The Hoodwitch

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Courage Under Fire: Manifesting with the Scorpio New Moon

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

October 27th brings an intense New Moon our way in transformative Scorpio. During this luminary, we will be morally tested by the universe to make karmic decisions that will have a major impact on our lives. We will be given the chance to choose between our higher and lower energetic vibrations to make honorable choices. Whether or not we choose the “right” path to go down will change our future. 

Uranus, who is known as “The Great Awakener,” is in opposition the Scorpio New Moon in earthy Taurus. We will make major discoveries today, which will shift our passions, minds, and hearts. Revelations will be made. Secrets revealed. The only caveat is that our emotions may force us to act impulsively, which will steer us in another direction. 

Venus and Mars are currently in mutual reception, as are Mars and Saturn (by exaltation). This means that these planets are strengthening each other in the sky. Venus and Mars are forcing us to move towards our desires. While Mars and Saturn are forcing us to asset our individuality by letting go of the past. Mercury is in it’s retrograde shadow, creating internal confusion and uncertainty. We may be distracted by information that will prove untrue. Take scandalous and shocking news with a grain of salt. 

The asteroid Nessus connects with the New Moon degrees with sour emotions. Don’t despair! The asteroid Varuna creates a T-Square in the cosmos with the New Moon and Uranus. This is a triumphant aspect. Honor, grace, and courage will have power over our judgements which will allow us to reach our highest potential. 

The fortunate fixed star Syrma is allotting us cosmic inspiration and spiritual knowledge. We are getting divine help from the universe to take concise action during this luminary. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “A 

Massive Rocky Shore Resist The Pounding Of The Sea”—quite an accurate metaphor for the celestial energy—as we will all literally be pounding our heads against the wall while we try to gain clarity for the future. 

Under the Scorpio New Moon, it’s magically advisable to to gain a deep, almost penetrating understanding, of wisdom. Using a black obsidian mirror, with patchouli incense (an essence of Scorpio) burning in the background, we can visualize our passions and gain clarity on how to achieve our dreams. We will know which road to choose and who to trust from the visions presented by the incense above the scrying mirror. 

This will help us to break out of the constraints that hold us back and knock down blocks that stand in our way in our quest towards success. 

*The New Moon occurs on October 27 at 8:38PM PST and 11:38PM EST.