The Hoodwitch

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Artist Fabian Oefner

The first New Moon of 2020 occurs January 24th in airy Aquarius. Known for its quirky nature, Aquarian walk their own path and have a unique sense of self. Under this luminary, we will be cosmically pushed to embrace our evocative nature (that not many see) and take a walk on the wild side. 

The New Moon squares off with Uranus, who is currently in Taurus. Coincidentally, Uranus is the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius (the traditional ruler of Saturn). This will aspect will bring sudden changes and losses our way — all of which we did not see coming. It’s also a celestial call for us to let our freak flags fly. 

The fixed star Dabih connects with the New Moon and adds fear, reserve, and mistrust in the process of our evolutionary goals — particularly through friends, Those who do not understand our sentiments and desires will fall to the waste side, as our hearts yearn to be free and seen. Although letting go is hard, it’s essential at this time for our personal growth. 

The Sabian symbol for this luminary is “A Council Of Ancestors Is Seen Implementing The Efforts Of A Young Leader.” Therefore, it’s necessary for us to acknowledge the past and present. Blending these energies together will help us become our own individual in the world and become the person of our dreams. Our ancestors are supporting our growth, which is a blessing. 

Lean into your fabulous unique self! Let go of the restraints and norms that hold you back. Like a butterfly, we are in the midst of a personal metamorphosis towards change. Spread your wings and fly!

*The New Moon occurs January 24th at 1:41PM PST and 4:42PMEST.

New Moon Ritual:

For this ritual, we will be working with the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius — which is Uranus. The reason being is that we are all going through major shake ups and transformations. We need to honor change, instead of working against it, in order to ensure cosmic protection during these turbulent and erratic times (also, to protect and give strength to our relationship with ourselves, as insecurities may flair up) This will allow you to embrace and bring luck to your unique thoughts and notions, rather than work against it. 

Use a Blue-Green (if you don’t have this particular hue, you can use Blue or Green) candle. 

Make a sigil with your intention by writing out your New Moon goals and deleting the vowels and striking out the duplicate consonants. Carve your zodiac sign into one side of the candle, your name, your personal sigil, and the glyph (astrological symbol) of the planet Uranus.

Place cloves, nutmeg, and the juice of half of a lime (all of these are essences of Uranus) into a mixing bowl. 

Rub the blended essences on the candle.

You can add blue or green glitter for decorations. Also, a butterfly to mark the transformative nature of Uranus. 

Meditate on your intentions. Breathe deeply and exhale. 

Light the candle.