "The Wolf Moon". January is the cold winter period where wolves howl loudly to communicate with their pack members, mostly in hunger. Their howls could be heard all throughout the silent hills and outside of the Native villages. 

Happy Full Moon In Cancer!

Happy Holidays + Happy Full Moon In Cancer! this is our final full moon of 2015 ! and as I'm sure you've all read the last Full Moon we’ve had on Christmas Day was in 1977, which was 38 years ago. The next will not happen again until the year 2034. The emotional intensity of this moon alone has some feeling as if they'd like to stay hidden inside with a blanket over their heads until next year, but fret not! The Hoodwitch is here!

Practical Chakra Balancing.

A while back, I wrote an introductory to The 7 major chakras centers titled
"CHAKRAS, COLORS, & STONES" in this article I discussed recognizing blockages or over-activity in the chakras + the benefits of using gemstones and of course the healing power of color. Today, I wanted to touch on some very simple activities that can literally jump-start your sluggish energy centers. Face it, we live in an extremely fast paced world full of an array of energy draining living conditions: work schedules, school, and of course family life.  All of these daily task can make finding time for self-care pretty difficult on the average person. Here at The Hoodwitch we're all about the practical magic. As a working mother, I understand the struggle in finding the time for self-nurturing activities that will not only inspire me, but keep my frequency/energy levels high and my aura nice and sparkly. The practices listed below require little to no time, money, and can be done alone or with your closest family & friends. Daily, or weekly.  Different activities will stimulate different chakras, If you do at least ONE thing different each day, the direction of your life will change .


Remember, it is important to be honest and listen to your body. When the chakras are too open, balance is the remedy!  If you have excessive power in your chakras (Think: type A, aggressive, neurotic behaviors), step back and let someone else drive. If you're around people all of the time, it's important to spend time alone. See, BALANCE. Generally speaking, when a chakra is too open, the balance for this is to do the opposite of what you would normally do. Are your chakras over active or deficient? You can read more about that HERE.  Intuitive counselor and author Dena Marie says "One new practice a day, could potentially keep the doctor away!" and we agree!

Practical Chakra Balancing Activities:

  • First Chakra (Survival) : Walk in nature, plant a garden, pay your monthly bills (early), slow down, take a hike, Hug a tree, feel your roots, clean your house, Eat healthy foods, walk outside with bare feet, take a vacation in nature, Go bird watching, and admire the plants and animals there, play the drums, Do yoga, Do nothing (in the most relaxing of ways), wear the color red, eat red foods + protein.

  • Second Chakra (Relationships): Take a luxurious bath, Sit by water, stretch your body, swim, move your hips, dance, Drink plenty of fresh natural liquids, Be sexual (responsibly), Be spontaneous, Go to the ocean, Do volunteer work, drive somewhere you've never been, Go on a retreat with people you don't know. Wear the color orange, eat orange foods.

  • Third Chakra (Empowerment): Laugh, run, cry, watch a fire + burn stuff (not your ex-boyfriend's house), take up a martial art class, tai chi or boxing, lift weights, ride a bike like a child again, play a competitive sport, Wear the color yellow, Eat yellow food.

  • Fourth Chakra (Connection): Hold hands, talk about how you feel, Buy yourself flowers, Take yourself on date, Tell someone you love them (and mean it), get a massage, Look in the mirror and say you love yourself just the way you are, Send yourself a valentine, Learn Reiki (healing touch), wear pink or Green. Eat plenty of fresh organic green fruits and vegetables.

  • Fifth Chakra (Expression): Sing, Write, Draw, play an instrument, paint, talk to trusted friends, work with clay or wood, Go to an art gallery alone,  Read poetry, write a song, support local art, Verbally pass down a family tradition, writer a meaningful letter to yourself. Wear the color blue. 

  • Sixth Chakra (intuition): Just breathe, Listen to your inner voice, Guess someone's astrological sign, Daydream, Start a dream journal, Pull a tarot card for each day and don't use the manual to find the "meaning" (trust your inner guidance), Candle gaze, Read an esoteric/metaphysical book, watch a fantasy film. Talk to the moon, Wear Purple, or white.

  • Seventh Chakra (knowing): Meditate for 10-15 minutes a day, connect with your higher power, talk to an Angel (of the light) be still, listen, trust your inner knowing, connect with others, Think dreamy thoughts, Use rainbow prisms for healing, speak to the stars in the nighttime sky, practice positive affirmations, pray for yourself and others, write down your goals and ask your higher-self to help you achieve them. Wear Indigo, and gold.

New Moon In Gemini

The New Moon in Gemini

This is a time of communication and other means of expression, freedom, adaptability, reading, writing, and a desire for having variety. Which usually means having and taking on more things than you can handle at once. You might be feeling more social and talkative with our moon in the chatty mercurial sign of Gemini. All communication (talking, writing or reading) all matters of intellect are easier to express during Gemini moon. The tarot suit of swords is ruled by AIR (intellect) and the ace of swords is a card that represents raw power, victory, and mental clarity. As does working with clear crystal Quartz the amplifier, and ruler of the higher chakras. Crystal Quartz has the ability to give insight and mental clarity when our minds are feeling cloudy and foggy much like the power of mercury, and the swift electrifying energy of the swords suite.

