The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust 


The week ahead is action packed and anything short of boring! Be kind to yourselves and others. Give yourself time to reflect and rest. You’re gonna need it!


The Virgo Sun and Jupiter, who’s retrograde in Capricorn, connect on September 9th, allowing us to expand our bravado and confidence. Mars starts it’s retrograde journey in Aries on September 9th. We will be dealing with tense emotions and a slower energy than usual until November 13th, when Mars turns direct. The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini on September 10th is pushing us to release and forgive the past. This luminary will add to our sentiments and emotions on September 11th, when the Virgo Sun and Neptune, who’s retrograde in Neptune, oppose each other. Jupiter, who’s been retrograde in Capricorn for the past four months, turns direct on September 12th. The Virgo Sun and Pluto, who’s retrograde in Capricorn, add passions to our visions on September 14th. Love and money takes an intense and unpredictable turn on September 15th, when Venus, who’s in Leo, and Uranus, who’s retrograde in Taurus, square off. 


What a week!



This week, your cosmic homework is to create an invisible forcefield of protection against those who don’t have your best interests at heart. Surround yourself with positive people and energy. Wear a cloak of defense to shield you from the haters, allowing good vibes to enter your sphere. To avoid energetic vampires, use selenite to cleanse your aura from their negativity, cleanse the corners of your room with sage, and detox your body by taking Epsom or Himalayan salt baths with a dash of Florida Water. Most importantly, allow yourself to take a break from the negative people in your life. You don’t have to respond to their emails and texts. Focus on healing and tending to yourself. 



It’s not that you’ve lost your gusto and love of life. Rather, you are simply exhausted from all of the changes and information that’s swarming around you. Therefore, it’s essential that you allow yourself a few moments in each day to rest and restore your body and mind. Do not push yourself to max capacity this week. Take as many naps as you can and spend time away from electronics to avoid overstimulating your mind. 



More than ever, you are relying on a higher spiritual power to help you find your way in the world. The lesson or big reveal is that you don’t need to look to anyone or anything for guidance — the answers are within you. The caveat is that you have to trust your heart and sentiments more. Embrace the deep and instinctual parts of yourself with open arms. You’ll find that you are always correct. 



People‘s actions will surprise you this week, leaving you quivering with intense emotions. Analyze their motives and behavior. Don’t let them gaslight your thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, you may find that they aren’t being 100% honest with you. Lean into your intuition to decide if you think their actions are or aren’t met with good intentions. If the situation doesn’t seem or feel right, then it’s important that you trust your gut and cut ties.



All of your wishes and dreams are on the road to fruition. However, you’re finding that you are changing your desires and inclinations at the moment. This means that what you once wanted no longer seems important and that you want to augment your decisions. Luckily, you will have the opportunity to revise your goals this week. Make sure that you choose the right path for yourself on the road towards personal growth and transformation. 



The innate desire that you are feeling for individuality has converted you into the offbeat lion of the troop. Marching and fiercely roaring loud to the beat of your own drum may be lonely, but it has its perks. You’ll be able to see matters clearly and from your own point of view, using your emotional intelligence to feel your way situations, rather than taking an austere intellectual stance. Let your heart be your guide.



Money stresses may be adding to your anxieties at the moment. The cosmic and astral solution is to implement magic into your current financial situation. Plant a money tree or attach a few pennies to the roots of a plant in your home. Abundance will come to you if you water this plant with TLC and attention. Talk to it and tell it your intentions. This will help you manifest money in the months ahead. 



Recently, there’s been a lot of drama in your one-on-one relationships. Before you try to make amends with others, focus your energies on yourself. Work on opening up your heart chakra this week. Work on healing yourself. The most important relationship in the world, is the one you have with yourself. If you learn to love yourself more, then anything is possible. Once you fill your loving cup with love, you can give to others. 



Salvage the week by manifesting your outer glow and reviving your brand. With your confidence swinging from high to low, consider glamouring yourself this week. Look into a mirror and state your positive qualities. Use this exercise to find the motivation to pursue your desires. Not only will this help to bring your dreams into reality, it will also give you the confidence and perseverance to put your plans into motion and pursue your goals.



Before taking risks and tossing the dice on a gamble, evaluate the matter thoroughly. This week, you will come to see that luck isn’t exactly working in your favor (it needs a little help and direction). This means that you’ll have to put effort into your approach to situations. Don’t leave situations and relationships up to chance. Taking control in how you make choices and handle matters will guarantee the outcome you want and desire. 



Your heart will become a garden of hope and inspiration. Your spirit is on its way to being a sanctuary filled with self-love and confidence. If you move towards internal advancement and use the celestial energy to your advantage, then you can absolutely become the person of your dreams. Don’t fall back on old habits and relationships that hold you back from progressing to your destiny. Keep the inner flow moving and growing this week. 



Your compassionate nature will be useful this week, as you are called to lift the spirits of those you hold dear. Being a rock for others in their times of need is your strong suit, since you have the ability to help others heal wounds with your ever flowing heart and tender sentiments. Just be sure to avoid giving all of your time to helping your friends and family to avoid feeling taken for granted.



Times are changing too fast for your liking (which can be overwhelming), Pisces. Instead of moving at a haste pace, take time to swim as fast or slow as you need to. You’ll find that you are able to accomplish and understand matters, situations, and relationships better if you allow yourself time to catch up to speed. Not only that, but your efforts shall bear fruits and more profits if you don’t rush the process.