The Hoodwitch

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Venus Retrograde

Every year and a half, Venus, the planet of love and money, starts its backward march. This retrograde affects us, earthlings, in a more intense way than the others, because Venus resides next to us and is always in an opposite rotation of our planet. When Venus slows down, we really feel the slower down paradoxical orb on Earth. 

Venus retrograde can make us unsure about the best ways to invest our hearts, money, and emotions. Our confidence will take hits, and we’ll feel as though we are in constant need of attention and affection. Also, our belief system may change and we could start to embrace our own novel ideology or adhere to sentiments that aren’t part of the social norm. 

The current retrograde commences on December 19 and lasts until January 29 in the earth sign Capricorn. The pre-shadow began on November 17 and the post-retroshade zone will end on March 1, 2022. This means that we have a lot of time to navigate our feelings and desires in the months that follow. 

To intensify matters, Mercury will start its retrograde journey on January 14 and back its way up into the points that Venus will be crossing over in its retrograde motion starting on January 25 — bringing us a few different times and perspectives to deal with the situations that are brought to our attention. 

Retrograde is not all doom and gloom. The first Venus Star Point of 2022 occurs on January 8 (the second one is on October 22). This is when the Sun, Venus, and Earth connect in the sky and create a 5-pointed star that radiates positivity on Earth. Therefore, that is a pivotal time to deal with romantic and financial matters — all of which will help us manifest our dreams and visions for the year ahead. 

Venus Retrograde Checklist

  • Look at the past with compassion. Don’t judge yourself or others for things that are already over. Send these memories love and light. But, don’t hold onto them. After all, they don’t exist anymore so why should they rule your heart. 

  • Implement a beauty routine that you can actually keep up with. Even if it’s a 2 minute regimen that you do every night, the point is that you’re putting yourself first and taking care of yourself. 

  • Affirmations are key to raise our personal vibration and confidence. Write down a few things that you love about yourself. Say them in the morning and at night while looking into a mirror. This activity is going to make you feel stronger and loved by the most important person in your life — YOU!

  • When an ex friend or lover comes around, you don’t have to engage with them. Although curiosities are peaked, it's best to leave them in the past. But, if you’re wanting to get nostalgic and reminisce then go for it — as long as you’re aware that it’s just a momentary reconciliation. 

  • Money may not be as free flowing as it was, which is why we all have to watch the impulse purchases or keep receipts if we decide to splurge. 

  • Energy cleansing, like taking Epsom salt baths with rose petals, will detox the aura and calm anxieties during the retrograde. 

  • Self-love is important to enhance during Venus retrograde. When meditating, lay down and place a rose quartz over your heart chakra to start healing and growing the way you feel about yourself. 

  • We can also get a little lazy during Venus retrograde. It’s ok to slack off and to rest. R & R is essential.