The Hoodwitch

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Artwork by @Indigo

Astrology written by Lisa Stardust


We start off this week with big Capricorn energy! The Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto are all lined up in a stellium (a stellium is a cluster of planets in the same sign) riding along the South Node of Destiny in Capricorn, forcing us to all to release the past and move towards change. All of these planets are also Combust the Sun, which means they aren’t operating as they should. Think of the Sun as a vampire feeding off these planets, sucking their energy, rendering them powerless zombies. Combust planets do not function to their highest potential, creating havoc and chaos in the cosmos and in our lives.


The Capricorn Sun aligns with the South Node of Destiny on January 16th, leaving us all feeling unseen and under appreciated. Our egos may take a hit, allowing insecurities to come out and play. Instead of feeling glum, we can mix up the energy and take a positive spin on clandestine insecurities by recognizing traits within ourselves that we admire and love. Making a list of all our wonderful attributes on the 16th will help us all get out of our momentary funk. If that doesn’t work, then try glamouring yourself with love.


The 18th is an extremely busy today. The Capricorn Sun squares off with rebellious Uranus, who is in excitable Aries. The Sun and Uranus are offering us a chance to approach situations a different way, giving us a new view in how we handle confrontation and obstacles that stand in our way. Healing asteroid Chiron, who is surfing in Pisces, adds a healing vibe to the frustration between the Sun and Uranus. We have a chance to use a new approach to heal old wounds today, if we choose to. The 18th also brings inquisitive Mercury and obsessive Pluto together in earthy Capricorn. Sex magic and spell making is essential on the 18th, as Pluto brings intense depth to Mercury, unmasking secrets from the Underworld. Our Spirit Guides may be extra chatty on the 18th. Honor them with flowers, as they are bringing infinite knowledge and truths our way. Venus, who is traveling in exotic Sagittarius, softly connects with Mars, who is roaming around in impulsive Aries, on January 18th. When these planets collide, they will burn down the house, or sheets for that matter, as they both add spark to our sexual appetites.


The 20th is another big day, as the Sun enters Aquarius, kicking off a 30 day period focusing on collective and humanitarian concerns. The planetary shift from Capricorn to Aquarius will make us all feel energetically lighter, airier, hopeful, and more communicative—after we get through the lunar eclipse which occurs hours after the Sun’s ingress into Aquarius.


January 20th, at 9:16PM PST, and January 21st, at 12:16AM EST, brings the Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse in Leo, which sounds more like a horror movie than an astrological phenomenon. The eclipse will be occurring at the critical degree of 0 Leo, heightening our desire for drama and passion. This eclipse is the closing energy to the Leo New Moon that occurred July 27th, 2017 and resolves the story from January 14th. This eclipse is the emotional ending to vision created under the Leo New Moon July 27, 2017, serving to illuminate inner truths and yearnings. Hours before the eclipse, on July 20th, Venus squares illusive Neptune, softening up our hearts, while adding confusion to our emotions. Conversely, we may make discoveries that will stifle us and leave us feeling shell shocked. This eclipse is very powerful. Try to keep yourself grounded and around those you love. Hours after the eclipse, in the morning of January 21st, action planet Mars, strong in Aries, and austere Saturn, dignified in Capricorn, share a frustrating aspect. The clash between Mars and Saturn will cause us all to feel misunderstood and unable to move forward. We may even feel “stuck,” and susceptible to temper tantrums as a result. Breathe through the morning to navigate through the day.


Mercury links up with South Node of Destiny, in Capricorn, on the 22nd, amplifying anxieties. We may hear half truths and false information today; therefore, it’s important to take what we hear with a grain of salt. Meditating, if only for 5 minutes, will help ease worries and stresses. Through mindfulness, we can achieve inner strength and transformation—which is needed wrap up the week. The same day, Venus and Jupiter connect in adventurous Sagittarius, expanding our hearts, minds, bellies, and wallets.


There may be setbacks throughout the week, which is why it’s important to keep the faith! The Supermoon Eclipse is forcing us to honor ourselves more, and only commit to our heart’s desires. Let everything else go. Commit ONLY to what and who you love. Most importantly, we must celebrate the love we have for ourselves. We will confront our shadow selves this week, which may expose past wounds. We all must try to be gentle with each other. Try to check in with those who are having a tough time. Offer love, comfort, and strength to those in need. Be sure to reach out if things get rough. Stay connected this week.


