The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week starts off with a magical New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23 that awakens our charts and hearts to wonderful possibilities. The same day, Jupiter (who’s the traditional planetary ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces) ends its nearly four-month retrograde that began on July 28 in Pisces—heightening the good vibes of the New Moon. Mars retrograde in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius link up on November 28, urging us to take control of important matters in our lives. The following day, on November 29, Mercury in outspoken Sagittarius opposes Mars retrograde and aspects Saturn. Watch out for arguments on the 29th. Everyone is ready to rumble and fight for the sake of arguing. Keep the peace by disengaging in the negativity. 

Witchtips: This is a wonderful week to set an intention—particularly on November 23. Write down your hopes and dreams in a journal. Mtate on them for 30 minutes every day this week to help bring them to fruition. Sooner than you know, they’ll be a part of your reality


Sometimes it is extremely hard to take the high road with others when all you want to do is express yourself and put up a fight. The reason you are currently taking this approach is to make sure that you’re being heard and respected—rather than being pushed to the sidelines.


Keeping boundaries is important in order to minimize drama in your life. By creating extreme limits with others, you won’t be bothered by aggravating matters and be at ease. Just try to be present and assertive with others. Then, you can hold your feelings above theirs which can feel uplifting.


Compromise is hard in all relationships—even though you are always trying to understand the other side of the story. Try to find a balance in matters to avoid confrontations and arguments. This will allow you both to keep the peace and maintain a sense of comradery in the partnership.


Implementing change and growth into your everyday life may prove to be harder than ever— even for your transformative sign. Making strides at your own pace allows you to evolve when you are ready and gives you the chance to understand matters in your personal life from a clearer perspective.


Emotions may be high, making you feel as though you’re ready to combust. Owning up to truths and hardships is important to mend fences with others. After all, it is better, to be honest with others—that includes yourself— than anything else. Doing so can transform,  heal relationships, and mend fences.


Instead of arguing over spilled milk, set limits with others and don’t let them overstep boundaries. Know when to walk away from a conversation before it gets too intense and heated. Protect your energy this week. Do not let people hold you back from honoring your emotions and heartfelt sentiments.


As long as you listen to others, you’ll be able to navigate through any problems that are being brought your way this week. Before reacting, take a big step back and try to figure out issues through a cerebral lens and keep your ears open to what they are saying.


Your strength is shining through this week, due to your hard work and desire to win at all you do. Instead of downplaying your accomplishments, own them! You deserve to stand tall and proud—after all, you have attained the ultimate level of success due to your efforts and dedication.


Your desire to make more money may lead you stuck in the mud and unable to close business deals. Use your innate qualities to think big, not small. Don’t think of the net you will immediately receive, look at the big picture. Understand the amount you will gross in whole. 


The week ahead gives you a wonderful opportunity to invest in yourself. Taking a class or starting a project with friends can land you a big financial return as well as fun times that lasts a lifetime. Be careful not to embrace this lucky transit—it may pass you by. 


Old friends and acquaintances are wanting to connect with you on a deep level. The caveat to wanting to spend time with them is that you’ve outgrown many of the relationships, which is making you want to keep a distance. Think about who you want to align with right now.


You may feel as though you’re being pulled in many different directions at this moment in time. In order to find your way, it’s important to not lose sense of yourself and to always remember who you are at the core—that will help to keep you on an emotional track.