The Hoodwitch

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The Capricorn New Moon

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The New Moon in Capricorn will take place on January 11 at 3:57 AM Pacific Standard Time and 6:57 AM Eastern Standard Time. It is the first New Moon of 2024, and it presents an excellent opportunity to start visualizing goals and taking incentive to create opportunities for the year. The New Moon happens to occur with 1/11, which numerologically signifies 111, a time of hope, fresh starts, and the power to embrace our dreams. This is a cosmic moment when the universe is giving us a chance to make significant changes in our lives that we have long desired, as well as inspiring us to evolve.

With Uranus, the wild card planet of the zodiac, moonwalking in Taurus, and Neptune, the visionary, currently in Pisces, this lunation aspect presents an opportunity to explore unconventional ways in manifesting our deepest desires. By thinking outside the box, we can transform our dreams into reality. This is the time to tap into our purest and most raw desires and channel them into something tangible. We might be moved to create something that gives hope to others and allows them to grow. The Nodes of Fate square the New Moon, urging us to step up and do the work that is required of us to move towards enlightenment — also, our calling and destiny.

The asteroids Juno (fairness) and Pallas (wisdom) aspect the New Moon. The dwarf planet Eris (desire), centaur Chiron (teacher and healer), and Black Moon Lilith (mystic and rebel) also connect with the New Moon. These energies combined with the fixed star Dheneb, allow us to evoke and awaken our passions in an effort to cultivate projects that speak to us on a soulful and spiritual level. Therefore, it's our time to manifest greatness!



New Moons are a time of new beginnings, which is why it's best to start with a way to cleanse our auras to bring freshness, excitement, and inventiveness to our lives. Light a red candle to evoke your desires and write your aspirations on a bay leaf (they are amazing to help manifest wishes and creativity, as well as attract positive energy) with a permanent marker. Then, light the bay leaf on fire with the candle to bring your hopes to fruition.





Shifts to your public image could lead you toward greatness, so it's important to lean into the change.



It's the perfect moment to unleash your creativity and craft something truly distinctive from what others are producing.



Trust your intuition and let it guide you to a deeper understanding of the matters and relationships.



Partnerships deepen, allowing you to connect with those you care about more intimately. This is your time to cement connections.



Creating a daily routine that balances your professional and personal life is essential. Taking things at a slower pace is crucial for relaxation..



Although you like to take calculated risk, now is the time to gamble on something you believe in order to win big.



Revitalize your home and family life. Dedicate time to sprucing up your living space and strengthening your relationships with loved ones.



It'll be easier than ever to share your deepest sentiments. Be sure to speak from the heart and let your feelings be known.



You are more powerful and wiser than you know, so use the New Moon as a time for you to stand up and assert your authority on matters.



This is your moment to shine and dominate the limelight, used as an opportunity to let yourself be seen and heard by others.



Use the New Moon as an opportunity to rest and heal. Once you allow yourself to recover, you will find it easier to handle difficult situations.



You're aligning with new people who are different from those you've known for a long time. Don't be afraid to build connections with them.