The Hoodwitch

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Moon Void of Course Times

Saturday, November 12, 7:45 AM Moon void in Aries

Saturday, November 12, 9:42 PM Moon enters Taurus

Monday, November 14, 8:52 AM    Moon void in Taurus

Monday, November 14, 8:23 PM Moon enters Gemini

Wednesday, November 16, 5:57 AM, Moon void in Gemini

Wednesday, November 16, 7:57 PM, Moon enters Cancer


Astrology by Amelia Quint

Moon Phase: Full

Under the full moon, work magick that illuminates and reveals. All magick is heightened now, especially divination and manifesting. The Taurus full moon, a supermoon, amplifies rituals for wealth building, sensuality, and stabilizing your current circumstances.


During these signs, work magick around the following:

Aries- the body, competition, warrior spirits

Taurus- money, stability, sensuality

Gemini- writing, speaking, thinking

Cancer- home, psyche, family of blood and spirit


Dust off your resume, because today the love goddess Venus enters your tenth house of professional acclaim! If you’re feeling sorcerous , you can anoint it with Bergamot or Crown of Success oil, motioning towards you while visualizing exactly what accomplishments you’d like to bring in. Tomorrow, Mercury leaves secretive Scorpio for open-hearted Sagittarius, encouraging you to talk to a few strangers. Just be careful what you say: This sign has no filter, so you might be surprised what slips out.


On Monday, the Taurus full moon illuminates your cash sector. Taurus tells it like it is, so there’s no illusions about your financial standing after this moon. Luckily, this moon is fertile ground for money spells if you’re in a pinch. Lady Luna will also be in sync with Pluto in Capricorn and opposite Lilith in Scorpio—a dangerous combination that amps up your avaricious side. Channel that vibe into your career pursuits, but not at anyone else’s expense.


Today, it’s safe to let your guard down a little when your ruling planet—Venus—enters your ninth house of exploration. She’ll be in Capricorn, which is still a very play-it-safe sign, there’s no reason adventure and common sense have to be mutually exclusive! Tomorrow, Mercury moves into your taboo sector, and in wild-card Sagittarius, the leap outside your comfort zone amplifies. With Venus and your eighth house both in play, studying kundalini energy and sex magick can help you channel these intense vibes.

On Monday, a super full moon in your sign reveals the beautiful ways in which you’ve grown over the last six months. You’re more connected to the earth, your ability to create, and your sensuality than ever. Lady Luna will be in sync with Pluto in your ninth house (where the love goddess, Venus, has been flirting with you all week) and opposite Lilith in your relationship sector, so don’t be surprised if the new and improved you finds a new and improved partner to match.


Your urbane sign likes to keep things light, but when the love goddess Venus dances into your secrets zone, things may get a little more serious. Luckily, Venus is almost always a pleasant visitor: In sensible Capricorn, she’s concerned with what you’re invested in, so chat about money for best results. When your ruling sign—Mercury—enters Sagittarius tomorrow, your loved ones need your advice more than usual. Just be careful, as Mercury in this position can be more blunt than people might be ready to hear.


On Monday, the Taurus full moon spotlights your twelfth house of dreams, spirits, and omens. Know that your connection to the earth is what keeps you stable. If you see repeating numbers or deja vu, take note. Lady Luna will be in sync to Pluto in your intuition sector and Lilith in your habits zone, so consider starting a regular ritual that connects you to the truths that you hold dearest, and that you can access easily at any time. More than ever, you need nature’s comfort.


Your shy persona isn’t fooling anyone: Today, the love goddess Venus enters your relationship zone, nudging you out of your shell for a short while. Venus will be in business-minded Capricorn, and indeed, this influence could mix business with pleasure. Just be careful when Mercury enters Sagittarius tomorrow, because keeping secrets isn’t exactly this position’s strong suit. Mercury will be in your daily grind sector, so distract yourself by organizing your way into a zen state.


On Monday, the Taurus full moon illuminates your friendship zone, cracking your heart open a little wider still. Lady Luna will be in sync to Pluto in your partnership zone and Lilith in your romance sector, so if nothing else, rest assured that you’ll be in your feelings. How can someone feel so much love at once? If anyone could find the answer, it’s you, sweet Cancer. Enjoy the rush of empathy, but keep your boundaries strong. You can’t take care of others without taking care of yourself.


Whether you’re starting from the bottom or a billion dollars on the elevator, one thing’s for sure: This week, you’re making major deals. The love goddess, Venus, enters your daily grind sector today, activating Capricorn’s ambitious energy. Tomorrow, Mercury enters outspoken Sagittarius, your romance sign. Speak up for your sensual needs and wants. If there was ever a time to take your pleasure seriously, it’s now.


On Monday, the Taurus super full moon puts you in the spotlight. Lady Luna pings your professional sector, along with a sync from Pluto in your health zone and tension from Lilith at the base of your chart. You’re at the top of your game, but demands from your private life could put a strain on your progress. Don’t lash out. Instead, take care of your own, and find it in your soul to channel that rage into your performance. It’ll be worth it.


