The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Mercury retrograde ends on June 3 in Taurus. Miscommunications and issues will cease at this time. Saturn and Neptune share an imperfect aspect with Mercury when it goes direct, making the post-retrograde energy confusing and restrictive. Saturn retrograde commences in Aquarius on June 4, urging us to assess the past to ensure we make good decisions in the present and future. The First Quarter Moon in Virgo occurs on June 7, allowing us to plant seeds for the future.

Witch tips:

The First Quarter Moon in Virgo on June 7 is a great time to attract amazing things into our lives. Being that June 7th occurs on a Wednesday, which is Mars’s Day, lighting a red candle to bring in your desires will ensure that your hopes and goals manifest fast. Write a letter of intention before you spark the candle to get clear on your dreams.


Things may be more dramatic than usual, as unexpected news has come to light. Instead of impulsively reacting to matters, try to write out what you feel in order to help yourself gain perspective during these emotional waves. The more clarity you have, the easier it is to find peace.


You may feel more inclined to connect to the world on a very interpersonal basis. You’ll find yourself looking into counseling programs that can give you insight into how you can delve into understanding others on a deep level or knowing what makes them unnerve themselves on a subconscious level.


Softening up your energy will change your work experience and will also make you a pleasure to be around. You’ll set the tone by making the day totally chill. The less you stress over mundane matters, the easier it’ll be to keep a positive vibe and tone, which is important.


You are feeling more social than ever. This will help in increasing your recognition and standing in your local community. There is plenty of energy to go around your peer group, which is why you should diversify your energy and connect with a lot of different people throughout the week.


You may feel like you have imposter syndrome, due to the lack of sincerity involved in the projects and endeavors you’re taking on at the moment. Your artistry will shine and evolve soon, leading you towards great heights. You’ll be able to embrace success soon. Don't fret! You got this!


It’s time for you to embrace a new attitude. Your current optimistic vibe will bring out your best spirits throughout the week. You'll be the one congratulating everyone on their fabulousness, and will be receiving kind sentiments in return due to positive vibes that you’re sending out into the world.


In order to attain fulfillment, you have to release a lot of energy surrounding the past. Be open to receiving and letting go of control on something you've had your hands in for many months. Letting go and surrendering to the outcome will bring the greatest successes out of nowhere.


Your imagination is running high which brings you the most insightful epiphanies this week. Your defiance shines through and brings a major recognition to your workday, allowing you to combine creativity and professional projects together. This helps you to become a brighter, artistic, and a more vibrant version of yourself.


When’s the last time you luxuriated in your home? This evening calls for a bubble bath and ordering in. It’s time to pamper yourself the way you so frequently pamper others. If need be, take a personal day from work and choose to use it as a time to decompress.


Everyone wants to hear what’s on your mind, so choose an environment conducive to conversation about your endeavors. You’ll find that the more you talk things through, the easier it is to navigate through ideas that are on your mind and that you are wanting to take on right now.


You are more socially and professionally motivated than ever this week. Align your personal goals with a partnership that can help to elevate your brand and image. There is a strong emphasis on speaking your truth and directing the show, which will catapult you forwards a better direction in life.


Life is a true gift for you, due to the face that you’ve recently faced something completely game changing. You will opt to focus on the more important aspects of your week and will want to be open and honest with your feelings, rather than hiding them away from others.