Ritual: Use this creative moon to set new goals for yourself by using our New Moon guide to creating meaningful personal rituals HERE

Quartz Crystal meditation:

  • select a room that is quiet and softly illuminated. Preferably, the room you choose will be the same room you use for each of your meditation periods. If at all possible, try to schedule your meditation time and durations at the same time and at the same time of day
  • Clothing should be comfortable and shoes should not be worn.
  • Select your quartz crystal (a single or double terminated generator is suggested) about palm sized or larger and bless your crystal in advance by any of the methods I have listed here you may even place the crystal in the sunlight for an afternoon.
  • Once you are seated in a comfortable position, begin a rhythmic breathing sequence by inhaling deeply through the nose, holding the breath for three seconds and slowly exhaling from the mouth. As you inhale, visualize cleansing golden/white light vibrations entering your body through your nose, and traveling down your trachea and filling your lungs, chest cavity and heart center with warm, glowing sensations.
  • As you exhale, visualize discordant vibrations, tension, confusion, and stress leaving your body through your mouth in dark, cloudy swirls of energy. Bless yourself, and your discordant vibrations in the name of Spirit or any deity you deem fitting when you seek comfort, protection, and solace. Cast these discordant vibrations unto the ether to find peaceful resolution.
  • Pick up your clear quartz crystal with your left hand and begin to gaze upon it, observing the unique features it has to offer (rainbows, chlorite phantoms, healed fractures, mists, etc) allow your consciousness to merge with your crystal.
  • As you inhale, use both hands to hold your crystal. Feel the transmuted energy, peacefully flowing into your hands. Let the crystal tell you about itself.
  • Your crystal may seem to come alive in your hand, you may experience warm, tingling sensations in your hands. For some these sensations may be calming giving you feelings that instantly make you feel at peace, or this may be a gradual process.

Gemini Moon Affirmation: "I let go easily and quickly. I communicate well and teach that skill to others."

meditating with the Gemini new moon & quartz crystal will offer much clarity to confusion, worry, or doubts in your mind. Making you feel weightless. Allow yourself to breathe deeply and be still. When you are ready to return from your meditation, count slowly from 10 to 1 and open your eyes.




Full Moon In Scorpio Wellness

A full Moon that occurs between April 21st and May 21st will be in Scorpio.

Use this moon for:

  • Purging intense emotional matters  such as: guilt, lust, or obsession.
  • Keeping things secret.
  • Solving mysteries and getting to the root of the issue.
  • Concentration, and exam revision.
  • Healing the sexual organs.

Scorpio Full Moon is a time of Death and rebirth (not necessarily physical death), intensity, extremes, and heightened sensitivity. It is good for focusing, being sexual, and also doing psychic work because of the deep emotions and desires Scorpio brings. Since sensitivity is heightened, this moon is a wonderful time to deeply connect and feel the Goddess, especially the dark Crone Goddesses. During the Scorpio full moon opinions and feelings are intense and penetrating. Strong desires, especially sexual yearnings , run deep with emotions at their peak.

Be cautious of emotional resentments, as this is a time where past feelings can surface and block your very heightened creative energy, so fight the urges to be suspicious, secretive, and moody. This is a time of regeneration, and cleaning out of emotional debris from the previous month. There is great energy to complete things and focus on certain areas that you have found yourself too scattered to deal with the previous cycle. Take the time now for sexual exploration, as well as relaxation.


Full Moon in Scorpio (Taurus Sun) rituals are high energy and psychic. The veil is thin between the worlds, so during your Scorpio full moon rituals the Goddesses joins the circle easily. Anything that you can do in the two to three Scorpio days for the region of the sexual organs has a doubly beneficial preventative and healing affect, as Scorpio rules the sexual organs. Anything that puts a heavier burden on the sexual organs and urinary tract has a harmful effect during this transit than any other days. If you are able to postpone surgery or operations on the sexual organs during this time, it is best. Expectant mothers should also be cautious to stay clear of any heavy strain/exertion during this time. As  it is believed that miscarriage occurs easily during the Scorpio full moon.

  • Vaginal steams/healing baths with herbs such as: Yarrow, rose, jasmine, raspberry, holy basil can be used as a healing aid for women during this full moon. Vaginal (Yoni) steaming is effective because the soft tissues of a woman's vagina are extremely porous and quickly absorb the vapors of the steam. The heat of the steam stimulates circulation and blood flow to the pelvic area, and combined with the medicinal benefits of the herbs, will nourish, tone, and cleanse the vaginal tissues and whole pelvic region. *Please do not use vaginal steaming if you are: pregnant, menstruating,  or if there is infection present.
  • Healing baths
  • Meditation and/or releasing ritual.
  • Healthy sexual play

Erotic Bath

  • 4 drops essential oil of neroil
  • 4 drops essential oil of tuberose
  • 4 drops essential oil of ylang ylang

These essences added to the bath or blended into massage oil have been said to put women in the mood, and the fragrance worn on a woman's skin serves to put men in the mood, or whoever you intend to attract.



Light a deep red candle and burn incense of or oil of Myrrh or ginger. Sitting in silence, breathe in the sign of Scorpio and place it in your heart center. visualize the color scarlet surrounding you, and breathe that color into your heart, allow it to fill you with stregnth, courage, intensity, and passion. Honor these powerful energies and ask that they be used to assist in the journey to transform lower nature into your highest good.