The Hoodwitch

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The Leo New Moon

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

August 8’s New Moon is urging us to evolve and grow. The caveat is that we are resisting the change that is needed at the moment. Going against the energy of the universe will create issues for us, which is why it’s important for us to flow forward and break on through to the other side of our emotions. This can bring bliss and goodness, if we embrace it. 

The New Moon sets off the Saturn and Uranus square that is one of the major astrological themes of 2021. Dates to look back on are February 17 and June 14 (along with the upcoming cosmic clash on December 24). The New Moon in Leo will oppose Saturn, who’s retrograde in Aquarius, and square Uranus, who’s in Taurus, making a fraught Fixed T-Square. 

The Fixed T-Square is urging us to stick with the status quo and to hold onto situations or emotions, while Uranus’s involvement in this cluster is pushing us to move forward and to free ourselves from matters that are not serving our higher purpose in life. That is why the tension in an already stressful predicament is creating inner turmoil. The only way to make a decision is to be honest with yourself. Think about what or who you love. If you are feeling as though you want to work on evolving your visions, then do so. Only commit to what makes you happy and brings you joy. Everything else should fall to the wasteside. 

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is described as “The Storm Ends, All Nature Rejoices In Brilliant Sunshine.” No other sentiment can be truer. It’s time to say goodbye to the trauma, which is the shadow side of the zodiac sign Leo, and lean into the beautiful vibration of the fiery sign. We’ve made it through the rain and the hard moments of the month, now we can enjoy life. The fixed star Mizar will add positivity to the outcome of the luminary. Mizar will connect with the New Moon, making it a successful day to set intentions and make them a reality. 

Later in the day at 10:30 AM PDT and 1:30 PM EDT, the Lion’s Gate Portal (which has been observed for centuries by the Dogon tribe of Africa, Sumer, and Ancient Egyptians) will reach its potency. Although Lion’s Gate is unlocked from July 28 to August 12, August 8 (8/8) is a powerful time because of the numerology of “88” (a number that is transformative, prosperous, abundant, and infinite). Being that it coincides with the Leo New Moon this year, it’s a very magical time. This is an energetic booster to manifesting dreams, due to the cosmic gates creating a triangle with the constellation of Orion’s Belt, the fixed star Sirius (also known as the "Spiritual Sun"), and the Pyramids of Giza. 

Let the sunshine in! 

*The Leo New Moon occurs on August 8 at 6:50 AM PDT and 9:50 AM EDT.

New Moon Ritual:

Take the Strength Tarot Card (this card represents the zodiac sign Leo) out of the deck. Place it on your altar.  Stare at the card and let it inspire you to assert dominance over your own life.  Light a gold candle (gold is the color of Leo) to call in the cosmic energy and spirits. Meditate on the areas of your life that you want to evolve, harvest, and transform. Write down the goals that enter your mind. Bury the paper in a potted plant, garden, or backyard. Tend to it throughout the year with water, love, music, and conversion.  Let them grow and your dreams will become real.