The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Starudust

The week begins with Mercury in Gemini squaring Saturn in Pisces on June 15th  and then harmonizing with Venus in Leo on June 17th. The juxtaposing energy will make us shy in communicating our emotions to full-on love bombing. Saturn begins its retrograde journey on June 17th which lasts until November 4th. At this time, we’ll be reassessing commitments and taking control of our destiny. The Gemini New Moon on June 18th pushes us to lean into our innermost dreams. The Gemini Sun shared a fraught aspect with Neptune in Pisces on June 18th, heightening our fantasies. Jupiter in Taurus connects with Saturn retrograde on June 19th, bringing structure to our visions. 

Witch tip

Written by Bri Luna

The New Moon is an ideal time to explore your visions. 

Working with clear crystal Quartz (the amplifier), and ruler of the higher chakras provides us with the ability to give insight and mental clarity when our minds are feeling cloudy and foggy.  Much like the power of mercury, and the swift electrifying energy of the swordstarot suite.

  • Select a room that is quiet and softly illuminated. Preferably, the room you choose will be the same room you use for each of your meditation periods. If at all possible, try to schedule your meditation time and duration at the same time each day.

  • Clothing should be comfortable and shoes should not be worn.

  • Select your quartz crystal (a single or double terminated generator is suggested) about palm sized or larger and bless your crystal in advance with any of the methods I have listed Here you may even place the crystal in the sunlight for an afternoon.

  • Once you are seated in a comfortable position, begin a rhythmic breathing sequence by inhaling deeply through the nose, holding the breath for three seconds, and slowly exhaling from the mouth. As you inhale, visualize cleansing golden/white light vibrations entering your body through your nose, and traveling down your trachea, and filling your lungs, chest cavity, and heart center with warm, glowing sensations.

  • As you exhale, visualize discordant vibrations, tension, confusion, and stress leaving your body through your mouth in dark, cloudy swirls of energy. Bless yourself, and your discordant vibrations in the name of Spirit or any deity you deem fitting when you seek comfort, protection, and solace. Cast these discordant vibrations into the ether to find a peaceful resolution.

  • Pick up your clear quartz crystal with your left hand and begin to gaze upon it, observing the unique features it has to offer (rainbows, chlorite phantoms, healed fractures, mists, etc) allow your consciousness to merge with your crystal.

  • As you inhale, use both hands to hold your crystal. Feel the transmuted energy, peacefully flowing into your hands. Let the crystal tell you about itself.

  • Your crystal may seem to come alive in your hand, you may experience warm, tingling sensations in your hands. For some these sensations may be calming giving you feelings that instantly make you feel at peace, or this may be a gradual process.

Gemini Moon Affirmation: "I let go easily and quickly. I communicate well and teach that skill to others."

Meditating with the Gemini new moon & quartz crystal will offer much clarity to confusion, worry, or doubts in your mind. Making you feel weightless. Allow yourself to breathe deeply and be still. When you are ready to return from your meditation, count slowly from 10 to 1 and open your eyes.


While you’re certainly not a wallflower, you haven’t been living your best life lately. The week ahead brings a more energetic and productive time that will add a vibrant vibe to you — which is going to squash your insecurities and help to boost your confidence in the days ahead. 


Although luck is on your side, you may experience delays in attaining your desires that could weigh on your psyche and heart. Don’t let things you can’t control create havoc in your mind. Focus on all the good you have in your life and let everything else roll off your shoulders. 


Looking at the world through a distant lens and perspective will allow you to see matters clearly. You won’t make the same mistakes twice and be able to resolve situations with ease. Now, you can problem-solve issues and not have to worry about if you handled such issues correctly.


Constantly exhausting your energy on people who do not respect your boundaries and spirit has left you at an energetic low. Fortunately, you have the chance to take control of the situation and give yourself a lot of tenderness, love, and care while you replenish your soul with extreme kindness.  


Exciting things are happening in your career — but you’re unsure about whether or not you want to pursue the opportunity being offered. Weigh your options and listen to your intuition. You’ll be able to commit to the right path if you do what feels right and trust the process.


You might be wishy-washy about what you want from your budding relationship. Rather than pressure yourself to make a decision, commit to being uncommitted — that is until you are sure of what you truly desire and wish to attain. Take baby steps towards finding what is currently in your heart.


Work has the capacity to heal you. The more energy you put into professional projects, the more you’ll be able to let some of your anger fall to the waste side. The use of energy keeps you busy and serves as a catalyst for transformation and a reminder to be present. 


Secrets and deceptions are being exposed. The mask worn by others is falling off, allowing you to see people for who they are at the core. Some situations may be scary, while many could bring a pleasant surprise. Use your judgment when deciding how to move forward in these relationships. 


You’re being pulled in two different directions — none of which align with what you want at this particular moment. Stop asking your friends, colleagues, and family for advice when your heart is saying the opposite of their opinion. The only person to listen to is the voice within you. 


Power struggles and arguments from several months ago are coming back into your life at full speed. Although you’ve moved on, it doesn’t mean that others have. Give them patience and let them speak their truth when dealing with their upsets. This will help to resolve the ongoing drama cohesively.


It’s time you own your part in a bad situation. Instead of blaming others, take control of the situation and try to make amends with others. You’ll be able to move forward in relationships if you show that you’re wanting to remedy and heal the past in an effective manner. 


At times you can dwell on the past. And, it only hurts your heart to rethink emotional upsets. Therefore, you should release the past and strive to build a better foundation for yourself in the present. The less you focus on things you can’t change, the less you will evolve.