The Hoodwitch

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The Frost Lunar Eclipse in Gemini


Astrology by Lisa Stardust 


The lunar eclipse in Gemini occurs on November 30th is pushing us all to think with our hearts, rather than act out our emotions (which will prove to be hard). Passions will be ignited, but they will be easily tempered as long as we use our intellect to rationalize around matters.


The planetary ruler of the Moon, Mercury, is in Scorpio, and is moving past a soft connection with the Sagittarius Sun, who’s planetary ruler is in Capricorn. Passions are heightened, as we are on a quest to expand our knowledge and understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Being that Mercury is in the late degrees of Scorpio, which is a mute and highly intuitive sign, we will have to rely on our gut feelings and accept them as truths. No more second guessing our intuition. The following day, Mercury moves into Sagittarius, urging us to vocalize our emotions. 


Healing centaur Chiron, who’s in Aries, aligns with the eclipse degrees. This will give us the chance to make amends with others or even forgive ourselves for our involvement in matters that could’ve hurt those we care about. Perhaps we will be able to give people answers and clarity to situations from the past and move forward in a new direction with them. 


The Sabian Symbol associated with this eclipse is “A Quiver Filled With Arrows.” This means that we will be armed with words that can hurt (which relates to the Gemini-Sagittarius vibe). Think before speaking. Words can hurt. Be careful about what tricks others have up their sleeves, as the Mercurial vibe can lead to confusion. When confronted with issues, take a step back and think about how to proceed. Don’t act impulsively. By doing this, we’ll be able to avoid dramas from happening in our personal lives and relationships.


The fixed star Ain aligns with the Gemini Moon, adding to the directness and over the top emotional energy. Ain will also help to bring matters to light. Deceptions and truths will be revealed, making us rethink matters and relationships. Being that this eclipse is on the Gemini-Sagittarius nodal axis, we can expect to hear information about ourselves or others that will expose scandals and situations. Keep in mind that some of the news we hear may not be real or a version of the truth. Before reacting, think about how to move forward. The caveat with this energy is that we will be inclined to ignore the red flags because we are in denial of reality or the facts of the matter. 


Another element of the eclipse is the need we’ll all have to do things twice. With the Gemini energy comes the desire to give matters and relationships a second chance (because Gemini is a dualistic sign that does things two times). It’s totally fine to forgive, forget, and move on — but, only if you’re ready to. Try to be more gentle and less critical of yourself (as well as others) during this eclipse. Then, everyone can heal in their own ways.


*The lunar eclipse occurs on November 30th at 1:29AM PDT and 4:29AM EDT.



Cleansing Ritual for the Lunar Eclipse:


Set intention by noting what you want to cleanse in your life or space.


Blend lemon oil, rinds, or lemon verbena (the essence of Gemini) along with fresh lavender or oil and peppermint sprigs or oil in a bowl. 


Place the bowl in the middle of the room. 


The herbs, flowers, and essences will organically purify the space and detox your mind.