It seems romance is following you, Virgo, and this week is no exception: When the love goddess—Venus—enters your pleasure sector today, you’ll feel more connected to your ability to enjoy yourself than you have in a long time. When your ruling sign—Mercury—enters Sagittarius tomorrow, activating your origins house, your environment follows suit, giving you the perfect sanctuary in which to explore your newfound sensuality. Sagittarius is frank, so ask for what you desire directly.


On Monday, the Taurus full moon illuminates your house of exploration, urging you to push your boundaries in ways that feel good and safe to you. Lady Luna will be in sync with Pluto in your pleasure zone and Lilith in your communication sector, so again, things unfold naturally if you ask for what you want. Alternately, this could be the seed of a creative idea or the beginning of a course of study. Invoke the muses for a blessing as you move ahead on your new path.


Since lucky Jupiter took up residence in your sign since August, you may have been too optimistic about your capacity to handle the onslaught of impressive opportunities. That’s okay! Today, the love goddess and your ruling planet—Venus—enters your private sector, giving you a cozy place to rest and review. Tomorrow, Mercury moves into your communication sector, helping you integrate the lessons you’ve learned so far into a cohesive story. You’re wiser than you were a month ago. Think about that.


On Monday, the Taurus full moon reveals any skeletons in your closet that need to be removed before they’re discovered and aired by someone else. Lady Luna will be in sync with Pluto in your origins zone and Lilith in your value sector, so consider that this could be as simple as insecurities that are keeping you from achieving all that you could over the next twelve months. Jupiter dreams big, and there’s no room for limiting beliefs when he’s close. Shed them, and move on.


As a Scorpio, you’re constantly in self-protection mode, sizing up others as competitors or potential threats. Today, when Venus enters your connection sector, change the way you view your wider network. In fact, Venus in this position could symbolize an acquaintance you find very charming—and with whom the feeling is mutual. Tomorrow, Mercury into your wealth building sector sets your mind alight with ideas for growing your empire. Sagittarius ideals, like travel and expansion, pay off now.


On Monday, the Taurus full moon in your relationship zone stabilizes partnerships that serve your soul and severs those that are hindering your growth. Don’t resist this change. Instead, ask yourself what nourishment that partner provided for a time. Lady Luna will be in sync to Pluto in your storytelling sector and opposite Lilith in your sign, so the urge to drag someone else could be strong. Whatever happens, you’ll be a better communicator for it.


If you’re feeling the weight of Saturn in your sign since last fall, the love goddess—Venus—comes bearing gifts today. She dances into your value house, reviving any lost faith in your ability to make ends meet, as well as opening the road towards financial stability. Tomorrow, Mercury enters your sign for the next several giving you the words, wit, and wisdom you’ll need in order to close any monetary deals and make your dreams of wealth a reality.


On Monday, the Taurus full moon lights up your daily grind sector, in sync to Pluto in your money house and opposite Lilith in your spirituality zone. Have you been taking care of yourself, Sagittarius? Read up on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and make sure you have a plan for the foundation: That’s fresh air, water, food, sleep, clothing, shelter, and sex. It’s hard to do when your spirit feels so disrupted, but with Taurus, you fix the basics and the rest falls into place.


Lucky you: the love goddess enters your sign today, boosting your charm and creativity. As a prudent Capricorn, pleasure for pleasure’s sake can fall low on your list of priorities, but put it back at the top now for best results. Tomorrow, Mercury slips into your spirituality house, activating your connection to the cosmos, dreams, and omens. Mercury will be in Sagittarius, so a new course of spiritual study could help you integrate your newfound state of consciousness.


On Monday, the Taurus full moon stirs your creative juices. It’s fertile ground for a new project or completion of one in progress. Lady Luna will be in sync to Pluto in your sign and opposite Lilith in your legacy zone, so what you do now feels important, almost too much so. Don’t let impostor syndrome get in the way of your progress. Instead, Venus in your sign helps you relax into the process.


Everyone knows you’re a starchild, but what do you do when your spiritual urges bring you back down to earth? Today, Venus enters Capricorn, your twelfth house of magick. It’s extremely grounded energy, calling you do work with exactly what’s in front of you. You could get a little help from a friend tomorrow when Mercury enters Sagittarius, your friendship zone. Sagittarius is the philosopher’s sign, so your talks with them could help shape your view of the world for the better.


On Monday, the Taurus full moon at the base of your chart illuminates where you need major emotional healing. If you’re feeling uprooted, focus on rebuilding your foundation by connection to the place where you live or building a home altar. Lady Luna will be trine Pluto in your spirituality sector and opposite Lilith at the top of your chart, so you might have to dial back your public presence for a few days while you reconnect to your spiritual self.


No person is an island, and that’s especially true for you this week. Today, Venus moves into judicious Capricorn, your eleventh house of groups. Slow-moving Neptune in your sign may have intensified your intuition, but it's also made you more sensitive than before. Right now, reach to your friends to keep you grounded. That way, when Mercury enters your career sector tomorrow, you’ll be clear-minded and ready to write, talk, or perform your way into any professional opportunity that comes your way.


On Monday, the Taurus full moon in the communication sector of your horoscope brings a discussion or creative work to fruition. Lady Luna will be in sync to Pluto in your groups zone and Lilith in your exploration house, so ask your friends for help and don’t be afraid to try experimental approaches. Whether or not it’s commercially successful, the work you put in behind the scenes nourishes your soul and those around you. What more could you ask for?