The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Communication planet Mercury in Libra gets an airy push to speak up from Mars in Gemini on October 26, then shares an argumentative square with Pluto in Capricorn on October 27. Jupiter re-enters Pisces on October 28, taking us back to the end of May. It’s time to embrace a new unconventional philosophy around love. Mercury moves into mysterious Scorpio on October 29, adding intuitive sentiments to our thoughts and mindful decisions. Mars retrograde commences on October 30 in Gemini and ends on January 12, 2023. Words and actions can hurt, which is why it’s ideal to release inner frustrations during November 1’s First Quarter Moon in Aquarius.

Witch tip: Your psychic senses are strong, making it a good time to take flight on the astral plane. Draw a circle in the air with your finger for protection, then use your personal magic and strength to peer into the deepest parts of yourself and others. Write down what you see in a journal to keep note of the insights that come to your attention. They’ll be particularly relevant on November 8’s lunar eclipse. 


There is a huge difference between talking about things and taking action to achieve what you really want. If you have been trapped in a situation that makes you unhappy and unfulfilled, then it's time to really reassess what you have going for you and be extremely honest with yourself.


There is so much that you can accomplish with a group of supportive individuals around you. You have an amazing heart and you are here in earth to share your gifts and talents with those around you — as well as to learn from others in this very moment in time.


Having honest conversations with those that pique your interest and sets you down a route of self-discovery. It is time to think outside of the box right now and having these conversations may set you on the way of doing so. You've got lots of time to expand your mind.


This week ahead is proving to be quite a pivotal period of growth for you from a relationship standpoint. There is nothing easy regarding the growing pains of life; however, the alliances you make during this cycle will impress you thoroughly and connect with you on an intimate soulmate level,.


There is an amazing dream coming to fruition towards the end of the week. As long as you keep up the hard work, amazing efforts, and tenacity to attain greatness by taking strides in allowing yourself to be inspired by the world around you, then success can be yours, Leo!


If you've been accepting the lower form of any situation, you have no choice but to confront others at this moment in time. Don’t allow yourself to settle for the lesser of the deal in the days ahead. This is a life-changing shift requiring full growth at an exponential rate.


There are major challenges presenting themselves. You may need to take on several roles or consider splitting your time in order to deal with everything at once. Either way, the energy you put in will be reciprocated. It’s time to trust yourself and show the world what you can do.


If you were your best friend would you say something nice to yourself or encourage yourself to get out of a funk? Obsessing about a situation you can’t fix will lead to more anxiety. Take on your emotions from a slow, steady, flexible, and flexible place to make any changes. 


Asking for help is very important to get to the next level. This is especially connected to your financial stability and self-worth. There are friends, colleagues, and family members ready to help, but you have to be willing to let them know you’re in need of assistance at this moment.


You’re in a hopeful mood regarding a major career decision. Words of advice: Be realistic with your goals and don’t put all of your eggs in one basket to avoid disappointment from happening. Understand the importance of being pragmatic and decisive with the choices you are currently moving toward now.


You are feeling more sociable at this time, which is wonderful for putting yourself out there to connect with others. If you are feeling an increase in your vitality and strength — allow it to flow right through you to have a positive and amazing week ahead full of optimistic vibes.  


You have a lot of power coursing through your bones allowing you to take charge and evolve in any way possible. The caveat is the fear is holding you back from making the necessary changes in your life. Allow yourself the chance to grow into who you want to be.