The Hoodwitch

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Artwork by Denis Sheckler

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

“Don’t dream it. Be it.”

- The Rocky Horror Picture Show


Let’s start off by discussing the two planetary retrogrades this week. Pluto starts it’s backwards walk in the sign of Capricorn on April 24th. Unlike most other planetary retrogrades, Pluto’s moonwalk allows us to have a softer look at what needs to change in our lives. We have until October 2nd to transform and evolve, while letting go of the constraints that hold us back. Inner demons, and phobias will be unleashed—but, we will be able to heal ourselves through understanding our desires and needs. A few days later, on the 29th, Saturn starts moving in retrograde motion in the sign of Capricorn until September 18th. Saturn retrograde is a wonderful time to refine structures, boundaries, and relationships. More often than not, people choose to commit to partnerships and visions during Saturn retrograde. The only issue with these planets moving backwards, is that we will be forced to assess how we deal with authority and those who aim to control us. Both planets are gliding on the South Node of Destiny (Saturn perfects this aspect on the 30th), a few degrees apart from each other. This means that we are squashing past fears and transforming our view on the old, in order to manifest our deepest passions in the present. Growth is hard, as well as letting go of situations and people who do not serve our highest and truest interests. It’s important that we all look within and evolve the parts of our lives that are yearning to break free. We are also working with karma this week. The South Node is bringing big paybacks on karmic debts—both good and bad. Be prepared to see the consequences, or reap the benefits of past decisions.


The Last Quarter Moon, which occurs April 26th, in the sign of Aquarius aims to connect the world together. The traditional planetary ruler of the Moon, Saturn, will be teaching us all lessons. While the modern ruler of the Moon, Uranus, is asking us to find our worth in all Taurean endeavors (relationships, monetary alliances, creative projects...etc). Think back to April 22nd, when the Sun and Uranus aligned in the sky. Try to remember the flash of insight that serves as inspiration. Use that foresight as motivation to move forward. The Lyrid Meteor Shower dazzles the cosmos, filling the sky with sparkles until the 26th. Making a wish from your heart under the Last Quarter Moon will prove fruitful in the future, as it may come true.


April 27th brings action planet Mars, who is currently weaponizing words in Gemini, and illusive Neptune, who is still riding the dreamy Piscean waves, together. The clash of these planets will make us feel uncertain of what lies ahead. Trusting our intuition will help us overcome inner turmoil. And, if needed we can always add a dash of Abre Camino to our magic, to ensure swift movement toward our goals.




March 21-April 19


Revise. Reset. Rethink. These are your three essential words for the week. While your competitive urges may be strong, as well as your need for control, it’s necessary to take time and contemplate if your current goals align with your truest passions. Are you fulfilled in your current work situation? Are you happy within relationships? These are all questions that will bubble to the top of your already boiling pot, giving you much to think about throughout the week. Understanding your inner self will cause annoyances and insecurities to surface. However, recognizing your weak spots  will enable you to transform into the person of your dreams. Practice your breathwork and focus only on yourself. Most importantly, ask yourself, “What am I REALLY fighting for?” Then, you will be able to fill your spirit, mind, heart, and soul with your deepest passions.




April 20-May 20


Stepping into the limelight under the Last Quarter Moon will cause jealousy amongst your secret admirers. You’ve been hiding under a rock for too long, and now it’s time to show off your newfound self to the world. The only downfall, is you may feel unsupported by others at first. This is mainly due to their envious emotions. However, by the end of the week, you will learn that you do not have to make everybody happy—the only person who you need to focus your energy on is yourself. Being around people who support your professional and personal successes is important. Knowing who your true friends are may rock your world—for the better. Minimizing your circle and releasing those who do not serve your highest purpose will be hard, but essential for your personal development. By week’s end, you will find yourself feeling merrier and lighter than ever, without the dead weight.




May 21-June 20


Finding your inner magic may be tricky this week, as you are feeling lost within your practices. Blockages within will make you feel, for lack of a better phrase, stuck in the mud. This will cause you to become self-critical and anxious. Don’t despair! A road opener floor wash, to be performed under the Last Quarter Moon, will help boost your witchy ways and spirit. Removing negative obstacles in your path will allow you to see the light and manifest new visions. After all, your chameleon ways always give you the resilience and perseverance to desire better circumstances for yourself. By the end of the week, you should feel more flexible, able to make moves and decisions. Your luck will change for the better, giving you the ability to move forward with projects, situations, and relationships.




June 21-July 22


This week calls for you to focus your energies on yourself. Although it may be challenging, as relationships are consuming your mind, it’s essential for you to take a break from stressing over others (easier said than done). Disconnecting from social media and minimizing your phone (texting) usage will help you connect with yourself once again. The reason behind this madness is to lessen the frustrations of your overstimulated mind (also,, allow you to live in the now). It’s easy to worry and get consumed with the ongoings and emotions of others. The caveat, is that this forces you to give others your light, time, and energy—and not yourself. And, let’s face it, you need some you time. Live this week without your  smartphone and enjoy the springtime air. The Last Quarter Moon gives you face time with friends and lessens tensions, replacing such frustrations with inner peace and serenity.