Sending light and love to everyone.





March 21-April 19


Your spirit will be full of energy this week, forcing you to release and charge forward. The Sun is draining out past life karma, allowing you to take your power back this week. Especially on January 16th, when the Sun’s intense vibes in Capricorn meets up with the South Node of Fate, clearing out old drama.


Planet  of love and money, Venus, is bringing you a ton of clarity this week. Especially on January 18th when Venus softly caresses your ruling planet, Mars, who is meandering through your sign. Just how hot is this? It’s a soulmate marker for sure, and a great day for you to be social. You might want to break out your candles that night, as it’s a perfect week to set some intentions around what you truly want to attract in your life going forward. There are definitely some surprises in store for you and potentially an out-of-the-blue meeting which could really change your life for the better—therefore, it’s important for you to  be open to new possibilities.


The eclipse brings surprises and chance encounter meetings that can impact your life for the better. Also, compounding you to see the truth, as you are reminded of your generosity and support in others—even if they don’t always see the best in you. Spend the eclipse energy focusing on your needs, rather than others to elevate the energy to the max.


Carry some crystal quartz and amethyst to fine tune your intuition, and let the Universe open you up to life changing endeavors.




April 20-May 20


You are a delicate flower this week, Taurus. A tug-of-war within your heart is preventing you from gaining clarity on love. All of your stagnation stems from inner insecurities with yourself, brewing beneath the surface. Past heartache and heartbreak is holding you back from opening yourself up again, causing you even more emotional pain.


Be extra gentle with yourself on the 18th, as Venus and Mars may prevent you from making a concerted effort to move towards your desires. While you may have been heartbroken and let down by others before, it’s important to allow yourself the opportunity to open your heart once more.


All of your friends have opinions to give this week—but, nobody knows what it’s like to feel the way you feel. Only you can understand and master your emotions. Try not to overshare with others on the 18th, as you may become frustrated with their unsolicited advice.


You might be squirming in the hot seat all week. An extra stressor on the evening of January 20th could make things seem extra chaotic, when the Sun moves from fellow earth companion Capricorn, to  electric and eccentric Aquarius. You may feel as though you are under more public scrutiny during this planetary shift, which may force you to retreat from your peers and social media for a bit, while you mend personal relationships.


Carry rose quartz as a reminder of your never-ending beauty this week. You are going to receive and endure a lot of spiritual tests that would have others running for the hills. However, your tenacity will gently guide you toward clarity and peace of mind.


Mirror and vision boards will help you navigate through the eclipse, especially on January 22nd, when Venus  and Jupiter align, bringing a shift on your own previous beliefs. If things feel tough, don’t despair! The cosmos are allowing humanity to pleasantly surprise you through unexpected actions rooted in kindness.




May 21-June 21


Your dualistic nature will be called to work together for the common cause this week, and you might even be a source of hope for the community-at-large. You must be careful to protect your energy flow at all times, and take time to meditate on your solar plexus (which rules confidence, drive, and logic). In addition to your solar plexus, be sure to look after and take care of your crown chakra (the connection to the divine). This can be achieved through reiki, meditation, or acupuncture sessions which will provide you with some much needed (and most likely) overdue nurturing.


Confidence is the keyword when in the face of perceived danger. January 18th is a game changer, as situations become clearer, while giving you more authority at the same time. You might feel emotionally drained, on the evening of January 19th when illusive Neptune shares a minor frustration the Capricorn Sun. Opt to rest and take a lovely bath filled with healing  essential oils, as the 19th is a serious self-care day for you, Gemini.


Your soul's wounds will be exposed under the eclipse, however, don't hold out for poetic justice. Long term heartache will heighten your emotions under the eclipse, especially on the 22nd. Watch your heart chakra, as unhealthy love stories that may trigger you between January 20th-22nd, leading you to spend the backend of the week in tears.




June 22-July 22


You may be feeling tired of routine, motivating you to clean out your personal space (your home, as well as your inner spirit). The 16th allows you to get rid of toxic situations and people, which will serve to bring you to your highest and truest sense of self. With all the dead weight off your shoulders, you will feel more light-hearted than usual.


