Full Moon In Virgo Wellness

A Full Moon that occurs between February 19 and March 20 will be in Virgo. Use this moon for workings pertaining to:

  • Getting organized
  • Detoxifying your body
  •  Cleaning up your home/office
  • Reviewing what you have achieved.
  • Catching up with small jobs, and daily matters
  • Healing your digestive system

A full moon in Virgo offers us the  energy we need to really clean up our act, and in painstaking detail. During this time it is important for the cleaning of our living & work spaces, as well as our bodies as each of these aspects are one in the same. A cluttered home/office often represents a very cluttered mind. Giving your space a deep cleaning, with some much needed organizing will set your mind free, and have you feeling light as a feather. This also includes the healing of our bodies, and digestive tracts. The particular force of the Virgo days makes itself apparent in the activity of the digestive organs. This energy influences the large and small intestines, the spleen, and the pancreas.

After the Leo party, the Virgo moon says it's time to turn our attentions to matters of our health and hygiene. Start this Full Moon morning off with a nice warm cup of lemon water to hydrate and flush out toxins that cause  bloating/ constipation. Lemon Water is highly effective in alkalizing the body, as well as  a gently detoxifying. Steaming, Hot Yoga, dry brushing the skin, or giving yourself a clay mask are also some easy methods to detoxify while utilizing the energy of this moon to nurture and care for our physical bodies.

Emotionally, during the Virgo moon women are mentally active but there is a tendency to excessive criticism both of oneself and others. Use this time to go inward, to reflect on our personal relationships. This Virgo moon wants us to be of emotional service, now is the time to offer this to others. Because there is more inward energy in the Universe now, Virgo full moon is not the best time for a ritual, unless it's a healing circle which would work just fine. Keep it small!

Full Moon Mantra: "I willingly release all obstacles and impurities so that I may be a sacred container for this divine energy."