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The Astrology Chart Of A Serial Killer

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Serial Killer Astrology

There’s a lot of untrue facts and propaganda circulating the internet and astrology world about

which zodiac sign has the most number of serial killers. To be honest, when we were shocked

with the findings. But, the numbers don’t lie and the findings we’ve discovered will expose

shocking results (or maybe not so shocking results). Regardless, it’ll leave chills running down

your spine.

The Zodiac Signs Most Likely to be Serial Killers (based on actual data for each zodiac



55 Serial Killers

Capricorns have a darker side to themselves that they hide from the world. And, when their

tempers come, it takes center stage as they don’t take mercy on others.


46 Serial Killers

Like the mythology behind the sign, Leos serial killers have engaged in sexual torture or

cannibalism the most when they seek out punishment for having their delicate egos bruised.


43 Serial Killers

Known for their fiery tempers that flair up now and again, Sagittariuses are known to commit the

most gruesome of crimes (like body dismemberment and necrophilia).

Aries, Libra, Scorpio, and Aquarius are all TIED

42 Serial Killers Each

Aries and Scorpios are known for crimes of passion, due to the fact that they are both ruled by

the planet Mars. Whereas, Libra can become extremely unhinged when they become

imbalanced. Aquarians like to engage and watch their victims being tortured.

Gemini and Pisces are TIED

40 Serial Killers Each

Gemini and Pisces are both mutable signs. Meaning, they can pick up the energy of others,

which can make them feel kooky and seek out murder pow plots for revenge.


39 Serial Killers

Most of the murders committed by Virgos aren’t violent acts. They are caused as a result of a

bank robbery or theft gone wrong. Virgos are way too methodical to get caught for a

premeditated murder.


34 Serial Killers

Cancers engage in the most sexual related serial killings and strangulations. They also engage

in blackmail the most, which is a result of their emotional mindset and nature.


22 Serial Killers

Tauruses don’t have a thrill to kill. Based on data. are actually the least likely to be serial killers.

Maybe it’s their big hearts or innate laziness that stops them in their murderous tracks.

Signature Aspects of a Serial Killer in the Birth Chart

Mars is the planet known for action and war. Therefore, it’s the main component of what we

would look at in a birth chart of a serial killer. People who have Neptunian influences on their

Mars can act out the most. This is due to their innate frustrations and delusions. Mars places on

the South Node of Destiny in the natal chart can point to the native having an inability in

expressing their emotions properly. This creates violent temper tantrums that can become


Evocative Pluto can be volatile and excitable when triggered. Pluto has to win at all costs and

make their points be known. On a bad day, the planet Pluto can be very controlling and create

triangular situations that can lead to passionate meltdowns resulting in violence. Look to Pluto’s

connection with Mercury and the Nodes of Destiny in the natal birth chart to see any signature

aspects of a serial killer.