Be careful not to get swept away with your new success, you may assert your authority on others January 18th. Use the Plutonian energy to blow up the bedroom, rather than relationships. Sexual passions are begging for indulgence, and you might even uncover a new kink on the 20th, while diving deep into your psyche. Enjoy the rapture.


The cosmic energy this week gets extra tricky during the lunar eclipse. The eclipse will bring extra confidence your way, inspiring you to cut the cord and correct your inner mindset. As you glide towards your personal power, you may project your past issues on to others on the 21st, as a side effect of your heightened ego, which will cause relationships to suffer.


Write a love letter to yourself, and those you value this week. Pay attention and give credit to those who have proven their loyalty and truly care about you. Use your pinchers to hold on to those relationships and release yourself from toxic friendships.




July 23-August 22


This week triggers your clandestine life to take control of your world. Perhaps a past secrete relationship comes back to haunt you, or, your secrets are the subject of conversations. While you may love the attention, Leo, you will need damage control on the 16th, to avoid your ego from taking a public hit.


Instead of running for the hills and hiding under a rock, embrace your egocentric nature and own your faults. Laugh at the gossip and whispers behind your back. Partake in the amusement to minimize the after affects and damage control. The 18th serves for you to find personal entertainment around the intrigue others have in your life. Play with the energy and have fun. After all, no one enjoys being center stage more than you, Leo.


The eclipse brings you into the limelight, skyrocketing you to infamy on the 20th and 22nd, through glamour and passion. The caveat, is that you may feel confused on the 20th, as others may let you down emotionally. Endings may be in store for you under the eclipse, due to false friendships and promises by others. However, you will persevere with your head high, moving onward into the next phase of your enchanting life.




August 23-September 22


You are feeling extra creative this week, especially on January 16th, as the Capricorn stellium galvanizes the artistic and romantic sector of your chart.Try to keep a positive outlook on love, when Mercury meets up with Pluto January 18th. You may have intense thoughts triggering your insecurities to rise. Take an extra long salt bath on the 18th to cleanse your energy and alleviate such stressors.


The eclipse will elevate leave you needing more QT than usual. Allow yourself extra time to recuperate at home. Lucid dreaming will be heightened on the 20th and 21st.

Keep a dream journal close to your bed during the lunar eclipse to keep note of your visions. Your intuition will be in tune with the rhythms of the world, connecting you to your subconscious on a deeper level. Pay attention to what the universe whispers to your subconscious—the spiritual world is enlightening your mind and helping you manifest your purest and truest dreams.


The 22nd will bring creative roadblocks your way. However, you can harness demiurgic setbacks by jamming out to a drum circle. White candles will help lift up your mood energy, while lightening up your aura.




Sept. 23 - Oct. 22


Lately you may have felt like you are trying all you can, but you just keep hitting a wall. You may be asking why things have been so hard when you are generally so upbeat and positive. Take heart in knowing that this is the result of a transition, and this is a week for incubating. It’s a great time to break out the flower petal magic, because your aura needs little extra love! You'll feel a bit of a reprieve on January 18th when Mars in Aries is trine Venus in Sagittarius, and intense yet extravagant aspects are ahead when the lunar eclipse brings forth a spiritual connection from your past.


Relationships might be causing inner turmoil, possibly due to  stubbornness. Patience and empathy will prevail in favor of freezing people out at this time. Try not to take things personally on January 22nd (when Mercury sits on the South node in Capricorn), as someone might be pressing and pushing your buttons. It’s an intense week, and there may be lot of hurdles and crossroads to tackle.


Work deeply with your throat chakra to speak your truth without hurting others. Your suggested mantra for this week is “I respond instead of react,” which is generally easy for you to do. If you practice compassion, you may find it easy balance out others and be a helpful source of light. You may even want to light some delightful citrus incense around your space to increase and invite in cheerful vibes while cleansing your aura. Remember, communication is far more effective if you write your thoughts out before you articulate them directly, especially between January 18th-20th.




Oct. 23 - Nov. 21


You have many incredible friendships and loyal partners revealing their intentions this week. The lunar eclipse will act as a catalyst to make discerning judgements about who you want in your coven (and who you’d be fine never speaking with again). Some people are shameless or unkind in their approach towards life, but, you have evolved above and beyond these haters. Be your own Shaman this week, and expect a very stimulating psychic experience that will remind you of your own personal clairvoyant and intuitive connection to your chosen lovers!


