The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The new moon in Pisces occurs on March 10th at 2:00 AM Pacific Standard Time and 5:00 AM Eastern Standard Time. This is the last new moon of winter and occurs right before the upcoming eclipse season begins on March 17th during the first quarter moon in Gemini (the lunar eclipse occurs on March 25th and the solar eclipse occurs on April 8th). The new moon will propel us into the last days of the season before the Astrological  New Year, and Spring Equinox commences on March 19th.

What makes this new moon unique is that it is a supermoon, meaning that it is closer to our planet than other lunations, and being that this is the biggest supermoon of 2024, our feelings will be felt on a deeper level than ever when the moon is in perigee to earth.

This new moon connects with the planet Uranus in Taurus, as well as Black Moon Lilith in Virgo and the asteroid Vesta who's currently in Gemini. The convergence of these cosmic forces will compel us to break free from old habits and embrace new perspectives. We are transforming our lives, unapologetically expressing our truest emotions and thoughts. Though others may not understand our drive to break free from the chains that bind us, it is crucial to accept ourselves and become the people we were destined to be.

On the same day, Mercury in Aries will harmonize with Pluto, who is currently in Aquarius. This planetary alignment provides an opportunity for us to connect with our intentions during this new moon phase and propel them forward. As we move forward, our manifestations will gain strength and lead us towards our next vision. Words hold immense power, so it's essential to be mindful of what we think and feel to set our desires and dreams into motion.

Since Venus is at the late degree of Aquarius, the planet of love, beauty, and confidence will enter Pisces the next day. It's important to focus on ourselves rather than others, and not to feel as though we have to push things forward immediately. Be mindful that growth comes in steps, and today is a moment in which we can move forward and plant the seeds for the future.

New Moon Ritual

Conquer your phobias and confront your shadows by writing a love song or poem to yourself. This project promises to be both enjoyable and personally enriching. Creating this piece will allow you to connect with your innermost emotions and aspirations, and provide you with a source of inspiration when you need it. You can even sing or recite it to yourself during moments of self-doubt. You can even customize it by adding music or your favorite tune to make it memorable and catchy.

How The New Moon Will Affect You?  


Speak your mind, but make sure to do it with kindness and empathy.


Your newfound confidence is allowing you to recognize and appreciate your amazing attributes. Showcase them to the world.


A new professional opportunity may come your way, making it important to seize the moment.


It's perfectly fine to daydream and envision a future that you desire, as long as you maintain a realistic perspective on what is achievable.


You're in need of some rest, which is why it's best to choose a relaxing activity to unwind.


You might feel as though you're lost in love, which is why you should relish these feelings.


Adopting a new routine brings structure to your day. Therefore, it’s advisable to acquire and sustain it.


Your creativity will soar at this time, so it's time for you to ignite it with passion and emotion.


Your foundation may feel topsy turvy, which is why it's best to meditate on grounding yourself.


You may have to confront the truth within. Try to get in tune with your innermost thoughts.


Instead of prioritizing your material possessions, concentrate on the spiritual energy you possess. 


Have confidence in yourself and your actions, so others will truly listen to you.