The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

The Gemini Sun gently links up with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius on June 16th, giving us much-needed structure. Venus in Taurus aligns with the North Node of Destiny in the morning of the 16th, aiming to open our hearts and extend our finances. Later in the day, the Gemini Sun squares Neptune in Pisces, making us feel adrift, confused, ambiguous, exhausted, or paranoid. Venus squares Saturn retrograde on June 18th, pushing us to take a big emotional step back. However, the following day, Neptune urges Venus to take a big emotional risk in love and money. The Last Quarter Moon in Pisces on June 20th wants us to release the past and usher us forward. Mercury in Gemini and Jupiter in Aries gives us intellectual insight on the 20th to help us get started on our journey. The Sun’s movement into Cancer coincides with the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere on June 21, making it the longest day of the year. On the same day, Venus and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn harmonize, intensifying our intuition and feelings.

Witch Tip:

The Last Quarter Moon in a Pisces on June 20 is a great time to cleanse and refresh your altar. The Summer Solstice occurs the following day, so you may want to add seasonal flowers, fruit, or treats to your altar that your ancestors liked. Also, light a gold or orange candle to honor the Sun and commemorate the circle of life with gifts on your altar for the spirits to enjoy.


It’s time for you to put your delicate ego aside and try to make nice with those you care about. Rather than holding onto what has upset you, let it go and release the negative emotions this week. Then, you can find resolve with friends and continue evolving the friendship. 


You are longing to feel connected to something bigger than yourself. This means that you will be connecting to activities like that allow you to see the world at a larger spectrum. Opening your heart to these endeavors will make your heart feel comforted and filled with spiritual energy now.


You are finding out who your real friends are this week. Instead of getting very irked and sad when you realize how many people have recently upset you, focus on yourself. Don’t let the haters bring you down right now, think of this situation as a blessing in disguise when it happens. 


Self-respect can lead to a more fruitful relationship with yourself and others. Putting your foot down to someone's behavior allows for deeper intimate relationships to evolve, especially since they are becoming aware of the fact that they are pushing you in a certain direction. It’s time for them to apologize. 


You’re having a lot of anxiety in deciding the next phases of your life. Before committing to any new ventures, try to see if you’re wanting to continue the current path you’re on. Be honest and open with yourself about your goals. It’ll help you decide what choice to make.


Relationships take work, even the easiest of them can be complex and challenging at times. Instead of running away from dealing with issues, handle problems head-on. Allow positive growth to happen and flourish with those you care about. That way things can definitely be better within all your relationships.


You are manifesting your dreams and reality by aligning with the synchronicity of the universe. Pay careful attention to the patterns unfolding in front of your eyes at this moment. Once you unlock the code, then you’ll be able to make anything happen and attain the greatness that you deserve.


It’s a wonderful time to piece together all of the interesting truths and divine wisdom that were revealed during June 14th’s full moon. The universe is ready for you to use your innate detective skills to comprehend all of the mysteries in your life right now, which will be refreshing.


Take a deep dive into your subconscious. A small meditation could reveal a meaningful insight. Allow your mind to go with the flow and uncover roadblocks that have been standing in your way. With the right amount of insight, you’ll be able to comprehend your fears, anxieties, and worries now.


Although you were wanting to give your all to another, it’s important for you to maintain boundaries. Before you extend your hearts, make sure that the person isn’t taking advantage of your recent generosity. You shouldn’t be constantly giving without receiving any goodness or positivity in return for your kindness.


Your happiness depends on how you look at all that is going on in your life. If you see the half glass as empty, then you may need to embrace a more positive attitude to help manifest your goals. Seeing life from a sunnier perspective will open you up to happiness.


You are re-establishing your personal foundation this week, which means finding your place in the world. Keep in mind that this will take a while, but understand that you are beginning a whole new space for yourself that is not only transformative — it will heal and mend your spirit, too.