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The Taurus New Moon and Earth Day 2020

Astrology by: Lisa Stardust 

The New Moon and Earth Day coincide this year on April 22nd. This year, these two events bring necessary change to everyone — on both a global and personal level. 

This luminary aligns with Uranus, the planet of innovation and rebellion. During this time, we can expect emotions to be erratic and uncontrollable. Changes (which can be good or bad), will be inevitable and unavoidable. The cosmos are pushing us all towards embracing new and unprecedented ways — which will be challenging for the rigid Taurean energy. The only way to avoid drama will be to embrace personal growth within and to go with the flow. Situations that have been bordering on problematic may become extra sparky and electric, prompting us to rebel against such circumstances.  

The New Moon connects with the fixed star Sharatan. This energy can bring defeat or danger our way. Therefore, it’s essential that we lean into areas and relationships where we feel stable and safe. Disengaging (at least temporarily) with people and things who disrupt our peace and sense of stability is essential. Close your eyes and feel the most reliable essence of all — Mother Nature. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow.” Yes, circumstances are seemingly hard. But, with faith in ourselves and the universe we can overcome adversity together. 

All of the recent global events that have recently rocked the world are coming to a head. We may see monetary and relationship shifts during this luminary as a result. Changes will occur in our social circles and our professional standing. Food will be harder to source (or our diets will be different), resulting in different means of cultivating food. This relates to how supermarkets and restaurants sell, produce, or acquire food. Unfortunately, we are starting to see such shifts now. However, they will be more noticeable in the upcoming days. There may be a global return to traditionalist methods, in which we grow our own food and rely solely on the Earth to harvest our food. 

The caveat is that we (as a collective) haven’t been gentle or loving to the Earth. We have to learn to appreciate Mother Earth for all that she generously bestows upon us: the air we breathe, the food she harvests, and the life she brings to all beings who are lucky to occupy her planet. 

*The New Moon occurs April 22nd at 7:26PM PST and 10:26PM EST.

New Moon Manifestation Ritual


-Tobacco or a Cup of Milk and Honey 


-Pen and Banana Peel (use the banana peep to write on instead of paper)


-Cast a circle of protection.

-Call in the elements (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water).

-Dig out dirt in the ground. 

-Meditate on connecting with Mother Earth. 

-Thank and honor her in your thoughts for bringing us abundance and life.

-Write your intention on the banana peel and bury it in the ground to connect Mother Nature with the fruit of the Earth. If you don’t have access to a backward or soiled area, you can bury your letter of intention in the soil of a household plant or keep it in a bag. 

-Use the tobacco or glass of milk and honey as an offering to Mother Nature to bring your intentions to fruition.