The Hoodwitch

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Embracing Change With The Sturgeon Full Moon In Aquarius

Written By: Lisa Stardust 

The Sturgeon Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on the morning of August 3rd. This luminary will bring unexpected change and an unpredictable turn of events our way. During this time, it will be essential for us to move harmoniously with these cosmic changes and embrace growth. Coincidentally, this luminary occurs on Monday, which is the Moon’s day of the week. Therefore, we can expect a magical and revolutionary upgrade at this time.

This Full Moon will aspect “Great Awakener”  Uranus, who is currently in Taurus. Being that the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius (the sign in which this luminary occurs) is Uranus, we can expect to feel the potent energy bring sudden political upheavals and emotional erraticism. The need for independence within interpersonal will be high and we’ll all need to sort through our sentiments independently at this time. The caveat is that we may feel stifled and unable to move forward on a different path. Annoyances will rise, if we do not embrace change. Therefore, it’s important to accept transformation. Do not resist it. 

Several hours after the Full Moon, Mercury and Saturn retrograde will oppose each other in the sky. This is important, considering that Saturn is the traditional planetary ruler of Aquarius. When Mercury, who’s in Cancer, and Saturn, who’s retrograde in Capricorn, aspect each other we can expect our thoughts (as well as the overall vibe of the collective) to become blocked, pessimistic, deprecating, and confusing. With this cosmic energy, there is also a need to assert our voices against authority, which can lead to intense arguments with others.  

The fixed star Albali will be very close to the Full Moon degree. Although this star will add good fortune and luck, it will also bring minor disappointments our way. Expect to be 85% happy with this energy, but 15% irritated. While it may not seem as though situations seem fortuitous during the day of the Full Moon, we’ll see successes come to life the following day.  

The Sabian symbol is “On A Vast Staircase Stand People Of Different Types, Graduated Upward.” It’s time to open our minds and hearts to new possibilities — even if we are not ready. We must head towards enlightenment. Emotions will be tested; horever, we must honor our burgeoning hearts. Remember change is hard, but necessary.  

*The Sturgeon Full Moon occurs on August 3rd at 8:59AM PST and 11:59AM EST.

Full Moon Ritual

Cleanse your aura with the following bath for growth without any hitches.

Make Moon Water for the bath by laying a tub or pitcher of water under the Full Moon or by the window to absorb the lunar energy. 

½ Cup of Epsom or Himalyan Salt to cleanse and heal our energetic field. 

¼ Cup of Baking Soda to get rid of negativity. 

5 Drops of Rose Oil to help move our dreams and desires forward.

6 White Carnation Flowers to guide us towards positivity. 

¼ Cup of Sesame Seeds to remove blockages.