The Hoodwitch

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The Shape of Water:  Super Solar Cancer Eclipse Bath Magic

Written by Lisa Stardust

The first Super Solar Eclipse of the season occurs on Thursday, July 12th, in sweet, watery Cancer, encouraging us all to embrace our softer, emotional, loving side more openly. This eclipse serves as a time for revealing inner truths. The sun in emotional Cancer will be blocked-out by the moon, causing us to feel a bit “in the dark” in terms of our feelings. It is a time to look within, and perhaps gaining guidance from the moon goddess, Luna, for insight on how to accept change and evolve beyond our current limitations.

Pluto, planet of rebirth and revival, is acting as the catalyst for growth under this emotional watery eclipse—forcing us to access our unconscious desires, memories, and to unleash our inner power on the world. Instead of focusing on others, use the strong Plutonian energy to transform your world, by manifesting self love through inner healing and personal nourishment. 

The Solar Eclipse, in the element of water has the ability to hold emotions. Water can feel and change shape based on emotions circulating in its atmosphere. This fluid element also has the power to transform and heal us. While we can get swept away in the currents of other people’s emotional needs, it’s important to ride our own waves, which will lead us to wash up on new shores feeling nourished by self love. 

Under the evening star of the Cancer Solar Eclipse, create a magical bath to uplift your spirit! This act of self love, utilizing the element of water, will help to dissolve past hurts and lingering negativity. Imagine the soothing, salty water cleansing you of your sorrow, allowing your soul to shine brighter in the light of the sun after the eclipse. 

To begin, clean your bathtub, while speaking aloud loving phrases to yourself. You can also choose an affirmation, a song lyric, or a poem. Play soft uplifting music to help you unwind while you charge the bath with a crystal that opens the heart chakra, such as rose quartz, which encourages self love. Lemon offers an added level of protection, while salt promotes purification, and rose essence works similarly to rose quartz for self love. 

Before the bath, write down a list of all your favorite personal attributes. Meditate on this list and hold letter of intention close to your heart to help awaken your heart chakra, then burn paper with the flame of a pink candle. 

Enter your bath ready to focus on yourself: heart, body, and soul. As you drift deep inside yourself in the warm, herbal salt water, close your eyes and dip your head under water to open up your crown chakra, awakening your mind to the atmosphere of self love you have cultivated in this moment. 


Bath Magic Ingredients: 


  • 3 cups Himalayan salt (you can also use coarse sea salt, epsom salts, Or kosher salt)
  • 1 fresh lemon
  • 1 cup of dried or fresh rose petals or 3 drops rose oil
  • Rose quartz for self love
  • A pink candle for harmony and love



  • Pour the salt into a large bowl
  • Blend in roses
  • Here are three alternatives for using roses in your bath:
  • -If you choose to use fresh roses, cut the flowers and stems into pieces and let them dry out for 2 hours by window under sunlight. 
  • -If you wish to use pre-dried rose petals, you can pour them into your bath right away. 
  • -You can also use 3 drops of rose oil, if you wish to use rose essential oil. 
  • Cut the skin off of the lemon, using only the rind in the bath salt. Make sure to cut into small pieces. 
  • Mix all ingredients together with a large spoon
  • Store in a container with lid
  • When adding to your bath, only use a cup full of the bath salt
  • Soak for 20 to 30 minutes in bath 
  • Melt into your own loving vibes as you care for your body, mind, and spirit, honoring the most important deity—YOURSELF!