The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Pink Full Moon in Scorpio will occur on April 23 at 4:49 PM Pacific Time and 7:49 PM Eastern Time. This is the first full moon after the lunar eclipse on March 25, which will compel us to let go of in pent-up emotions. As the Scorpio moon tends to dominate situations, our feelings will be intense, and our desire to regulate others will be high. Nonetheless, we should refrain from controlling people and situations because everything is about to change.

The Full Moon in Scorpio’s square to Pluto in Aquarius will compel us to confront our fears and insecurities, as well as the power struggles that exist in our relationships. This may be challenging, as Scorpio's energy is naturally suspicious of others and may make it difficult to have blind faith in others. However, it is essential to work on building trust with those around us to maintain healthy relationships. If trust cannot be established, it may be necessary to distance ourselves from certain situations or partnerships.

Although walls may be broken down, they can always be rebuilt. This presents an opportunity for us to re-establish and heal connections if we are willing to put in the effort. Reconstructing more efficiently will require hard work and dedication. Avoiding problems will not benefit us, as we must confront them directly to achieve our goals. This may prove to be a difficult task. Still, we must roll up our sleeves and invest our energy into obtaining what we truly desire, especially since the asteroids Juno and Vesta are urging us to. 

On April 20, Jupiter and Uranus will unite. This powerful event is expected to cause a significant transformation in our lives and the world by dismantling existing relationships, dynamics, and situations. This astrological event will mainly impact the Full Moon, and we need to understand that the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction is urging us to begin a new journey. However, to achieve this, we must unlearn old ways of thinking by re-programming our minds and hearts with what we believe is right.

With Mercury still retrograde until April 25, it's essential to be mindful of potential miscommunications and projections. It's crucial to take a moment to think before reacting and approach situations compassionately. As everyone is likely to project their feelings onto others, it's essential to break this cycle and show empathy towards others and ourselves.

The Full Moon encourages you to embrace our emotions and confront them head-on. Take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and acknowledge the parts you have been hiding. Although these emotions may be difficult to understand and express, they are an integral part of your authentic self. It's important to fully accept and comprehend these emotions, even if they are uncomfortable. Remember that many of these feelings stem from past experiences and insecurities, so show compassion and kindness to facilitate healing.