Root chakra energy is especially important for you to focus on, and January 18th is no exception when Mercury and Pluto share a conjunction in Capricorn. This is perfect day for delving into that past life regression session you’ve been holding off on, because you just might receive the incredibly profound insights you’ve been waiting for! Also, look out for a pivotal and transformative conversation that could set you on a completely new and unexpected path! Get ready for insights to channel in from beyond, but careful as well, and carry some hematite in your pocket for extra protection.




Nov. 22-Dec. 21


Jupiter, planet of luck is hugging you with an unlimited amount of positivity. Spread the good vibes around—even share the abundance with your friends who might need a lot of uplifting heading into an intense, yet expressive lunar eclipse. Host an extra special lunar meet-and-greet at your home and brew up some of that incredible CBD infused cocoa for friends around a camp fire, while honoring  your Spirit Guides.


Your love life may feel like a roller coaster this week, filled with excitable highs and lows. January 16th opens up your heart chakra, as Venus Mars bring s hot romance your way. However, the 20th makes matters of the heart rather confusing, as the future remains ambiguous and unclear. The 21st forces you to implement boundaries and decipher if the relationship is worth the investment of your time and energy. Think long and hard before concluding whether you wish to stay or leave. Make a list of negative and bad characteristics of the partnership. Ask yourself if you feel valued and safe. If the answer is no, it’s time to pack up your bags and fly away.


With Jupiter aligning with your Sun, on the 22nd, you won’t let temporary relationship issues bring you down! Your energy will be fired up, filled with positive vibes. Jupiter will clean up residual toxic energy  in your aura, giving you the chance to move forward on your personal journey toward happiness.




Dec. 22 - Jan. 19


You can expect connections and information to rock your world this week, forcing you to release outdated views, relationships, and situations. You might even experience breakups and shakeups. While it may be hard to let go, understand that you are moving to your soul’s purpose by embracing the new and dropping the old.


January 16th brings your solar energy to the fated position of the South Node of Destiny, draining your sacral chakra. This entire week holds major breakthroughs from Mercury, who brings messages and news concerning an earthly decision, affecting your root chakra decision, on the 18th.


This week may be very intense for you, sweet Capricorn. You are going through major changes, all heightened by the lunar eclipse. Light green candles under the Moon’s vibrant glow and meditate on aligning your body, mind, and spirit together. Change is challenging for us all, however, the 21st motivates you to transform your inner beliefs, even though  revolutionizing your core foundation   will prove to be hard.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18


This week serves as a reminder to utilize your personal strength. With the lunar eclipse forcing you to focus on romantic partnerships, you may forget the importance of your friendships. Ego hits and relationship setbacks may bring you down under the eclipse. However, it’s a reminder to focus on the positives in your life—not just the negatives.


Your spiritual aura might feel incredibly heavy in the beginning of the week, only because you are evolving. Carrying crystals to liven your energy such as citrine, tiger’s eye, and carnelian will lift up your mood. Pull an oracle card while you’re at it, because you will definitely be in alignment for guidance on January 18th, allowing you to liven and shake you up your mood—even motivating you to finally book that Ayahuasca session in Costa Rica.


Please understand, Aquarius, you are whole without a significant other. Use this week to focus on filling your loving cup with self love. Do activities you enjoy and enjoy your friendships. The 22nd is an extra special day for you to connect with your peers and share your hopes for the future.




Feb. 19 - March 20


There is a cosmic callback happening for you this week, in the realm of relationships. Previous  connections are making a subtle final goodbyes. In order to evolve, it’s essential to let them go.


The eclipse brings a lot of energy your way, leaving you feeling absolutely depleted. Be cognizant of your physical energy. Take several salt baths to heal yourself and cleanse your chakras. 


Fated sequences will be more apparent, even presenting themselves in what feels like spiritual losses at first. Lighting candles will help lighten the energy,  especially when deeply submerged in a nice warm salt bath. You can also burn intentions and send them out to sea this week. Remember these moments of release are pivotal in order for new growth to occur in the new season! Your aura energy will be most benefited by carrying smoky quartz, labradorite, and a little lavender oil.


Schedule some personal time to keep yourself grounded. A personal lunar ceremony will help you align with the cosmic vibrations in the universe, as well as manifest your truest desires. Also, check in with your personal progress during the eclipse and applaud yourself for your growth and transformation since July 27th, 2017.