July 23-August 22


Your needs are changing, for the better. In the past, you had a crippling desire for power, fame, and acclaim. This week, your priorities are shifting, allowing you to step out of your workaholic tendencies. Understanding that the world won’t end, or result in catastrophic events, if you take time away from work will help you engage with your peers and family on a deeper level. Take time to explore the other facets of your life and interests this week. Finding a balance between work and playtime will not only affectively alleviate anxieties, but also help you appreciate your life more. Although you may feel trapped, like the walls are caving in, with a little change to your daily routine, you can escape the stresses from the mundane lifestyle you’ve created—as well as a new happier lease on life.




August 23-September 22


The desire to commit may supersede (who, what, when, why) you are dedicating your heart and time to. It’s important to take a mindful look at all partnerships and relationships this week to see if your emotional needs are being met. While you may think of yourself as “needy” for wanting more, understand you are entitled to make demands. It’s okay to be selfish. You don’t always have to give to others. This will cause your loving cup to become depleted, lowering your esteem and confidence. Communicating with kind words will let your feelings be known. Don’t be afraid to voice your sentiments. After all, you may be surprised at the result. Just make sure your feelings are being nurtured by yourself and others. Always remember, your feelings are valid, important, real, and always justified.




Sept. 23-Oct. 22


Old wounds will force you to look inwards and implement new techniques to heal the past. The one thing to remember, is that life is ever changing and you can remedy and mend your tender heart, given the chance. While your need for nurturing and support from others (family and friends) may be at a high this week, take a step back and recognize codependent thought processes that are enabling you to seek comfort from others, not yourself. The lesson to be learned from both planetary retrogrades is to love yourself more. The best support is the TLC you give yourself. Committing to a new self-care routine this week  will merge your mind, heart, and body. This will allow you to reengage and reconnect with yourself. Learning to take care of yourself will open you up to growth under the Last Quarter Moon.




Oct. 23-Nov. 21


Your penetrating mind may take a pause this week to reflect on matters. While you often play detective to  uncover universal truths, your mind is at a standstill. For once in your life, your intense thoughts are taking a backseat to the logical side of your mind. While you may feel as though you are treading in water, it’s imperative for you to understand the reason your intuition isn’t raising red flags is simply because everything in your life is in its place right now. You do not have to put pressure on yourself to solve issues in relationships—because there aren’t many. The lack of drama will free up time in your personal life to start new creative projects, which have been placed on the back burner. Under the Last Quarter Moon, reflect under the stars in the confines of your home and relax.




Nov. 22-Dec. 21


Your need for dominance, security, and power have led you down the path of success. However, you are now contemplating your relationship with the material world, due to the solidifying of a new union (this can come in the form of a friendship, business, or romantic partnership). While making money is at the forefront of your mind, you are having second thoughts about your goals. A novel perspective (from an outside influence) has given you a fresh lease  on life, forcing you to shift your inner priorities. A spiritual awakening is undertow, influencing your insights and visions. Level up and move towards your higher self. Progress to enlightenment through meditation and light yoga to achieve personal advancement. This will guide you towards your next level of inner development. Only then will you be able to feel complete in the world.




Dec. 22-Jan. 19


This week serves as your karmic wake up call. While it may seem more tragic and fatalistic than it actually is in reality, you are reaping both the good and the bad consequences of your past actions. Your karmic debt will come back to you in one large payback. This could mean that you are allowing yourself to heal from past upsets and heartbreak, as you are gifted a deeper understanding of matters from an outside perspective, which means embracing and reconciling the past in order to move forward. You will have to look an old ghost straight in the eyes this week and allow yourself to take your power back. Not letting people have control over your thoughts and actions will prove tricky, but releasing the past will bring you back down-to-earth. Under the Last Quarter Moon, you will stand proud and strong.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18


Embracing the shadow side of yourself has been a long journey. Understanding the deepest desires of your mind and heart may produce intense feelings, or even force you to run for the hills in avoidance. Learning to love yourself and express your emotions will prove extra hard this week. However, identifying and recognizing your feelings will give you the opportunity to talk openly, honestly, and proportionally with your peers. If a problem exists with a friendship, speak up. Don’t be afraid to hold back your feelings in order to make others happy. People may not always agree with your sentiments and perceptions —but, that shouldn’t stand in your way of speaking your mind. Once you let your guard down and become intimate with others, you will be able to see your shadow self and let go of phobias that hold you back.




Feb. 19-March 20


Yes, are a sensitive creature. However, you don’t like to be vulnerable around others, as you are scared of not being in control at all times. This week, you are learning that you can be your most authentic self, quirks and all, within your relationships. Breaking free from the constraints and fears of being judged by others will be challenging, because you are learning to let your truest feelings and self be known—unraveling the comic mystery within. Grant yourself the opportunity to let go of control in your life. Ditch expectations and simplify expectations imposed by you and others upon yourself. Don’t worry about what others think and release judgements about yourself. This will allow you to feel more alive than ever before. Be the adventurous and wild sea-dweller you are, live free with no limits. Just be. Only then will you find peace within.